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Domestic violence is defined as the abuse of an individual by a family member. Domestic violence has been a plague in the family, growing into a hydra-headed monster that has purposefully and blatantly rejected arrest. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between domestic violence and family stability.

The study’s goal is to examine the association between domestic violence and family stability. The descriptive data analysis method was used in the study. The study was carried out in Jos, Plateau state, but it is open to additional research in other sections of the state and the country.

The questionnaires were used in the study to extract information from respondents. Domestic violence is on the rise in our country, according to the survey. Domestic violence and family stability also have a large favourable association.


1.1 Background Of The Study

A family is the first social community formed in the life of any individual or group of individuals. This is where an individual attaches and understands cultural values, assimilates the first social roles, and gains social behaviour experience.

This person takes their first steps in the family, experiences their first joys and sorrows, and finally departs the family to face the great world. The individual then returns when he feels uncomfortable outside. The family is more than just a group of people going about their daily lives.

It’s a complicated social structure. Each member of the family is both an individual and an essential part of the larger family unit. The family is a relatively tiny social group. Individual intra-group processes and phenomena are common in this context.

At the same time, the family is distinguishable from other tiny groupings by some unique characteristics. They are marital or kinship ties among its members, a shared way of life, special moral-psychological, emotional-ethical, and legal relationships.

Other characteristics of the family include lifetime commitment to the family group (the family is not selected; a person is born into it). Furthermore, it has the most diverse group composition (age, gender, personal, social, professional, and other differences among family members).

Another characteristic is the family’s greatest degree of informal communication and the enhanced emotional value of family activities. Any family is formed with the intention of meeting some critical needs for its members. This wonderful picture of a perfect family, however, has been undermined over time by what we call domestic violence or family violence.

Domestic violence, intimate partner violence, relationship violence, or inter-personal violence is a pattern of intentionally violent or controlling behaviour used by a person against a family member or intimate partner to gain and maintain power and control over that person during and/or after the relationship.

An intimate partner might be a married, dating, or domestic partnership couple. Control over someone’s schedule; does not allow access to the phone and/or monitors calls; limits use of the car or does not allow a car; persistent calling at work to check up or not allowing someone to work; does not permit use of birth control; name calling and/or threatening family, friends, pets, and destruction of property are some examples of “intentionally violent or controlling behaviour.”

Domestic violence is a pattern of violent behaviour done by one spouse in any relationship to obtain or retain power and control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence, according to the definition, “can occur to anyone, regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender,” and can take various forms, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional, economic, and psychological abuse (Office of Violence Against Women, 2007).

Domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence, and intimate partner violence are all terms for domestic violence. It is defined as a pattern of abusive behaviour by one partner against another in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, or cohabitation.

Domestic violence can take many forms, including physical aggression or assault (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, slapping, throwing objects), or threats of such behaviour; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; controlling or domineering behaviour; intimidation; stalking; passive/covert abuse, also known as neglect; and economic deprivation (Seimeniuk, Krentz, Gish, & Gill, 2010).

1.2Statement Of The Problem

Domestic violence and abuse are not restricted to overt physical abuse. Endangering, illegal coercion, kidnapping, unlawful incarceration, trespassing, harassment, and stalking are all examples of domestic violence (National Network to End Domestic Violence, 2011).

Domestic abuse occurs all around the world (UNICEF, 2005). Domestic violence affects families from all social, racial, economic, educational, and religious origins in different ways. In the United States of America, women are victims of approximately 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes each year, while men are victims of approximately 2.9 million intimate partner-related physical assaults.

Domestic violence is endemic in parts of the third world, particularly West Africa, and is supposedly justified and allowed in some societies. For example, 56% of Indian women polled by an agency approved wife-beating on grounds such as being a terrible cook, disrespectful to in-laws, having more girls, leaving home without telling, and so on.

According to IRIN (2007), 25% of women in Dakar and Kaolack, Senegal, are subjected to physical violence from their partners, and very few admit to being beaten – while 60% of domestic violence victims seek help from a family member, in three-quarters of cases, they are told to remain silent and endure the beatings.

According to the reports, a legislation enacted in the Senegalese penal code that punishes domestic violence with prison sentences and fines is being inadequately enforced due to religious and cultural opposition. Spousal attacks are the most common type of domestic violence in Ghana (IRIN, 2007).

Reports from Nigeria suggest a “shockingly high” degree of violence against women (Afrol News, 2007). According to Amnesty International (2007), one-third (and in some cases two-thirds) of women are believed to have been subjected to physical, sexual, and psychological violence perpetrated primarily by husbands, partners, and fathers, while girls are frequently forced into early marriage and face punishment if they attempt to flee their husbands.

The disclosure of significant underreporting and non-documentation of domestic abuse owing to cultural factors is even more pitiful (Afrolnews, 2007). This study’s sole goal is to investigate the impact of domestic violence on family stability.

1.3 Objectives Of The Study

The study’s focus is on the following objectives:

To ascertain the reasons of domestic violence.

To investigate the impact of domestic violence on family stability.

To calculate the economic cost of domestic abuse.

1.4 Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were generated and constructed for testing in the study:

Domestic violence has no substantial impact on family stability.

H1: Domestic violence has a substantial impact on family stability.

H0: There is no statistically meaningful link between domestic violence and economic growth.

H1: There is a strong link between domestic violence and economic growth.

1.5 Importance of the research

This research will provide detailed information on domestic violence. It will also present a balanced view of the situation, allowing the reader to have a better understanding.

The study will be used as a starting point for further research. The study adds to the growing body of scholarly literature on domestic violence.

1.6 Scope and Limitations Of The Study

The study’s scope includes the amount of time and money invested, the tools/materials and techniques used, and the number of people required to complete the experiment. The researcher conducted personal research for this study. There was simply not enough time in the study to cover other issues. The research is restricted to Jos, Plateau state. The study incorporates pertinent and related domestic violence literatures.

1.7 Definition Of Terms 

Domestic: Concerned with the operation of a home or family connections.

The World Health Organisation defines violence as “the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development, or deprivation,”

though the organisation acknowledges that including “the use of power” in its definition expands on the conventional understanding of th

Family: the basic social unit typically consisting of two parents raising their children; also: any of numerous social units that differ from but are viewed as similar to the conventional family, such as a single-parent family.

Stability is defined as the state of being securely fixed or unlikely to shift or alter.

1.8 Organisation Of Research 

The research is organised into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the study and provides background information. The second chapter examines connected and pertinent literature.

The research technique is presented in chapter three, and the data analysis and interpretation are presented in chapter four. The study comes to a close with Chapter 5, which covers the summary, conclusion, and suggestion.

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