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This study focuses on the effect of promotional mix marketing on airline services (Nigeria Airline).The product’s promotional mix is practically everything, according to Hicks VValdron, and it informs, persuades, and reminds, just like other promotional approaches. It has the potential to influence consumer beliefs, attitudes, images, and behaviours.

This study is designed to determine how promotional mix influences consumer sentiments towards airline products. In order to conduct the research efficiently, Nigeria Airways Ltd. P.M. was chosen as the study site.

The issue statement was given, the purpose of the study was clearly specified, and survey methods were utilised to analyse the opinions of airline employees regarding the effects of promotional mix.

Their thoughts were acquired using questionnaires from respondents at Nigeria Airways Ltd. Port Court District. The analyses were then carried out using chi-squares and tables (critical values). Based on the data analysis, conclusions were formed about the hypothesis.

Chapter 1 (1.0): Introduction

1.1 Historical Background of the Study

The promotional mix is described as any paid type of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, commodities, or services by an acknowledged sponsor. (Kotler & Armstrong 1989, p434).

Ar. Identified sponsors could include corporations, companies, airlines, non-profit organisations, and individuals who are included in the promotional mix message.

According to the definition above, promotional mix could be viewed as a Mino in contemporary society. According to Hobson (1988), the promotional mix is more than just a means of informing the general consumer;

it is also a promotional medium through which the government and other organisations can channel their ideas, as well as the airline induct special and seasonal pricing.

The promotional mix serves to keep customers informed of the services that the airline provides at any given time. If the airline falls into the promotional mix, the public will be unaware of its offerings, giving its competitors an advantage in misleading or acquiring its customers.

The promotional mix consists of four components: the source, massage, channel, and receiver. The source is represented by the advertiser, who creates an advertisement (message) and distributes it through mass media (communication channel) to the intended audience (receiver). Facebook, a significant aspect of communication, is measured in terms of sales realised.

Promotional mix influences almost every facet of economic and cultural life. It emphasises and stimulates specific vitality in manufacturing and trade.

Promotional mix provides industries, such as Nigeria Airways, with faster market access for the introduction of new products and services while also reinforcing customer awareness of existing items.

It also attempts to transmit feelings, commitments, and convictions in a persuasive manner. To achieve its goal, the promotional mix must have a purpose.

In every aspect of business, whether for profit or non-profit, the owner must focus on tactics for raising awareness of its products, services, and ideas. Marketing requires more than just manufacturing a product, pricing it, and making it available to the target market in order for a transactional system to function.

As companies create good items, they must teach consumers about them and strategically position them in their minds. To accomplish this, they must use a mass promotion instrument known as promotional mix.

In a modern economy with a dispersed huge population, human communication, particularly between producing units and their customers, is no longer viable. As a result, the promotional mix contributes to the vigour and momentum of economic activity by improving citizens’ consumption behaviour.

A company’s image is also improved by establishing a reputation for integrity, progressiveness, and social responsibility in the minds of both current and potential customers as a result of the promotional mix.

However, the extent to which the promotional mix is packaged and awareness is raised will have an impact, both favourably and adversely, on the purpose of such business owners.

Promotional mix plays an important role in a country’s development because it improves client reactions to any product or service. The primary goal of every organisation is to sell its goods, which can only be accomplished through a promotional mix campaign.

Promotional mix beyond any drought began as early as 1861 with town criers, local sign posts, and local musical instruments. (Onyebunagu 1983, 27).

The promotional mix is described as any paid type of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, commodities, or services by an acknowledged sponsor. (Kotler & Armstrong 1989, p434). Ar. Identified sponsors could include corporations, companies, airlines, non-profit organisations, and individuals who are included in the promotional mix message.

According to the definition above, promotional mix could be viewed as a Mino in contemporary society. According to Hobson (1988), the promotional mix is more than just a means of informing the general consumer;

it is also a promotional medium through which the government and other organisations can channel their ideas, as well as the airline induct special and seasonal pricing.

The promotional mix serves to keep customers informed of the services that the airline provides at any given time. If the airline falls into the promotional mix, the public will be unaware of its offerings, giving its competitors an advantage in misleading or acquiring its customers.

The airline advertises mostly through television, magazines, newspapers, and radio. In addition, as with other promotional mix programmes, the advertiser must forecast budgets based on the methods of communication used, which must be effectively structured and adjusted to fit their needs.

Because new airlines are being founded on a daily basis, and current airlines are attempting to outperform one another, the importance of the promotional mix, which includes product awareness generation and customer persuasion,

has become important. NIGERIA AIR LINELINE Ltd., as a national carrier competing with foreign airlines, should use promotional mix as a tactic to differentiate its services from others.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

As previously said, the promotional mix is a mirror through which the public learns about a company or corporation and what they do. Frequently, a large sum of money is spent on the promotional mix without knowing the return on investment in the marketing.

Looking at the airline industry’s operations during the last three years, there has been an increase in airline patronage, which can be attributed to an enhanced promotional mix. However, some managers remark, “We are not recording profit compared to when we did not advertise.”

As a result, the aim of the promotional mix, which is to persuade purchasers to take a favourable attitude towards Airline products, is undermined. It is the managers’ sole responsibility to use promotional mix as a marketing strategy. However, the majority of managers cause difficulties for their promotional mix departments by using promotional mix incorrectly.

Many marketing managers fail to plan ahead of time, causing issues for their promotional mix departments, which are typically needed to work on time.

In the airline sector, messages are centred on benefit schemes and the development of services such as unique or discounted rates that can set it apart from competing airlines.

These customised fares and promotions allow the airline to outsmart its competition. Despite this, many marketing managers direct their promotional mix to the appropriate place but at the wrong moment.

The actual problem in this study is to determine whether the growth in airline patronage and profit is related to frequent advertisement.


How has the promotional mix aided in the sale of airline services to its customers? Whether the message to be communicated will strive to bring out the hidden advantage of a product or service to the public.

Also, the problem of how promotional mix has helped to increase Nigeria Airways consumers from negative to positive ranking among its competitors, especially in the face of intense rivalry from other foreign airlines, whom they believe are better equipped than Nigeria Airways.


The primary goal of this study is to critically evaluate the numerous ways in which the airline advertises its products or services, as well as the benefits derived from the promotional mix.

It will help to determine the audience’s attitudes about the advertisement.

To find out the various tactics used in promotional mix its items to attain their goals.

Assess the effectiveness of the promotional mix on the company’s products.

To determine the issues encountered by the airline when promotionally mixing its products.

Determine the role promotional mix performs in the company.

To determine the degree to which the promotional mix coincides with changes in customer attitudes.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The reason for this study originates from the desire to determine how the promotional mix is used to effectively promote the products of Nigeria Air Lineways Ltd. Port Harcourt District.

Furthermore, this study will teach airlines and advertisers how to use the promotional mix to urge customers to buy their products or services. As a result, the airline’s management will be educated on the benefits and potential drawbacks of frequent promotional mixes.

Again, the findings of this study will serve as reference material for other researchers who may choose to conduct similar work in the future. Finally, this study would be valuable for individuals in the promotional mix/public relations department of the airline and comparable ones.


How does the airline’s promotional mix effect its patronage levels?

Does the promotional mix improve the airline’s profits?

Is there a problem with the airline’s promotional mix?

Given the impact of the promotional mix, do you believe the airline should maintain its current level or increase it?

Does your promotional mix have a positive or negative impact on consumers’ attitudes towards your airline?

1.6 Research Hypotheses

HOI: The type of promotional mix utilised has no effect on the airline’s patronage.

HOii There is no positive correlation between promotional mix and earnings.

The airline does not encounter any Ho iii problems during the promotional mix process.

HHii The airline encounters problems while implementing the promotional mix.

HOiv’s promotional mix does not effectively mark airline services.

HHIV: Customers are not responding favourably to the airline’s offerings.

H1V: Customers respond favourably to the airline’s services.


This investigation was hampered by a number of reasons, the most significant of which being time. Due to time constraints, this research has been restricted to the Port Harcourt District. The most significant limitation is that the corporation presently provides skeletal services in all of its administrative locations.

Because of the issue with Nicon regarding the insurance plate cover. A study of this magnitude would have sampled as many airline offices as possible to determine the Effect of promotional mix, due to the management in this direction, it was reduced to facts collected.

Second, the research has the challenge of determining which people since the researcher rely on his parents for financial difficulties associated with obtaining information from respondents was also a limiting

1.8 Definition of Terms

Advertising is a non-personal presentation of goods, services, or ideas to a group with the goal of boosting the sale of goods and services while also garnering acceptance of any ideas or points of views.

MEDIA denotes the dissemination of information, such as radio and television. Motion picture and press (standard dictionary of English)

PROMOTION MIX: a specific combination of promotional methods utilised for a single product or a group of products.

SERVICE INDUSTRY: This is described as a business that performs work for a customer and occasionally delivers items but does not engage in production.

The service industry is a sector of the economy that produces services rather than tangible goods.

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