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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Nowadays, the computer system is being incorporated into many aspects of society, and it is frequently observed that schools are abandoning the manual technique of information management, which requires the use of pen, paper, calculator, or excel spreadsheet, which is time-consuming and laborious.

In order to make information storage easier, western schools of learning are currently using particular software applications designed for result computation and information management.

The advantage of using a computerised system over other methods is that the percentage of errors is zero to none or minimal, and records can be stored in a central location while providing access to the records when needed, eliminating the difficulty in retrieving lost data that is often encountered with other methods.

Modern management information systems have evolved alongside computer technology and software. The history also reflects the shift in managerial control from centralization to decentralisation.

Today, all computer-based systems that gather, analyse, store, and communicate data as information are often referred to as management information systems (MIS).(George, 2017)

Many MIS experts divide the history of MIS into five eras.

The first period involved mainframe and minicomputer computers.

Second era: Personal computers.

Third era: client-server networks.

Fourth era: Enterprise computing.

Fifth era: Cloud computing.

The first phase, which began around 1965, was characterised by massive mainframe computers housed in temperature-controlled rooms and operated by computer technicians. IBM was the one-stop shop for hardware and software.

Due to the high expense of owning and operating mainframes, computer time-sharing was prevalent. As computer technology evolved and computers reduced in size, businesses could purchase minicomputers

which are still prohibitively expensive by today’s standards but affordable enough for large businesses to own and operate their own in-house computing.

The microprocessor was introduced in 1965, ushering in the second era of personal computers. It was in full bloom by the 1980s, when the low-cost Apple I and II, as well as the IBM personal computer, or PC, became widely available.

The release of VisiCalc spreadsheet software enabled ordinary employees to perform jobs for which firms had paid large sums ten years before.

This necessitates accelerating the transition to third-generation MIS client/server networks. Employees at various levels of the organisation could share information in a variety of formats via computer terminals connected to computer servers via shared networks known as intranets.

The fourth era, enterprise computing, combined diverse single-application software programmes utilised by several departments into a single integrated corporate platform accessible over high-speed networks.

Enterprise software solutions connect critical business activities such as marketing and sales, accounting, finance, human resources, inventory, and manufacturing to improve work efficiency and collaboration throughout the organisation.

The exponential growth of Internet bandwidth usage is ushering in the fifth era of management information systems, cloud computing. Cloud computing frees people from the constraints of desktop computers, allowing them to access enterprise management information from anywhere using mobile devices.

The fifth period marks the ascendancy of the knowledge worker. As decision-making moves to lower levels of an organisation, MIS is anticipated to empower workers not only as creators of information

but also as consumers of that information. In consequence, knowledge workers, as both producers and consumers of MIS information, will determine exactly what data MIS generates.


1.2 Statement of Problem

This project research was conducted exclusively in a Tolyfun School located in a populated area that serves too many students at once, so it was able to track problems such as misplacement of student records, student grades, slow and strenuous access to student reports and records, inaccurate record keeping, and poor information management within the schools.


1.3 Aim of Study

The goal of this research is to create a student information system that will eliminate or minimise the problem of paper work in Tolyfun schools.

Four study objectives
The goal of this project is to develop a system that can do the following.

Student records and reports will be easier to obtain due to greater data protection.

There will be a reduction in resource requirements, which will minimise the cost of processing student results because information will be stored in a database with less data redundancy.

School personnel can attend to a large number of students without being overworked.

There will be a reduction in the time required for retrieving student files.

Reduced file and record size.

It will make available the storage room that was previously used to store data.

1.5 Significance of the Study

After identifying the problem in the existing system’s mode of operation, this project research is designed specifically to develop a more reliable and effective system that will not only address this issue but also provide a detailed future plan that will allow for further information technological advancement in generating report cards for students.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The suggested system is designed to manage individual student information such as personal details, class details, an attendance system, students’ exam scores, and a report card generation system, among other things.

It is not a Student Information System, which has a greater scope. It is only part of the Student Information System.

The suggested system will include the following features:

Login module: The login module will assist in the authentication of user accounts to ensure data security.

Search module: This model allows one to search for a particular student using search parameters such as the student’s name or admittance number.

Registration Module and Account Management: This module will assist teachers (admins) in registering students for their classes and does not require the use of the internet. This module will greatly reduce the work of manual registration.

Report Card Generating Module: This module generates report cards for pupils. The report card will include student information, scores in each subject, number of days missing or present, total score, percentage score, teacher’s comment, and other pertinent information.

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