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Discourse Analysis Of Christian Handbills

Discourse Analysis Of Christian Handbills


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Discourse Analysis Of Christian Handbills


Christian handbills, particularly church handbills and posters, are among the most popular nonverbal forms of communication in today’s society. Technically speaking, posters are extremely significant types of visual communication. It shows a picture(s) with meanings behind it.

However, there are some graphosyntactic mistakes, lexical, syntactic, and semantic traits seen in Christian handbills. Most people do not recognise the problem of grapho-syntactic mistakes, which violate the language’s syntactic and graphological principles. Unfortunately, the inaccuracies are gradually becoming commonplace among Nigerians.

Ten (10) Christian handbills from ten (10) different churches were gathered between January and May of 2016. The non-randomized method was utilised for sampling, and the research procedure included investigation of language characteristics and features such as graphological function, lexical, pragmatic tools, syntactic, and semantic tools.

The results of this study revealed that Christian handbills have an important part in effective communication. As a result, the findings of this study have become a tool for gaining baseline knowledge in the language of information as found in Christian handouts.

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