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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

A search engine is a type of information retrieval system that helps users find information stored on a computer. The search results are typically provided in the form of a list, which is referred to as hits.

Search engines, like other approaches for dealing with information overload, help to reduce the time required to find information as well as the volume of information that must be reviewed.

Search engines give an interface to a collection of items, allowing users to define criteria regarding an item of interest and have the engine locate the relevant items.

It is safe to state that the majority of operations, such as preserving research material, are carried out manually in Nigerian universities. As a result, the people in charge of the research library are under a lot of stress.

A research search system is basically software designed to retrieve research material without the hassle of moving from one shelf to another in the research library. These activities take place in the library under the supervision of a library administrator.

The purpose of this research is to provide a solution to the problem of a research library by developing a computerised system that is user-friendly and GUI-oriented while remaining compatible with existing manual systems. The software to be created will address the issue of sorting and retrieving research materials.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Prior to this period, most students’ projects were stored in the Archive Room. These projects were then organised according to the area of research. Over time, this work was sorted by students looking for a project topic.

The order in which these files are stored after they have been utilised may result in a project being concealed in the incorrect compartment. Library personnel in most universities face the following issues while manually managing research systems:

Manually sorting and storing research/projects on suitable shelves might be time-consuming due to the variety of topics covered.
Loss or damage to research materials can result in the loss of valuable knowledge. Additionally, maintaining them can be time-consuming.

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The study’s goal is to develop and implement a student research search engine. The goal of this research is to create an application that will reduce the stress associated with the current manual approach, as previously indicated, while focusing on a research search system. This study attempts to achieve the following:

To develop a database management system (DBMS) for storing research data and ensuring its security.

To provide a quick and effective way of collecting student research/project materials through a search system

At the end of this project, this system will improve the management of a research library and can be used as a model for developing a digital research library.

1.4 Research Methodology

To achieve the study objectives, it is critical to employ an appropriate method for achieving the defined aims. The methodology used in this study is to first outline the set of requirements to be met by the proposed system

where information related to the research work will be derived from the area of study; and then envision and implement the system’s design using the PHP scripting language, following an object-oriented approach.

1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research topic is only a component of a research engine system; it is not a research engine system in the broadest sense (such as Google); thus, it is limited to a registration module for users (students) to gain access to available research materials and a search module for users to find research topics or materials.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Search: an attempt to locate, seek, search thoroughly, explore, or investigate something.

A system is a collection of various elements working together to function as one.

Algorithm: Step-by-step methods and procedures for achieving a goal.

A database is a collection of organised information in a regular structure, usually but not always in a machine-readable format that can be accessed by computers.

Knowledge Base: A database designed to meet the difficult storage and retrieval requirements of computerised knowledge management, particularly in the context of artificial intelligence or expert systems.

Search Engine: An application that searches for and retrieves data based on certain criteria, particularly one that searches the internet for papers containing specific phrases.

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