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Chapter one

Human capital is the process by which an organisation efficiently and successfully acquires, develops, and utilises its human resources to achieve its cooperative goals.

Human capital management enables managers to manage their employees more efficiently and increases workforce productivity by enhancing job performance.

It is a practical activity in human existence, and it may be relevant to asset that it is a nation’s human capital, not its material riches, that ultimately determines the rate of its economy and social growth.

Governments that want to be effective are increasingly releasing that one of the important factors contributing to the attainment of organisational success and growth is human capital management, and as such, physical assets such as facilities, products, services, or technologies can be limited by the organisation.

Human assets are irreplaceable and hence provide an organisation with a competitive edge.

According to (Sani 2001), the quality, organisation, and motivation of a nation’s human capital have a significant impact on its progress.

Sain described management as the process of teaching an organization’s goals to its employees and other resources. Human capital management is typically defined in broad but general terms.

According to Fisher (2008), Human Capital Management (H.C.M) encompasses all management decisions and practices that have a direct impact on or influence the people who work for the organisation

. In the instance of Akwa Ibom state, where diversity has enormous influences on politics and administration, the ability to improve the advantages and lower the costs of this diversity is a human capital management challenge of epic proportions.

According to Bowen and Osteff (2003), strengthening administrative capacity, particularly those parts dealing with human capital, presents the most difficult barrier for boosting organisational performance.

Strategic human resource management policies improve staff productivity and the ability of government agencies to carry out their goal. (Cole 2011, the strategic planning process helps an organisation attain its goals and objectives.

Civil services systems are developed to incorporate many goals and objectives. Civil service systems are intended to combine the numerous aims pursued by the public sector and to prevent the adoption of progressive human capital practices; however, they are not always hard impediments to change.

There have been numerous studies (George 2005) looking into the impact of strategic human capital management policies and practices in an organisation. Most performances have taken place in developing countries.

However, the majority of these research focused on the operations of large private corporate organisations. How the public sector responds to human capital management policies remains an unaddressed subject in the literature; this study fills that gap by examining the impact of human capital policies on Akwa Ibom state civil services.

Research Problem
Today’s management level has seen a tremendous expansion in organisations, businesses, and even the government. There are issues with human capital management policies in Akwa Ibom state civil services. These issues can be investigated via.

Insufficient human capital policies and decision-making in an organisation.

ineffective implementation of policies

Lack of proper planning
Management’s failure to oversee plans and initiatives threatens organisational performance.

This study effort is being carried out with these issues in mind. It is intended to investigate the impact of human capital management policies in the Akwa Ibom State Civil Service.

The purpose of the study
The primary goal of this research is to analyse human capital management strategies in Akwa Ibom state civil services and their impact on organisational performance.

To identify potential solutions to a problem affecting human capital management.

To form a judgement on the issues and prospects for the influence of human capital management policies.

To determine the benefit that could assist the ministry or works in making use of prospect recording of books or accounts.

1.4 Objective of the Study

The overall goal of this study is to determine the impact of human capital management policies in Akwa Ibom State Civil Services.

To determine the human capital management policies and functions in the Akwa Ibom state civil service.

To assess the level of planning for accomplishing organisational goals.

To find the established plans and methods for achieving organisational goals.

To suggest the necessity for human capital management policies in order to achieve good organisational performance.

1.5 Research questions.

The research questions listed below were developed to guide this endeavour.

Is there a link between human capital management strategies and employee performance in Akwa Ibom state civil service?

Does the management sector influence an organization’s performance?

Does the level of planning in an organisation help management accomplish organisational goals?

Does adequate monitoring of established plans and strategies aid management in achieving organisational goals?

1.6 Research Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant association between management’s planning method and organisational objectives.

H1: There is a considerable relationship between management’s planning process and organisational objectives.

Ho: Akwa Ibom State Civil Services does not have any specific human capital management rules for their employees.

H1: Akwa Ibom State Civil Service has established human capital management policies for its employees.

Ho: There is no major link between human capital management and personnel development in the Akwa Ibom State Civil Service.

Hi: There is a significant link between human capital management and staff development in the Akwa Ibom State Civil Service.

1.7 Significance of the Study

Given that human resources are the lifeblood of every organisation, it is critical for the government to understand that mismanagement of human capital through the deployment of ineffective policies can have an impact on worker productivity and the state’s overall economy.

The study will assist the government establish policies that lead to high worker productivity.

The findings on the performances of civil servants in the state would assist the public in evaluating the performances of civil servants in each ministry, consequently rethinking their policies to accelerate the state economy.

It might be beneficial to the student to provide a source of knowledge or reference material in case further study on the issue is required.

Interestingly, the research effort would assist the student in partially meeting the requirements for the award of a high national diploma (HND) in business administration.

1.8 Scope of the Study

This study focused on the impact of human capital management policies on Akwa Ibom State’s civil service. The study solely looked at employees at the Ministry of Works in Akwa Ibom State. This investigation was conducted in the year 2016.

1.9 Limitations of the Study

This study is limited to the Ministry of Works Barracks Road in Uyo. Because of this, the researcher was unable to conduct a broad range of studies.

Time Factor: Given the nature of this project, class activities such as assignments, tests, attending lectures, and exam preparation represent a significant challenge to this research endeavour.

Lack of Adequate Funding: There is insufficient funding for this research, therefore visits to the state library, respondents, and resource persons outside the school to gather important information and data are limited or hindered.

Lack of Materials: Insufficient data due to a scarcity of textbooks and publications poses significant challenges to our research.

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