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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Employees at all levels must participate in the organization’s resource coordination process.At the same time, an individual must communicate.

The reciprocal process of sharing information through symbols, primarily the word communication, symbolises the exchange of ideals, and because man is both a sharing of feelings and an idealist, both are required for accurate judgement.

As a result, communication is critical to competent management; the success of any organization’s career is dependent on its personnel, and it cannot be successful without proper communication.

Individual employees constantly watch, assess, and interpret the effects of words on people, as well as the influence of people on words. Regardless of one’s work or desire, one should learn to apply management principles and functions to communications.

One should understand that his or her success as a person/employee is dependent on his or her ability to issue, communicate, and fulfil messages, as well as his or her ability to profit from beneficial words that produce appropriate action, because action speaks louder than speech (body language).

It is also important to understand that without strong writing, speaking, reading, and listening skills, even the best option might lead to the worst outcome.

Again, the most frustrating employee/subordinate/worker is the one who does not share his potentially profitable ideas with his coworkers and firm in an efficient manner.

An approach to the study of communication explains that various departments in an organisation and similar areas of specialisation function primarily as information processes that must be integrated so that management can achieve its goals and resources, which include important resource behaviour.

Lucy (1998) noted that informal communication occurs at all levels, including discussions, phone calls, meetings, observation, and so on. The informal network known as grapevine is adaptable and can express nuances that are lost in casual communications. Informal communication is more efficient than formal communication in terms of speed and ability to address local issues.

Because information must be transmitted at work to avoid misinterpretation, there is a need for improvement in communication inside an organisation.

Although knowledge heavily influences communication, Lucy emphasised unclear communication, which may result in ineffective decisions and have a detrimental impact on the organisation. Therefore, communication in an organisation must deliver efficient results.

According to Donna (2005), one can increase the likelihood of conversational success by taking into account key aspects that offer value to organisational communication. One of the most important elements to consider is the organisational setting; for example, where will the conversation occur?

Is it public or private? Is there anything else going on that will distract? Must be considered. Consider the internal influence, as well as the other person’s level of curiosity, to determine how much information the individual needs to know.

Consider the language required, what one needs to accomplish by starting the conversation, the long-term impact of the words, tone, and gestures used, and finally, the external factors that cause noise and distractions that may affect how the message is relayed and received.

As a result, organisations must significantly improve their communication in order to achieve effective performance and organisational efficiency. This will help them make better decisions as they work towards their goals and objectives.

Furthermore, the primary goal of an organisation is to meet its objectives, which can be accomplished effectively through internal communication.

Leadership is impossible without communication amongst people. In a man-to-man connection, the leader’s power is limited to imparting ideas, sentiments, and decisions to his followers.

The followers, in turn, must communicate with the leader and management in order for him to understand their own feelings and difficulties. The need for excellent communication in any organisation cannot be overstated.

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