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Chapter One: 1.0 Introduction
Several recent ideas have argued for allowing third parties and end users

Control over routing in the network infrastructure. Some examples of routing designs are TRIAD [6], i3 [30], NIRA [39], Data Router [33], and Network Pointers [34]. Unlike traditional network architecture, granting third-party routing control enhances network flexibility and extension.

Using this control, hosts can do functions that are challenging to achieve over the Internet today. Examples of such functions are mobility, multicasting, content routing, and service composition. Hosts can protect themselves from packet-level denial-of-service (DOS) assaults by removing the forwarding state utilised by hostile hosts [18].

Forwarding infrastructures (FIs) offer architectural simplicity and uniformity in performing several services, making them worth researching. Mobile IP, for example, enables host mobility. Forwarding infrastructures offer user control through source-routing (e.g. [6], [30], [39]) or the ability to insert forwarding state (e.g. [30], [33], [34]). Allowing

Using 10 forwarding entries allows for mobility and multicast functionalities that source-routing alone cannot provide.
Although user-controlled routing designs have significant benefits, their security vulnerabilities remain a major worry that has not been adequately addressed.

Malicious actors can attack both the FI and its associated hosts due to the flexibility of FIs.

For example, i3 [30] is an indirection-based FI that allows hosts to enter forwarding entries of the type (id,R), directing all packets addressed to id to R. An attacker can overhear or pervert communication directed to a victim V by adding a forwarding entry (idV,A).

This allows the attacker to eavesdrop even without physical access to the victim’s traffic lines. An attacker can use a multicast FI to magnify a flooding attack by reproducing a packet many times and sending it all to the same target. These vulnerabilities are unsurprising given the difficulty of securing flexible infrastructure.

This project aims to enhance the security of flexible communication infrastructures that allow for different operations, including packet replication.

Our project aims to demonstrate that FIs are just as vulnerable as traditional communication networks (e.g. IP networks) without export restriction on forwarding. Towards this purpose, we present many

11 techniques enable these FIs to accomplish particular security attributes while maintaining their original architecture and efficiency. Our defence solution uses lightweight cryptographic limitations on forwarding entries to avoid eavesdropping, loops, and traffic amplification. In previous work, we used techniques like challenge-responses and erasure-coding to prevent additional attacks.

Network security (NS) is a crucial component of every system. NETWORK SECURITY refers to restricting an authenticated user’s access to just authorised resources. While security may not be at the top of people’s priority lists, phrases like data secrecy, sensitivity, and ownership might pique their curiosity.

There are various approaches available to secure access to your system. Mitnick and Simon (2002) identify the human aspect as the weakest link. Gullibility, naiveté, or ignorance can exacerbate the feeling of security.

According to them, security is a people and management issue rather than a technological one. Successful outcomes require addressing both the “technology factor” and the “people factor.”

Access control allows or denies access to a resource for a certain entity. Access control mechanisms can be used to manage physical resources (e.g., a movie theatre), logical resources (e.g., a bank account with restricted withdrawals), and digital resources (e.g., a private text document on a computer).

Banks are secure financial institutions. They are typically housed in big structures, either commercial or residential. Banks store money, financial information, and goods.

Money and jewels have been housed in banks since antiquity. Bank security has been a long-standing concern due to its historical importance. Many of the world’s oldest institutions offer top-notch security. These banks include Bank of Sweden, Bank of England, Bank of America, and Swiss Banking.

Bank security often involves guards, a security system, and one or more vaults. Uniformed security guards monitor cameras and alarms while maintaining high visibility.

Banks and other financial institutions typically use high-end cameras and alarm systems. These security features are not limited to banks. These components can also be found in commercial structures and residential dwellings.

The locks serve as the foundation for basic security. To provide maximum security, use high-quality locks on windows and doors. After installing high-quality locks, many property owners choose for a security system, including cameras.

Security cameras are frequently a tiny component of a bigger security system. Systems often contain motion detectors, alarms, sensors, and cameras. Cameras are crucial for property owners to monitor and record activity on their premises.

Cameras can be installed by either a professional or the property owner. For complex systems, hiring an expert may be the best option. For modest and simple layouts, property owners can easily install a system by following the manufacturer’s instructions. If necessary, a local installer can assist in completing the job.

1.1 Statement of the Problem
Due to: 1. Fraudulent behaviour of some customers/workers.

2. Unauthorised access to organisational data or information.

3. Sensitive bank data and information 4. Valuable or expensive bank things.


14 5. Rising crime rates in society.

Developing computerised network security is necessary to address these issues.

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