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Chapter one
1.1 Background of the Study.
Humans are the most valuable aspect of society. Because of all created beings, man is the most significant in organising and coordinating himself and other resources logically, and thus giving good purpose to existence and the world.
Without leadership, our families, communities, institutions, organisations, enterprises, and society as a whole would devolve into a disorganised, rudderless, directionless, wasteful, and detailed collection of people, machines, and materials.
According to Stoner et al. (2005), leadership is “the process of directing and influencing the task-oriented activities of group members”.
Weihrich and Koontz (2009). It is defined as “the art or process of persuading people to work willingly and enthusiastically towards the achievement of group goals.” Allan and Robert (2006) defined leadership as the process by which one person exercises social influence over other members of a group.
Appleby (2005) defined it as management’s ability to persuade subordinates to work with confidence and enthusiasm towards group goals. Mullins (2007) believes that leadership is about “getting others to follow” or “getting others to do things willingly.”
According to Akanwa (2003), leadership is a method of exerting influence on a group in a certain setting at a given moment and under specific conditions that motivates people to work freely to achieve organisational goals.
Leadership is the ability to persuade others to pursue set goals with enthusiasm. Human action is what holds a community together and motivates it to achieve its goals. It is the ultimate act that brings to fruition all of the potentials inside organisations and their people.
According to Weihrich and Koontz (2008), I identified four major ingredients for leadership:
Power refers to the ability to wield power efficiently and responsibly.
A fundamental understanding of people, that is, the ability to recognise that humans have different motivators at different times and in different situations.
Inspiration is the rare capacity to inspire followers to put their full potential into a project, causing individuals to give unselfish support to a chosen champion.
The leader’s style and the climate he creates, that is, the capacity to operate in a way that responds to and motivates others.
According to Normala and Syed (2009), high-quality leader-follower interactions have an impact on employee performance and organisational commitment.
1.2 Statement of Problems
Although leadership traits are undoubtedly crucial, particularly in teamwork, leaders must be able to engage followers in productive and rewarding mutual endeavours.
The problem is based on the topic, the impact of leadership styles on employees’ performance in an organisation, so my goals are to reveal what it is that motivates all leaders to perform at their best and to achieve optimal business results at all times because the researcher
the inherent problem I have identified is that many managers in organisations have attempted into several different incentive programmes to motivate their employees, but they have not worked for ev
Inadequate human resource management contributes to the problem. Also, poor and unwilling services in comparison to need generation with prompt service.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The study’s overarching goal is to investigate the overall impact of leadership style on employee performance in the organisation. The study’s objectives are as follows.
Determine the association between leadership style and organisational performance.
To investigate the significance and use of leadership style in an organisation.
To give recommendations to leaders and organisations based on study findings.
To determine how leaders can meet the needs of their workers.
To determine whether workers are productive or not.
1.4 Research Questions.
The following research question will be addressed in the study.
Is there a relationship between leadership style and organisational performance?
What are the significance and importance of leadership styles in an organisation?
What recommendations can be offered to leaders and organisations based on research results?
How Can leadership meet the needs of its workers?
Does leadership style affect organisational performance?
What is the relationship between worker motivation and organisational performance?
What are the leadership styles that influence organisational performance?
Does leadership style have a good impact on an organization’s growth and development?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
The following hypotheses were developed to guide my study efforts.
We have two hypotheses: the null hypothesis (Ho) and the alternative hypothesis (H1).
Hypothesis One.
Ho: Leadership style has no link with
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