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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Pursuing a computer science degree necessitates a thorough understanding of operating systems and their algorithms. It serves as a foundation for other computer science expertise. Courses like this have traditionally been taught at universities using physical or software document handouts.

The physical nature of this activity has made it slow, making it difficult to track progress and meet milestones. As a result, a computerised system might theoretically speed up and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of this procedure.

This project will include a software design capable of data gathering, storage, and retrieval. In summary, we create a web application with basic features and their interaction, and then allow it to serve as a foundation for additional industry-level applications that we can locate.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The proposed implementation aims to comprehend learning and instruction approaches and then translate that understanding into software. Several significant considerations will be made when implementing this notion. These considerations include:

Good User Interface and Experience

A lesson level tracking function to track progress in specific classes on operating systems.

Feedback mechanisms.

1.3 Motivation for the Study

The study’s motives stem from the fact that the ICT business is an important component of our daily lives, particularly in the twenty-first century. An operating system e-learning platform will help to digitise the education sector, particularly in computer science and information technology.

1.4 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The study’s goal is to create a web application system that can effectively store data and provide teaching in a specific subject.

Objectives include:

A comprehensive review of the literature on the adoption of various online learning platforms.

Identifying the critical areas of operation in connected e-learning programmes that require improvement.

Design of systems capable of providing solutions to the issues described in (ii) above.

Implementing the designs in (iii) above and making recommendations for the future.


The study covers a standard online learning application platform. It will include up to ten lessons on fundamental operating system principles as a test run prototype. This limited reach is owing to time restrictions and the arduous task of integrating such software over a complete curriculum.


1.6 Significance of the Study

The study’s significance is such that it can be added to a long list of research articles to which we can refer in order to instill the culture of automated systems in our daily educational operations, particularly those of learning institutions.

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms

E-LEARNING: E-learning stands for electronic learning, and it is a means of delivering all or part of a course digitally using a computer.

EDUCATION: This is the method by which instruction is imparted, particularly at a school or university.

Distance Education: Education is described as education between a teacher and pupils separated by physical distance and communicated using one or more technology means (American Association of University Professors, 2007; Oregon Network for Education, 2000).

ONLINE LEARNING: Online learning is simply defined as learning that occurs via the internet.

Computer-Aided Instruction: What is computer-assisted instruction? The term “computer-assisted instruction” (CAI) refers to instruction or remediation delivered using a computer.

CURRICULUM: A curriculum is a set of lessons and assessments that will be taught by a teacher in an educational setting.

ONLINE SYSTEMS: Online systems are systems where input data enters the computer directly from the point of origin (typically a terminal or workstation) and/or in which output data are broadcast immediately to the terminal point of origin.

1.8 Outline of Methodology

This idea and project would be implemented utilising the server-side programming language PHP and the MySQL database querying language. These languages were selected because of their server-side interoperability.

Their high level of security and overall web compatibility. Front-end technologies employed include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This will also be served as a web application through an online domain.

1.9 Organisation of the Project

The project is organised so that Chapter One provides a quick introduction in the form of the Background of the Study, which provides a basic overview of the notion of e-learning globally.

Chapter Two takes a thorough look at the various implementations of e-learning information systems. The third chapter looks at the system architecture, design, and analysis.

Chapter Four describes the project’s implementation utilising the relevant programming languages and development models. It also displays the results of the tests that were conducted. Chapter Five concludes the project with a summary, findings, and recommendations for future work.

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