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The study sought to evaluate the impact of culture on consumer purchasing behaviour. The major goal is to design the promotional plan using data acquired from both secondary and primary sources.

For the primary source, a poll of opinion was done on a sample of the population, which revealed that the effect of culture on consumer purchasing behaviour is the most effective fundamental, with culture having a bigger influence on how consumers behave.

It was therefore urged, among others, that all business-oriented organisations should always conduct thorough research on the prevalent culture of the place where they aim to do business before committing funds that will be at odds with their demands.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of Study

Cultural impacts can be overcome by either manipulating controllable variables or adopting a systematic approach to uncontrollable ones, allowing businessmen to navigate safely and successfully in their economic pursuits.

Culture has a significant influence on consumer purchasing habits. Culture in a larger and deeper sense, which is based on variables such as perception, value, and preference, is also fundamental to culture, and subcultures influence consumer purchasing behaviour.

Culture is the primary determinant of a person’s desires and behaviour. The developing child learns a set of values, perceptions, and other variables from his or her family and other important institutions.

Each culture is made up of smaller subcultures that provide more specific identification and socialisation for their members. Subcultures include nationalities, religions, recall groups, and geographic regions.

When subcultures become large and affluent enough, companies frequently design specialised marketing programmes to serve them. Multicultural marketing arose from careful marketing research,

which found that distinct ethnic demographic niches did not always respond favourably to mass-market advertising, resulting in its impact on purchasing behaviours.

Religion is a sub-culture that is currently influencing the production, distribution, marketing, and selling of major products, such as alcoholic drinks and beverages.

In Nigeria, products and services must be advertised in print or electronic media, but this exercise can end up being a noise, goose chase, if the source (actors and actresses) parts being used expose their vital parts (bodies) during the course of the procedure.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

The study of cultural effects on consumer purchasing habits has presented numerous challenges to manufacturers, marketers, and middlemen.

At this point, the following question calls for study.

i. What impact does culture have on consumer purchasing behaviour?

ii. How may this effect be handled by marketers and corporate organisations?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The goal of this research is to determine how culture influences the success of a business and how to create a better strategic plan and actions that take culture into account in the land.

1. Determine the promotional plan that best appeals to the current culture in the land.

2. Determine how to place the customer in a high state while taking his or her environment into consideration.

3. To establish a firm basis in the environment, with consumers at the core of the culture.

1.4 Research Question

i. How do consumers view advertisements depicting nudity?

ii. How does culture accommodate incentives on the negative side?

iii. Does culture influence customer and consumer responses?

iv. What will be the consumer perception of the product/service that is against their culture?

1.5 Hypothesis.

1. Ho: Culture has no impact with how people make purchase decisions.

Ho: Culture has a relationship with how customers buy purchases.

2. Ho: Advertising campaigns displaying nudity have a higher attraction to their target market.

Hi: Advertising campaigns featuring nudity do not serve a larger appeal to the target market.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study is significant because it will shed light on the effect of culture on consumer purchasing behaviours, as little research has been conducted on the subject.

It will also aim to expose the relationship between culture and consumer purchasing behaviour, as well as to investigate the concept of culture and buying behaviour and its effects on consumer behaviour.

Furthermore, the study will highlight the limitations of the subject matter or research issue and propose solutions to these limitations.

Finally, it will be a useful tool for policy makers, various available solutions to the problem of culture and consumer buying behaviours.

It could also be a reference point for advertising agencies who need to improve their services and tackle the challenges faced by consumers when trying to purchase a specific product.


This study is limited to understanding how consumers behave and respond to products and services through the culture heritages that are prevalent in the environment.

Of course, both manufacturing organisations and making organisations take cognizance of both culture, sub-culture, and cultural shifts of the people through effective manipulation on the controllable various less. Furthermore, the study is built around the following.

i. The study of culture as a key marketing determinant of a person’s requirements, wants, and behaviours.

ii. The study of culture, subcultures, and their relationship

iii. To emphasise the role of multicultural marketing.

iv. The determinations of how culture influences behaviour transformation among children.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

During the administration of questionnaires, the problem of inequality among respondents became particularly clear. As a result, they were more likely to be affected by a third party before being able to respond freely.

In addition, some struggled to provide adequate responses to the created questionnaire.

The majority of the poor and residents of the Asaba community refuse to provide sensitive information because their reply demonstrates that they are unaware of the researcher’s role, as the questionnaire is merely an instrument.

1.10 Operational Definition of Terms

Consumer: A person who purchases or has the ability to purchase goods and services provided for sale by a marketing organisation in order to meet personal or household requirements, wants, or desires.

Consumer behaviours refer to the process by which individuals determine whether, what, when, where, how, and from whom to acquire goods and services.

It combines both metal and physical exercise. Making market-related decisions is necessary. It has to do with how a person perceives himself and his relations with his environment, particularly dealings with business firms.

Culture refers to the complete social heritage of man, including knowledge, beliefs, and skills gained in his surroundings.

Advertising is defined as any paid-for or non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

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