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Chapter one

Background of the study

1.1 Introduction

Website design is the act of conceptualising, planning, modelling, and executing the transmission of electronic media material via the internet using technologies (such as mark languages) that can be interpreted and shown by a web browser or other web-based graphical user interfaces (GUIs).

The goal of web design is to develop a website (a collection of electronic files hosted on one or more web servers) that delivers content (including interactive features or interfaces) to the end user in the form of web pages when requested.

HTML, XHTML, or XML tags can be used to place items on the page, such as text, forms, and bit-mapped pictures (GIFs, JPEGs, and PNGs).

Displaying more complicated media (vector graphics, animations, films, audio) typically necessitates the use of plug-ins such as Flash, QuickTime, the Java run-time environment, etc. Plug-ins are also incorporated into web pages via HTML or XHTML tags.

Improvements in the various browsers’ compliance with W3C standards led to broad acceptance of XHTML and XML in conjunction with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for positioning and manipulating web page elements.

The current standards and proposals aim to enable diverse browsers to give a wide range of media and accessibility options to clients, possibly without the use of plug-ins.

Typically, web pages are characterised as static or dynamic.

Static pages do not alter content or layout with each request, unless actively updated by a webmaster or programmer.

Dynamic pages modify content and appearance based on user input or changes in the computer environment (e.g., user, time, database revisions).

Client-side scripting languages (JavaScript, Jscript, Action script, media players, and PDF reader plug-ins, among others) can be used to update DOM elements (DHTML) on the client side.

Dynamic content is frequently created on the server using server-side scripting languages such as PHP, ASP, PERL, ColdFusion, JSP, Python, and others. Both approaches are typically used in complex applications.

With increasing specialisation in communication design and information technology, there is a strong inclination to distinguish between web design for web pages and web development for overall logistics.

1.2 Background of the Study

Fidei Polytechnic Resource Centre was founded in the year ….


1.3 Statements of the Problem

Every day, millions of computer users browse the internet, each using a distinct monitor size and resolution. The way each user sees the graphics on your website differs depending on their screen, and there are no universal guidelines for making your site accessible to all.

Screen resolution is the number of pixels that your computer monitor will display, both vertically and horizontally. If you’ve ever visited a website that didn’t fit your screen and required you to scroll to the right to see the rest of the page, it wasn’t completely the designer’s responsibility. The website was not designed for your screen resolution.

Not long ago, the most common computer monitor had a resolution of 480 x 640. Many individuals still use this screen resolution to access the internet, despite the fact that today’s common monitors have a 1024 X 768 screen resolution and most websites are optimised to be read on these higher resolution screens. Those who continue to use lower-resolution monitors will experience the website very differently than those for whom it was built.

Today’s monitors offer a variety of screen resolutions, with the lowest being 400 X 600. With so many options, it is often difficult for consumers to determine the ideal settings, especially if they are unaware of the distinctions.

Visitors to your site who use low-resolution monitors will seldom see the complete page. They will need to scroll horizontally to view the right side of your page. Those with greater screen resolutions than your site is built for may see a little, thin strip, which can be rather aggravating.

One of the issues found is that the browser window and viewing systems are inoperable.

For example, some viewing systems will offer a limited selection of fonts. This means that any custom fonts will need to be included in an image so that they are available to all users.

Another key constraint is the browser that consumers use to see the page. Different browsers read display pictures and HTML in somewhat different ways, which can result in the picture being shown improperly.

The biggest constraint is bandwidth, which refers to how rapidly information flows between the computer where your website is hosted (your Web server) and the visitor’s computer.

Even though 56.6kbps and even 10Mbps cable modems are becoming increasingly widespread, many internet users continue to use 28.8kbps modems.

This means that the larger your Web pages are, the longer they will take to download and the less likely a visitor will stay to view them. One of the most important objectives of a website designer is to deliver as much content as possible while keeping file size to a minimal.

Graphics and animations are the biggest data hogs. A screen-sized full-color photo can easily fill 2 gigabytes of space, taking around a half-hour to download on a PC with a 28.8kbps modem.


The World Wide Web (WWW) revolutionised the way information was accessed from one part of the world to another. Organisations, organisations, people, and corporations are creating their own websites.

Having underlined the effectiveness of the World Wide Web above, the researcher aims to place Fidei Polytechnic Network on the yellow pages, which are easily accessible from anywhere in the world in only a few seconds.

1.5 Significance of the Study

In this age of electronic commerce, a career as a web designer can be rewarding. The demand for website designers is always increasing as more organisations strive to establish a web presence.

There are various website design businesses that hire talented and top-tier web designers to provide their clients with visually appealing web portals with stunning visuals and animation features.

On the other hand, finding a cheap site designer is no longer a tough chore; from the local community newspaper to the yellow pages, various web design companies provide appealing possibilities.

A professional website designer must continually improve his skills and abilities in order to quickly recognise what his visitors want. There are various vocational training programmes for web designers, and these courses are generally designed to provide a thorough understanding of the current tools and technologies utilised in the market.

There are numerous web design companies that offer low-cost web design, and it is also vital for web designers nowadays to keep their design costs low. So, it is a difficult task to balance quality and hours of effort in order to produce the end product, i.e. the website, at a competitive price.

There are still a variety of web development companies that can provide efficient web presence solutions to schools and institutions. Self-study is crucial for identifying the best web development company.

We must remember that selecting the wrong web design company can be a waste of money. Many web design companies now provide free domain names and email addresses.

Having e-mail with a suitable domain name is beneficial. Our presence is now one of the most important factors determining the future of any firm. The popularity of e-commerce will grow with time, as will the demand for web designers.


Having an organisational website improves the following:

1. Effective communication with members, scholars, activists, and potential members.

2. Easy access to administrative personnel in cases where their office location is not available in a specific country, area, or community.

3. Provision of instructional resources in the form of online/electronic articles that individuals can access, with information relayed to appropriate parties.

4. Effective transmission of organisational news and future events.

5. Improved teaching and learning styles.

6. To foster a knowledge of technological processes among new internet users who want to comprehend them.


This study is confined to the Green Lakes Peace Network online and does not provide an in-depth analysis of its total activities, while also changing it into a global organisation accessible to billions of internet users worldwide.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

This research activity was fraught with obstacles. One of the limitations in doing this investigation was time constraints.

Financial constraints were also encountered when conducting an in-depth investigation of this project. The limitations on the amount of data that could be collected were also a problem.

Power supply irregularities also had a negative impact on the researcher.

Despite the problems described above, some data was collected and will be evaluated later.

1.9 Assumption of the Study

While researching for this paper, I made a few assumptions, which include:

1. I will be able to do this assignment before the deadline

2. In the long run, this research would be available globally.

1.10 Definition of Terms/Variables

DHTML – Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language. Creating animated and interactive websites requires a combination of HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript, and Macromedia Flash Mx.

HTML: Hypertext Mark-up Language is a client-side scripting language for web creation.

PHP – (Archaic: Personal Homepage) Hypertext Preprocessor. These languages collaborate closely with the Web server to read World Wide Web requests, process them, communicate with other server programmes to fill the requests, and finally instruct the Web server on what to serve to the client’s browser.

SQL is a structured query language that is primarily used to obtain, update, and examine databases.

CSS – Cascading Style Sheet. A client-side scripting language used to style webpages for improved user experience.

ASP stands for Active Server Pages. A server-side scripting language, such as PHP. These languages collaborate closely with the Web server to read World Wide Web requests, process them, communicate with other server programmes to fill the requests, and finally instruct the Web server on what to serve to the client’s browser.

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