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Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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1.1 The Background of the Research 

According to Oparah (2003), a computer is an electronic device that can process data, carry out operations on that data according to a set of instructions, and then output the results. Put simply, a computer is an electronic device that can automatically process data, accept data, and then output results or information under the supervision of a program.

The term “computer” was used by Eyitayo et al. (2007) to define any mechanical or electronic device that, when given instructions from a stored program, can take in data in a certain format, process it, and then return the results in a different format.

According to Ahukannah (2003), computers have surpassed both manual and electronic typewriters in many governmental tasks. Thus, in a typical office setting, a computer eliminates the need for a manual or electronic typewriter, among other administrative tools.

Ohakwe (2002) suggested taking a peek around the workplace. The secretary’s work environment is so dynamic, full of contradicting events and instructions, that no two days are ever the same. Decisions and instructions that are at odds with one another arise frequently and necessitate swift action.

Working with outdated and unmaintained computers can make the secretary’s job less appealing and less productive and efficient, which is a major problem in the administrative machinery. The ultimate goal of this research is to detail the issues that secretaries face when using computers.

1.2 The Statement Of The Problem

While the primary goal of computerisation is to enhance office efficiency and product quality, the secretary may experience some risj as a result of these profound changes, which may also impact her performance.

These things will happen, and the secretary has to know what to expect. One of the problems against office automation, according to Ahukannah (2000), is that many companies that could benefit from automated systems may lack the resources to meet their needs.

Functions well in an environment with a consistent supply of electricity, however there is a difficulty with the necessary training and abilities. Generators should be given, but they are expensive, and not many organisations can afford them.

It is difficult to make a decision because there are so many different kinds of computers available. The nature of the task at hand is one consideration when making a computer purchase.

1.3 The Purpose Of The Study

Finding out what secretaries have trouble with while using computers is the main goal of this study. Specifically, the studies aim to.

Determine the source of the issue with the lack of proper education and experience in computer use.

Determine the source of the power outage and invPestigate it.

Recognise the issue of insufficient computer literacy.

Determine whether performing regular maintenance is problematic.

Find out what the computer parts are that are causing trouble when connecting.

Think about the issue of computer virus management and control.

1.4 Research Questions

Below are the research questions:

I need to know what kinds of computer operations training are necessary.

We need to know what the power supply issues are.

Please tell me what computer literacy is necessary for secretaries.

Please tell me the challenges that the secretaries have when performing regular maintenance.

Give me an idea of the challenges associated with managing computer viruses.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

All student secretaries will be able to use the study’s findings to better understand the challenges they face when working with computers.

They hope that this study will be a helpful resource for future secretaries-in-training and for all secretaries in the field by outlining the many ways in which secretaries contribute to organisations and by highlighting the many things that make secretaries special.

1.6 The Scope Of The Study

The challenges that secretaries face when using computers and the solutions that have been found thus far are the main foci of this study.


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