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Distribution Of Abo And Rh (D) Blood Groups And Associated Traits

Distribution Of Abo And Rh (D) Blood Groups And Associated Traits

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Distribution Of Abo And Rh (D) Blood Groups And Associated Traits


In the last five decades, the genetic organisation of communities has been investigated using the ABO blood type system, mtDNA, and Y chromosome makers to better understand the history of human migration and the relatedness of ethnic groups that have settled close together.

The current study examined the distribution of ABO and Rh blood classes, as well as associated features, among diverse ethnic groups in Kogi State to establish their genetic composition.

The study was carried out on students from Kogi State College of Nursing and Midwifery in Obangede. Participants in the study were 1,863 college students (1,427 females and 436 men) aged 16 to 40 years. This study is both retrospective and prospective.

Records of admitted students to the college over an 11-year period (2002-2013) were obtained retrospectively and prospectively from the College’s various record divisions. ABO, Rh blood group, and Hb-electrophoresis tests were performed on a white porcelain tile with blood grouping antisera and a Hb-electrophoresis machine.

ABO*O (965, 51.80%) had the highest phenotypic frequencies among the 1,863 ABO blood type data evaluated, followed by ABO*B (404, 21.70%). The frequencies for ABO*A were (379, 20.30%), whereas the frequency of ABO*AB was the lowest (115, 9.00%).

For both sexes, ABO*O > ABO*B > ABO*A > ABO*AB was found. The similar pattern was observed for all ethnic groups, with a tiny exception in Bassa and Nupe, where group A outnumbered group B. The distribution of Rh antigens shows that Rh D positive was the most with 1,755 (94.20%) and Rh D negative was the lowest with 108 (5.8%).

The genotypic frequency for haemoglobin was reported to be the highest for AA 1,095 (58.50%), followed by AS 768 (41.00%). SS was found to be quite low (0.50%). The current study demonstrates a relationship between ABO, malaria, hepatitis, and the subjects’ academic performance.

There is also a modest relationship between birth order, BMI, height, and weight. The findings of this study are consistent with other studies in Nigeria, and they also show that the ABO blood group illness relationship may affect metabolic rather than infectious disorders.

Background of the Study

According to Saladin (2003) and Barrett et al. (2010), blood is a red, viscous fluid that circulates throughout the body. It transports oxygen and nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract to the tissues, returns CO2 to the lungs and metabolic products to the kidneys, regulates body temperature, and distributes hormones and other agents that regulate cell function.

Blood has always held a peculiar mystique. People have observed blood flow in the body since time immemorial, and the individual’s life is dependent on it. Blood was believed to have a mysterious “vital force,” and Roman gladiators drank it to prepare for war.

From ancient Egypt to nineteenth-century America, physicians drained “bad blood” from patients to cure a variety of conditions, including gout, migraines, menstrual cramps, and mental illness (Saladin 2003).

According to Daniels (2002), the term “blood group” refers to hereditary allogeneic variations found on the surface of blood cells. The phrase refers to a defined set of red blood cell antigens (blood group chemicals) controlled by a genetic locus with a variable number of alleles, such as A, B, and O in the ABO system (Murray et al., 2003; Daniels, 2002).

Blood group is determined by the genetic makeup of a system’s alleles (Bakare et al., 2006; Bhuvnesh et al., 2011). There are at least 29 other known blood groups, totalling more than 240 antigens, including the MN, Duffy, Kell, Kidd, and Lewis groups. These rarely produce transfusion responses. The Kell, Kidd, and Duffy groups sometimes cause

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