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Chapter one


1.0 Background for the Study

No individual or community can thrive without communication, just as no individual or society can exist as an island. Communication is the bond that binds and holds communities together; without it, there is no coordination, cooperation, or social organisation.

Obilade (1989) supports this viewpoint by arguing that “human beings are usually referred to as social animals; without communication, human beings could be isolated from one another.” The majority of communication in society is focused on creating and maintaining meaningful relationships.

They say that knowledge is power, and that being educated transforms, whereas being uninformed deforms. Nwuneli (1984) affirms this: if an individual in a society does not receive the information he requires in a timely and coordinated manner, he loses trust in the government and society. He becomes more fatalistic than ever and does not believe he is contributing to the country’s development.

In essence, communication is essential to human existence and all human activities, since it is the most important aspect in establishing a sense of belonging and achieving societal peace.

Human communication has recently benefited greatly from technology advancements. The printing press, telecommunications, radio and television broadcasts, satellites, and, most recently, the internet have all improved man’s ability to convey and receive information, ideas, and messages.

This has torn down the barriers of cultural variety and great distances, transforming the world into a global village in which knowledge travels at an incredible rate from one location to another.

Akinfeleye (2003) says “in terms of the acquisition, use, misuse and management of TV for development, the entire world continues to be considered by media researcher as a global village whereby everyone knows everyone, where everyone is each other’s keeper, and where every information about everyone could be received and disseminated to everyone in that “global village”.

Radio and television broadcasts are commonly employed as effective communication tools because they reach a large and diverse audience in a short period of time.

According to the new Encyclopaedia Britannica (1980), broadcast is the transmission of radio and television shows intended for general public perception rather than private signals to specific receivers.

Broadcasting is most commonly defined as the systematic broadcasting of entertainment, information, education, and other aspects for simultaneous reception by people or groups using proper apparatus.

In Africa, the mass media, particularly television, serves an important role as a disseminator of information, assisting in the education of Africans about their cultural identity and their place in the modern world.

Examples of informative television programmes include broadcast news, documentaries, and interviews, among others. Television gives important information to the general populace and contributes to increased knowledge of the outside world.

According to Onabajo (2001), television can be utilised for political indoctrination, cultural innovation, character development, and formation.

Every weekend, English Premier League matches are broadcast live on television throughout the world. Similarly, on May 29, 2011, when President Ebele Goodluck Jonathan took his oath of office, the inauguration ceremony was broadcast live throughout the world, as did the 2005 MTV Base Europe Awards

where Tuface Idibia won an award; Nigerian people watched the event live from far away Lisbon, Portugal. All of these are the results of television broadcasting, which blends the power of sight and sound.

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