Project Materials




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This study studied the effect of leadership style on employee motivation in Nigerian breweries. The primary goal of the research is to determine the leadership style in Nigerian breweries and the impact of this style on motivation. The researcher administered a questionnaire during this survey.

A sample size of 200 employees from the company’s 400-person workforce. 200 questionnaires were not distributed; 166 were collected; 23 were not returned; and 11 were not correctly completed.

The data were analysed using simple percentages. There were findings and recommendations made on initiatives to encourage women to take up leadership roles.

Also, leaders should understand how to empower others to work, and control should not be limited to management; finally, leading by example cannot be overstated, because leaders will not only get loyalty and respect from followers, but also improved performance.

Chapter One


1.1 Background of the Study

In any organisation, there can be significant differences in how leaders and subordinates conduct their respective tasks. Some employees demonstrate excitement and initiative when carrying out their jobs.

Others conduct their duties in a disciplined and careful manner, rarely demonstrating the originality anticipated on the job, resulting in subpar performance. As a result, several questions are posed. Why are there inequalities in performance?

Do high-performing employees have more creative potential than others? It appears much more likely that a major portion of the disparities in job performance across employees is due to motivational differences and leadership styles exhibited by their superiors or leaders.

Leadership and employee motivation are so inextricably linked. Because of his position of power, a leader is responsible for his organization’s success. This is good accomplishment, which is determined by a variety of elements, including leadership style and the encouragement or motivational incentives provided to employees.

Performance is determined by the ability, motivation, and availability of appropriate resources planned, organised, directed, and coordinated by a leader in the workplace.

Elton Mayo’s Hawthorne experiment, conducted between 1924 and 1932, laid the groundwork for group participation in an organisation. It means that leaders must collaborate with their subordinates to attain goals.

He goes on to say that “once group collaboration is achieved the work relation in the workplace may reach a cohesion that may resist the destructive effects of any adaptive society” .

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The major question addressed by this research is whether the leadership style demonstrated by people in positions of power serves as a motivator for their subordinates, or whether the opposite is true.

Leadership style is critical in every organisation, and it is important to recognise that there is no widespread consensus on what makes the ideal leadership style.

Leadership styles include authoritarian, democratic, laissez faire, transactional, and transformational, each with their own far-reaching repercussions or implications for management and employees.

In addressing the issue, efforts will be made to define leadership and leadership styles, motivation theories and methodologies, and investigate how such styles influence employee motivation in an organisation.

1.3 Goal of the Study

The overall goal of this study is to increase leadership’s impact on employee motivation, which is what the project is focused at.

The study’s aims are:

– To determine how leadership style affects employee motivation.

– Determine the association between leadership style and employee motivation.

– To identify the barriers to effective leadership style.

1.4 Research Questions.

The following are preliminary research questions designed to provide a clear focus for the study.

1) Are there any beneficial influences on leadership trends?

2) Are there elements that contribute to low performance? 3) Are there any leadership styles used by Nigerian breweries?

4) Do different leadership styles affect employee motivation?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study’s significance to Nigerian organisations and workers in general cannot be overstated. Situations dictate what happens in an area. Individual differences cause people to react differently. As a result, distinct attitudes and actions emerge in the workplace.

This influences the leadership style of each particular leader, determining whether a leader believes in motivating subordinates before performing or not. This study will therefore investigate the link between leaders and employees.

Employees’ demands and wants change with time in the workplace. What happens to people at the workplace has a significant impact on their lives, society, and the organisation for which they work, and such an impact cannot be disregarded if the quality of life in society is to be improved.

In an organisational context, the interpersonal contact between leaders and subordinates fosters team spirit and improves performance since the leader can identify the subordinates’ wants and desires.

The findings of this research study would assist any organization’s management in developing policies that will positively affect their employees’ attitudes and behaviour on the job, as well as how to create opportunities for improvement or performance through the implementation of relevant motivational techniques.

It is also hoped that the findings of this research study will lead to a better understanding of the interaction between management and subordinates (workers), reducing workplace stress, labour turnover, absenteeism, and so on.

Furthermore, this research will go a long way towards assisting management of most of our industrial concerns in finding not only immediate but permanent solutions to the incidence of industrial disputes and strikes between management and their workers, who would have been satisfied with the motivational techniques used by the organisation to address their needs and desires, thereby improving their performance and increasing organisational goals and objectives. Employees will also welcome the use of performance appraisals as a tool for evaluating their behaviour.

1.6 Scope of the Study

In accordance with the study’s objectives, the scope will be on the effects of leadership style on employee motivation as it exists in the organisation, with a focus on both junior and senior categories of staff in Nigeria Breweries Plc, Apapa branch, in order to identify their opinions and allow for more comparisons.

The significance of assessment in the organisation as an evaluation technique to identify who, how, and when motivation and incentives are to be made Some motivational approaches that may be useful in motivating workers to perform will be identified, with a particular emphasis on the importance of the decision-making process.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

It is believed that the majority of the data required for the purpose of this study has been supplied, but numerous issues have arisen as a result of the fact that most of the materials required are not well kept and cannot be found, combined with the attitude of some of the leaders, and some of the questionnaires were not fully answered.

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