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Effect Of Organic And Inorganic Fertilizers On Cucurbita Moschata.

Effect Of Organic And Inorganic Fertilizers On Cucurbita Moschata.

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Effect Of Organic And Inorganic Fertilizers On Cucurbita Moschata.

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction

Cucurbita moschata was discovered in southern Mexico approximately 5000 BCE, and near Peru’s coast around 3000 BCE. South America is regarded to be the secondary site of domestication. This species had migrated to northeastern Mexico by 1400 BCE and the southwest United States by 900 CE.

Cucurbita moschata was introduced to the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean by early Spanish explorers. Crookneck and cheese pumpkins, which originated in North America, were planted by colonists in the 1600s, and varieties can now be found in India, southeastern Asia, Asia Minor, and Japan. By the nineteenth century, Cucurbita moschata had spread to northern Africa.

Cucurbitaceae is one of the largest families in the vegetable kingdom, with the most edible type species. Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Poir.) is an important vegetable that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. Pumpkin fruits are widely utilised as vegetables in both the immature and mature stages.

The yellow and orange fleshed fruits are high in carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, and contain moderate amounts of vitamins B and C. In modern agriculture, chemical fertilisers account for the majority of the overall cost of seed production.

Pumpkin production is rapidly expanding, and growers frequently encounter one or more issues that limit the crop’s full potential for growth and productivity. As a result, these issues could be partially or entirely solved by utilising various agrochemicals such as mineral nutrients and growth regulators.

The ideal nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium doses vary substantially depending on the duration of the growth season, soil fertility, soil type, cultivar, geographical location, and environmental conditions. These elements will have a significant impact on the growth and yield characteristics for pumpkin.

Objective of the study

To determine the effects of organic and inorganic fertilisers on Cucurbita moschata.

To determine the optimum concentration of organic and inorganic fertiliser required by Cucurbita moschata for proper growth, as well as the best technique of fertiliser delivery, which is either ring or broadcasting.

To make recommendations on how to promote the proper growth and development of Cucurbita moschata.

Plant growth regulators, a new family of agrochemicals, when used in modest amounts alter natural growth of agricultural plants from seed germination to senescence. Among these, the utilisation of GA3 is of great interest in several disciplines of agriculture and horticulture.

Other studies have shown that chemical fertilisers and growth regulators improve crop growth, fruit yield, seed yield, and seed quality in cucurbitaceous crops.

As a result, there is an urgent need to provide exact information about the required optimum doses of chemical fertilisers and the proper stage of spray with suitable growth regulators

which aid in better growth habit, fruiting, and seed output paired with improved quality. Keeping all of these factors in mind, an attempt was made to determine the influence of chemical fertilisers and organic manure on seed yield and quality of musk pumpkin (Cucubita moschata).

A tropical hybrid of Cucurbita moschata can reach 90 tonnes per hectare when cultivated with drip irrigation and plastic mulch. In another study employing Cucurbita moschata, a high yield of 85 tonnes per hectare was obtained for the tropical hybrid C-42 x La.

Segunda By transplanting and employing mulching and row cover in a favourable year, the yield was reduced to 43 tonnes per hectare by direct seeding without mulching and row cover in the same year.

The prior year (1998) was humid, and the yield using the last approach was 28 tonnes per hectare. Experimental yields of Cucurbit moschata landraces obtained in the Department of Agriculture and Animal Science of the University of Sonora (DAG) during the summer-fall season under furrow irrigation increased from 7.9 to 17.8 tonnes per hectare, and from 1.2 to 24.6 tonnes per hectare during the winter-spring season.

The production was increased by raising the plant population to 30.3 tonnes per hectare for the summer-fall season of 1988, with 0.33 plants per square metre.

The Cucurbitaceae family contains approximately 117 genera and 825 species, 15 of which have been farmed in Bangladesh for a long period. They share several similarities in gourd development as well as root behaviour. They also have very comparable internal architecture and development (Whitaker & Davis, 1962).

The necessity to employ renewable energy and lower inorganic fertiliser costs has reinvigorated the usage of organic fertilisers around the world. Environmental and public health benefits are compelling reasons to advocate for expanded usage of organic materials (Seifritz, 1982; Ojeniyi, 2000; Maritus et al, 2001).

They so ensure a longer residual effect (Sherma and Mittra, 1991), improved root development, and increased crop yields (Abou el Magd et al., 2005).

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of organic manure (poultry manure) and inorganic fertiliser application on the nutrient uptake and yield of Cucurbita moschata.

Impact of Urea and Nitrogen Inorganic Fertilisers on Certain Plants

Sustainable crop production necessitates the prudent use of inputs such as fertilisers; yet, the usage of inorganic fertilisers has significantly decreased as a result of the energy crisis, which has severely impacted the majority of developing countries (Hauck, 1981).

Urea, one of the synthetic organic fertilisers, contains 46% nitrogen. It is easily soluble and leachable when first applied to the soil, but when it converts to ammonium, it is stored by clay and humus in adsorbed forms that are readily available to plants.

Under favourable temperature and moisture circumstances, urea hydrolyses to ammonium carbonate and subsequently to nitrate in less than a week. The manufacture of ammonium carbonate is dependent on enzymes produced by a variety of soil microorganisms.

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