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In order to stop the spread of Covid 19 at Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze, the article looks at E-classrooms and Covid 19 prevention. There are 200 lecturers in the research sample. Data were gathered from the main source using a structured questionnaire that used a five-point Likert scale.

Respondents were given the questionnaire. The method of both qualitative and quantitative data analysis was used in the study. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to evaluate the hypotheses using ANOVA, Correlation, and Regression analyses.

The reliability Coefficient was established using the Cronbach Alpha test. The results showed that lecturers fully supported the electronic learning process, which has a significant impact on the COVID-19 outbreak.

We also discovered that social distance might be reduced through online instruction. Internet use may help stop the spread of the coronavirus in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria since social media has a negative correlation with community-wide COVID-19 transmission while video conferencing has a positive correlation with COVID-19 importation.

According to the study’s findings, the Nigerian government should implement an efficient E-classroom strategy in the educational sector to prevent the spread of any diseases that can interfere with academic activities in the future.

The ministry of health should mandate information and communication technology (ICT) compliance for all Nigerian educational institutions, from primary to tertiary, in order to make it possible for active and effective use of the internet in the classroom.



Background of the study
The current Coronavirus pandemic epidemic widened existing inadequacies in the worldwide education system. Even though the coronavirus pandemic is new, humanity is already suffering from its negative repercussions.

The COVID-19 outbreak has caused disruptions in education and raised issues with global health that have been exceedingly challenging for international health institutions to handle.

No country or race in the globe is currently immune to the coronavirus pandemic, and COVID-19’s rapid expansion and catastrophic effects seem to be overwhelming the whole planet. The coronavirus pandemic knows no bounds and has a swift and significant impact.

Just a few months after the sickness first appeared, it had already profoundly altered global lifestyles, forcing billions of people to “stay at home,” “observe self-isolations,” and conduct work and school from their homes. The ability of people to move, trade, or interact freely has been restricted.

In addition to putting many nations on complete lockdown, COVID-19 claimed hundreds of lives, many of whom were women and senior citizens.

It was even more concerning to see that data from other continents, including America, Africa, Asia, and Europe, suggested a spike in COVID-19-related death and new cases every day.

Global COVID-19 cases have topped one million cases and more than 220,000 deaths as of April 2020. It was especially alarming that despite the nation’s steadfast dedication to the fight against the disease, the USA recorded more than 2000 COVID-19 deaths in a single day.

With no quick answers in sight, the number of deaths caused by the coronavirus was skyrocketing. Around the world, the sickness showed no signs of stopping down. The “Defence Production Act” was referred to by US President Trump in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Due to the nation’s increasing number of new Coronavirus cases, the government also declared a national emergency (Priscillia, 2020). The US government also bargained with the parliament to adopt a stimulus package worth more than 2 trillion dollars to fight the Coronavirus pandemic and offer some assistance to people and companies affected by the outbreak.

Similar steps were also carried out in numerous other nations, such as Germany, where 810 billion US dollars were also allocated to stem the pandemic’s impacts, but the virus quickly spread to many other parts of the world.

Both in the Western world and the Global South, the Third-wave’s presence has taken centre stage. The traditional methods of learning used in the educational sector prior to the crisis have been superseded by electronic learning.

Because of the advancement of computers and telephones with built-in cameras and microphones, it is now possible to participate in videoconferences without leaving the office, unlike in the 1990s when organisations typically used a specific room with television cameras for this purpose (Robbins, Timothy, and Seema, 2008).

Teleworking (Armstrong, 2006) involves learning from home using a terminal connected to the main organisation or networked with other students.

The idea of learning from home while using a computer, phone, email, and the internet is known as the “e-classroom.” Because the globe is like a village, globalisation made it relatively simple to learn from any area.

In contrast to today, the majority of computers and phones in the 1980s and 1990s lacked built-in cameras and microphones. Due to the improvement, business may now be conducted from home as it would be in an office setting, but with less stress, thanks to telephones and computers with built-in cameras and microphones that facilitated the workflow.

Nigeria currently has 92.3 million internet users, and by 2023, that figure is projected to reach 187.8 million. This demonstrates that the population of Nigeria has a 47.1 percent internet penetration rate in 2018 and is projected to reach an 83.5 percent penetration rate by 2023 (Clement, 2019).

In terms of internet freedom, Nigeria was placed 21st out of 65 countries globally and 47th in sub-Saharan Africa (Freedom House Index, 2019). In Nigeria, using the internet for studying and teaching has many benefits. Nearly 50 million Nigerians use smartphones to access the mobile internet, making it widely available (Clement, 2019).

Remote activities are made simple and less stressful with the help of the internet, cellphones, and other social media like Zoom, Google Class and Meet, WhatsApp, etc.

By connecting with the electronic link, remote access enables the operation of a computer system, telephone, email, etc. from a different location (The Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary, 2003).

Using video conferencing, Skype, Google Meet, WhatsApp video, the Zoom app, etc., allows the lecturer and students to communicate as if they were in a traditional classroom, making teaching from home simple and pleasurable.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

The institution closures have far-reaching economic and sociological repercussions in addition to having an effect on the students, professors, and families.

In reaction to school closings, UNESCO advised the use of online courses, open educational resources, and platforms that teachers and administrators can use to connect with students and lessen disruptions to the educational process.

Approximately 61% of the world’s student population, or 1,067,590,512 learners, have been impacted by school cancellations as a result of the pandemic in 110 countries as of July 7, 2020, according to UNESCO monitoring. Localised closures in several other nations have affected millions of more students.

The COVID-19 epidemic closure has an impact on around 87 lakh pupils in Nepal alone, spanning pre-primary to postsecondary education levels [ISCED levels 0 to 8].

Although it is difficult to foresee how the pandemic will develop, there is a chance that there will be more stringent guidelines about physical proximity.

According to the United Nations, 166 nations stopped their educational institutions to stop the spread of the coronavirus, which infected 1.5 billion children and teenagers worldwide—or 87 percent of the enrolled population.

The effects of online learning on the Nigerian educational system have been extensively researched (Onyeukwu, Akanegbu, and Igbokwe, 2017).

For both students and professors, the adoption of the E-classroom in Nigerian educational institutions has many advantages. The classes are typically not interrupted when using an E-classroom in a learning institution.

The coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, originated in Wuhan, China, in late 2019 and has since spread wildly over the world. The virus was introduced to Nigeria by an Italian. Many nations’ progress in terms of the economy, society, and education has been hampered.

Schools were closed as a result of the unsightly COVID-19 pandemic, which also caused several lockdowns and disruptions to the operations of various sectors. Applying online classroom techniques to home-based instruction for students throughout the nation became critical.

The only instrument left to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria’s educational system is the electronic classroom.

The idea is facing significant difficulties, though, including a lack of suitable power supplies, expensive airtime, and subpar network service from network providers.

These issues have been impeding the effectiveness and efficiency of online learning, social isolation, and remote learning activities at Federal College Of Education (Technical), Umunze. Finding a suitable solution was facilitated by these difficulties.

1.3 Objectives Of the Research

The study’s primary goal is to investigate the use of E-classrooms and the prevention of Covid 19 at Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze. Additional goals that were established in accordance with the research questions are as follows:

to assess how social distance is impacted by online education To investigate the effects of video conferencing on the physical contact spread of COVID-19 Federal College Of Education (Technical),

Umunze; to investigate the impact of internet use on community COVID-19 Federal College Of Education (Technical), Umunze spread.

1.4 Research Hypothesis

In accordance with the study’s goals and research questions, null hypotheses were developed: Ho1: Lecturers’ attitudes towards e-learning help students achieve well.

Ho2: There is no association between COVID-19 Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze video conferences and physical contact spread.

Ho3: There is no chance of using the Internet as a method to stop COVID-19 Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze from spreading throughout the neighbourhood.

Ho4: There is no connection between the use of electronic classrooms and the prevention of COVID-19 Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze from spreading.

1.5Significance of the Research

Different persons are affected by the COVID-19 virus in various ways. The majority of COVID-19 infected individuals will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without the need for special care. A increased risk of serious illness and mortality exists in older adults and those with underlying medical disorders.

The study generates policy suggestions for the Nigerian government regarding the country’s educational system. This would give administration of Tertiary institutions in Nigeria

another way to lessen the negative consequences of any future disease outbreaks that could interfere with learning and school activities. The research adds to the body of knowledge and can be used as a resource by other scholars.

1.6 Scope and Limitations

The Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze lecturers are covered by the study.

1.7  Organization Of The Study

Four Chapters make up this essay. The study is introduced in Chapter One. This chapter also includes the study’s introduction and objectives.

The research approach is covered in Chapter 2, the second chapter. The analysis of the research is in Chapter 3. The analysis was done in order to refute the hypothesis presented in chapter one. The result and suggestions are presented in chapter five.

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