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This research examined the impact of marketing management support systems on organizational decision-making. A case of The Nigerian Bottling Company, Iddo House, Lagos State. 200 employees of the Nigerian bottling company iddo house in Lagos State were chosen at random as the study’s total population. For data gathering purposes, the researcher utilized questionnaires. This study utilized a descriptive survey research approach. For the study, a total of 133 managers, human resource managers, senior employees, and junior employees participated. The acquired data were displayed in tables and examined with simple percentages and frequencies.


First chapter


The study’s background

A Marketing Management Support System is any device that combines  information technology, (ii) marketing data and/or expertise, and (iii) analytical capabilities, and is made available to one or more marketing decision-makers in an effort to enhance the quality of marketing decision-making. Marketing information systems, marketing decision support systems, and marketing knowledge-based systems are the three categories of MMSS that have been developed thus far. Each of these systems emphasizes unique aspects.

This issue of Marketing Science focuses on management decision making, how marketing managers make decisions today, and a number of innovative decision aids that assist marketing managers in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of marketing operations. This introductory study aims to give a framework for analyzing these decision aids and a deeper knowledge of how they interact with marketing managers.

Information Systems can be imagined using the terminology Transactional Processing Systems (TPS), Management Information Systems (MIS), and Expert Systems. There are a number of subgroups of MIS, including Decision Support Systems and Executive Information Systems. The role of MIS in decision support is most appropriately studied in the context of the subset known as Decision Support System (DSS). A DSS is a computer-based system (application program) that is capable of evaluating organizational (or business) data and presenting it in a manner that assists the user in making more efficient and effective business decisions. It is mostly an informational application that responds to a specific query based on the data already entered. Given this context, the researcher intends to examine the impact of marketing management support system on organization decision making.

The problem’s description

This issue of Marketing focuses on management decision making, how marketing managers make decisions today, and a number of innovative decision aids that support marketing managers in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of marketing operations. This introductory study’s objective is to give a framework for analyzing these decision aids and a better understanding of how they interact with marketing managers.

The study’s purpose

The study has the following objectives:

To establish the connection between marketing management support system and organizational decision making
To determine the relationship between the marketing management support system and the organizational performance
Determine the influence of marketing management support system on manager decision making
Determine what roles managers perform and how marketing information systems can assist them in fulfilling these roles.
Hypotheses for Study

The researcher developed the following hypothesis for the effective completion of the study:

H0: There is no correlation between marketing management support system and organizational decision making.

There is a correlation between the marketing management support system and organizational decision making

There is no relationship between marketing management support system and organizational performance

There is a correlation between marketing management support system and organizational performance

The study’s significance

Students and organizations will find this research to be of great value. The study will provide a thorough understanding of the effect of marketing management support systems on the decision-making processes of businesses. The work will also serve as a resource for future researchers interested in the same subject.

The study’s scope and restrictions

The scope of this study encompasses the influence of marketing management support systems on organizational decision-making. The researcher faces a limitation that restricts the scope of the investigation;

a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, restricting the scope of the investigation.
b) TIME: Due to the researcher’s need to integrate the study with other academic activities and examinations, the allotted time period does not allow for a broader scope.


Management Support Systems (MSS) are computer-based systems designed to be used by or at least to assist managers. They, along with other less prevalent approaches, are largely concerned with defining the information requirements of managers and how an MSS might meet those requirements.

On the basis of the organizational level at which a choice is made, decisions can be divided into three kinds. The course of an organization is determined by strategic decisions. Tactical decisions pertain to the manner in which tasks will be carried out. Lastly, operational decisions refer to the day-to-day decisions that personnel make to ensure the organization’s operations.

According to Mazur (2001), marketing is the delivery of a standard of life to society. This definition is an attempt to answer the criticisms of marketing, particularly by those who view it as an agent of corruption in society.

This is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and regulating operations to achieve the aims and purpose of an organization.

1.8 Organizing the Research

To facilitate comprehension, this study is divided into five chapters as follows:

The first chapter is devoted to the introduction, which includes the (overview of the study), historical context, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitations of the study, definition of terms, and historical context of the study. The second chapter focuses on the theoretical framework upon which the study is founded, as well as a survey of the relevant literature. The third chapter discusses the research design and technique utilized for this study. The fourth chapter focuses on the collecting and analysis of data, as well as the presentation of findings. The summary, conclusion, and suggestions for the study are presented in the fifth chapter.





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