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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

The people of Kaltungo Local Government Area were supposed to have migrated from the far east via the erstwhile Kanem Borno Empire. After leaving Yamen, they settle in several places, including Ngazargamu. They migrated from Kupto to their current location through tribal warfare.

The Kaltungo people travel alongside Tera, Balewa, Karekare, Wasa, Kanakuru, and other minor tribes. The people arrived in Tungo in the 18th century, but due to a conflict of interest, they parted from his brother Billiri and established in present-day Kaltungo.

Kaltungo Local Government was established in 1992 from the former Billiri-Kaltungo Local Government, with an area of 2,737 square kilometres and a population of 12,409 (1996 census). Tangale, Tula, Awok, and Kamo are among the people who live in the eight (8) districts and two chiefdoms. Other ethnic groups include Fulani, Hausa, Yoruba, and Ibo.

The area is steep, with Kilang Hill as the highest peak, and valleys with lush vegetation. The favourable climate and fertile ground promote successful agriculture.

Both for commercial crops and food crops such as Guinea corn, millet, maize, beans and Beni-seed. They produce a variety of fruits, the most notable of which is the Kanje (Murici), but others include the mango, locust bean tree, and others.

The main location of investigation, Kaltungo metropolis, has a very worrisome rate of drug misuse. It is comprised of five hamlets, one of which is Kalaring, the primary region, where the name of their gathering was named (AJAKUNLE)

where other adolescents from all over the Local Government come to purchase and engage in drug and substance abuse, with some being transported to their respective villages. Marijuna, Burkutu, Goscolo patch solution, and other medications are among the available options.

The local government is governed by the chairman and traditionally ruled by the MAI, who is the equivalent of a first-class emir, and Deputy Chairmen of the Gombe State Council of Chiefs.

Geographically, the Local Government is bordered in the west by Shongom Local Government, east by Waja Local Government, and north by Billiri Local Government Area.

Prior to the arrival of the two foreign religions, Christianity and Islam, the culture and traditions were pagan. Currently, Christians make up more than two-thirds of the population, with Islam and traditionalists accounting for one-third.

The people had many holidays, one of the most prominent are the Eku and Tagar, which were celebrated every year in the months of August and December. The December event concludes with traditional dances involving the entire village. The people of Kaltungo are peaceful.

The rising prevalence of drug use among youngsters, notably secondary pupils in Kaltungo local government area of Gombe state and, to a lesser extent, primary school dropouts, is causing worry in Nigerian society and around the world. According to Sunday Concord page 5 and the first caption of Nigerian newspapers on February 25, 1998 and August 13, 2005, respectively.

It has been widely reported in Nigerian newspapers that youngsters, adults, businessmen and women, both affluent and poor, are trafficking and abusing deadly substances.

Marijuana, alcohol, heroin, and cocaine are often supplied and abused by young people who are unaware of their own health or their future social, economic, and cultural circumstances.

Various governments in Nigeria and other nations have voiced great worry about the growing prevalence of drug misuse. What appears to be most concerning is the involvement of youngsters in these known acts.

According to the Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, a drug is any material other than food that, according to its chemical composition or origin, affects the function of the human organism.

Drug misuse refers to the self-medication or non-medical use of drugs for purposes other than healing or cure sickness. Thus, any use of a drug not recommended by a physician can be classified as drug abuse, or the continued use of a medication that is harmful to personal and societal development.

1.2 Statement of Research Problem

Kaltungo people frequently revisit and discuss the “good olden days”. The youths are hard-working, subservient, and devoted because “culture was a habit”. Male youths support their parents by working on the farm, while female youths get firewood.

In recent years, the hard-working mindset of youngsters in Kaltungo Local Government District has shifted, and drug use and crime have taken precedence. This study aims to investigate the causes and consequences of drug misuse in the study area.

A thorough discussion with certain school officials and instructors, Nigerian educational administrators, parents/guardians, traditional rulers, community leaders, religious leaders, and so on.

Drug usage among school leavers has been alarmingly increasing since the early 1980s, particularly among youngsters in Kaltunga Local Government Headquarters.

Youths in Kaltungo Local Government are prone to using various drugs, including marijuana. They are also involved in taking (Goscolo), which leads to the death of youths. Tramol, valium, patch solution, and Bunigato are some examples of medications currently available.

The number of criminal behaviours is increasing, such as stealing, raping, and beating their parents. Despite the government’s efforts, which include referencing the local drug law enforcement agency, there has been no significant progress.

When they are displaced by law enforcement, they relocate to their new gathering site, AJAKUNLE. Although some law enforcement agents engage in such behaviour. This encourages the youth to no longer fear them.

The researcher wants to know why the prevalence among youngsters is expanding at a faster rate than before. However, various attempts are still underway to enhance the relationships between youngsters and personnel in order to produce favourable outcomes.

Viewing the statement of the problems raises the following questions:

i. Are there any cases of drug misuse at Kaltungo Government Science Secondary School?

ii. What causes youths to become involved in drug abuse?

iii. What is the impact of drug misuse on youth?

iv. How can drug abuse among youths be prevented?

V. What role do parents and counsellors have in drug abuse?

1.3 Research Objectives

i. Determine the prevalence of drug abuse among youths in the Kaltungo Local Government Area, as well as the causes of such conduct.

ii. To investigate the influence of drug misuse on the learning process and delinquent behaviour.

iii. Determine the extent of parental participation among young people who use drugs.

iv. Make appropriate recommendations to the government, educators, parents, and other stakeholders.

1.4 The Significance of the Study

The research findings will assist the following people:

i. School authorities, the government, and parents work together to resolve conflicts that lead to teenage drug misuse by encouraging youths to complete their education.

ii. Parents should be partners in their children’s development in order to change their children’s behaviours and prevent such acts.

iii. Children should remember that a good student and citizen form a good leader for tomorrow.

1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research will be focused primarily in the Kaltungo city, which has become the epicentre of drug abuse. To reach the goal, the researcher will distribute questionnaires at random and conduct personal interviews to learn about the nature of individuals, their habits and personalities, as well as other cultural values that cause teenagers to engage in drug addiction.

1.6 Definition of Key Concepts.

According to Oxford Advanced Dictionary.

Delinquency is a type of negative or criminal activity that typically affects young people, such as stealing, intoxication, etc.

Drug abuse refers to self-medication or medical use of drugs for purposes other than healing or curing sickness.

According to the Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, youth refers to the period of life when a person is young, particularly before becoming an adult. He had been a gifted musician in his teens.

Youth delinquency refers to minor criminal actions such as shoplifting, intoxication, sexual abuse, and so on.

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