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1.1 Background of the Study

A protest is essentially a public statement of opposition or displeasure to a political notion or activity. This demonstration can take many forms, but the pinnacle is when the populace takes to the streets to publicly express their discontent to the government.

The EndSARS campaign began in 2017, when Nigerian teenagers used the hashtag to express their experiences with abuse and assault committed by the former Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS).

However, the movement was only reignited in early October 2020, when a video surfaced of police officers believed to be members of the SARS squad apparently shooting an unarmed young man.

This spurred Nigerian teenagers to take to Twitter, demanding police reform from the Federal Government using the hashtags #EndSARS, #Endpolicebrutality, and many others. The hashtag trended on Twitter as Nigerian youngsters shared their emotions and experiences.

According to a viral message on social media, personnel from the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) shot down a Nigerian kid, stole his car, and drove away. As the video spread on social media, the hashtag #ENDSARS gained traction as more young people sought an end to the ruthless police unit that has long brutalised young Nigerians.


The Nigerian Police Force, through the Inspector General of Police, announced on October 4, 2020, that SARS members and other Tactical Squads would be prohibited from conducting routine patrols and other conventional low-risk duties, such as stop and search, checkpoints, roadblock mounting, traffic checks, and so on, with immediate effect.

On October 7, 2020, youths in Lagos State staged a three-day protest to demand the disbandment of the Nigeria Police Force’s Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) section, as part of a drive for reforms in the police system to cease the agency’s extrajudicial practices.

Youths were spotted walking to the Force Headquarters in Ikeja, carrying placards with statements such as “Protect, not exploit” and “Nigeria police stop killing us,” among others (

This marked the start of a 14-day demonstration that became violent and was hijacked by hoodlums, resulting in the damage, vandalism, and looting of public and private properties, as well as Small and Medium Enterprises throughout the country.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are non-subsidiary, autonomous businesses or organisations with a small number of employees. This number varies per country. According to the European Union (EU), SMEs are micro, small, and medium-sized businesses with fewer than 250 employees and an annual turnover of less than 50 million euros.

In Nigeria, the Central Bank of Nigeria classified SMEs in its monetary policy circular No. 22 of 1988 as businesses with an annual turnover of no more than Five Hundred Thousand Naira (N500,000).

To ensure clarity, the National Policy on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) distinguishes between enterprises based on employment and assets. SMEs are organisations that are best described by their capital, project scope and cost, yearly revenue, financial strength, and personnel count, among other factors.

To conduct business in Nigeria, such organisations must and may be registered under any provision of the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA).

The small and medium-sized enterprises sub-sector of the economy is critical to the country’s goal for economic growth and development. Today, regardless of the global level of growth and development, governments continue to implement feasible policies and programmes that will build and prepare the way for the long-term development of their economies through SMEs. Numerous studies have demonstrated that small and medium-sized businesses serve as a catalyst for national economic growth and development.

In recent decades, Nigeria has made it one of its primary goals to expand its industrial base by establishing, supporting, and growing small and medium-sized businesses in order to achieve economic growth.

This has maintained the focus of different administrations in Nigeria, notably throughout the current democratic era. On the other hand, the degradation of infrastructural facilities

particularly power, as well as vandalism and looting, have had a detrimental impact on the performance, growth, and development of Nigerian SMEs throughout time.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

One of the consequences of a group of people protesting in any political system is the interruption of people’s movements and businesses. People protest for a variety of reasons, the most important of which is a desire for a shift to something good and better than the ills to which they have been exposed.

A protest is essentially a public statement of opposition or displeasure to a political notion or activity. This demonstration can take many forms, but the pinnacle is when the populace takes to the streets to publicly express their discontent to the government.

The ill treatment of the Nigerian Police Force Unit known as Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) on the citizens of Nigeria and their brutality on youths stimulated the agitation of the youth crying out for the disbandment of SARS

which has done no good to youths but has brought about killings and kidnapping of youths, harassing youths publicly by looking into their phones, checking the type of car they are driving, the quality of clothes they wear, accessing their e

The youths’ dissatisfaction with the brutality of the SARS evolved into the EndSARS protests in Lagos State, which were a peaceful movement urging the government to dismantle the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) unit and reform the police force.

The demonstration quickly expanded to other states in Nigeria. It began as a peaceful demonstration by thousands of young people, but quickly devolved into mayhem when hoodlums hijacked the protests, resulting in mob attacks on security officials, protester deaths, and vandalism and looting of public and private properties and establishments.

At 11:49 a.m. on Tuesday, October 20, 2020, the Lagos State Government announced the imposition of a 24-hour curfew in all sections of the state to prevent property destruction by hoodlums during the EndSARS rally in the state. Small and medium-sized businesses were vandalised and looted during the EndSARS protests.

As a result, the victims of the stolen establishments have lost important resources and property. The obstruction of highways by demonstrators and the declaration of a curfew by the Lagos state government resulted in mobility restrictions, which contributed to a decrease in demand and supply in businesses as well as high transportation costs.

This study intends to analyse the impact of the EndSARS protest on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Lagos State.

1.3 Goal of the Study

The goal of this research is to look into the causes of the EndSARS protest in Lagos State and to see if it has a detrimental impact on Small and Medium Enterprises in Lagos State.

1.4 Research Question.

This research is guided by the questions listed below:

What are the reasons behind the EndSARS demonstration in Lagos State?
What are the negative effects of the EndSARS demonstration in Lagos State?
1.5 Research Hypothesis

The following hypothesis was developed for this study:

H0: The EndSARS protest has no detrimental impact on Small and Medium Enterprises.

HA: The EndSARS protest has a negative impact on Small and Medium Enterprises.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study will help the general public, company owners, and the government understand the threat that the EndSARS protest has posed to small and medium-sized enterprises and the economy.

It will also attract to the attention of the government and policymakers the importance of listening to the demonstrators’ pleas and making things right in the country. This study will also act as a standard for academics and students who may wish to conduct additional research on this or a related topic.

1.7 Scope of Study

This study focuses mostly on the impact of the EndSARS protest on Small and Medium Enterprises in Lagos State. The causes of the EndSARS protest and its detrimental impact on Small and Medium Enterprises in Lagos State will be investigated. This study is limited to a few selected SMEs in Lagos State.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

The significant restrictions encountered by the researcher during this study were time, funding, and the availability of materials on this research subject, as well as the validation of respondents’ responses to interviews and questionnaires.

1.9 Definition of Terms.

Protest: A remark or action expressing dissatisfaction or opposition to something.

SARS: Special Anti-Robbery Squad, a Nigerian police organisation designed to deal with crimes such as robbery, motor vehicle theft, kidnapping, livestock rustling, and guns.

EndSARS is a social movement and series of major rallies in Nigeria that seek for the disbandment of SARS and an end to police brutality.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are businesses with sales, assets, or fewer than a specific number of employees.

An effect is a change that occurs as a result of an activity or another cause.

Disruption is defined as any disturbance or problem that interrupts an event, activity, or process.

Destruction is the action or process of causing extensive damage to something.

Looting is the act of stealing commodities from a location, usually during a battle or riot.

Vandalise means to purposefully destroy or harm public or private property.

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