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Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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1.1 The Background of the Study 

The global goal of universal education is a major preoccupation of the Nigerian government. Education stakeholders are now very concerned about pupils’ academic performance.

As a result, the government has created and put into effect measures aimed at enhancing academic achievement. Enrolment at public basic schools in Nigeria skyrocketed by 18% after tuition fees were abolished and the Capitation Grant Initiative was implemented in 2005 (MOESS, 2006).

The low academic achievement in Nigeria has been ascribed to a number of causes, including socioeconomic situation, inadequate teachers, bad infrastructure, and ongoing educational changes.

More than 20% of children drop out of school before completing the basic cycle, according to Ministry of Education reports, for a variety of reasons, including the poor quality of public education (MOESS, 2006).

Without a doubt, a lecturer who lacks both the academic and professional lecturer qualifications would negatively impact the teaching and learning of their subject.

Although successive governments have made significant progress in improving the educational system, low performance is still a problem.

Academic performance has also been demonstrated to be significantly impacted by stress. According to Kaplan & Sadock (2000), while an ideal amount of stress can improve learning capacity, Niemi & Vainiomaki (1999) contended that excessive stress can lead to physical and mental health issues and may have an impact on students’ academic performance.

For many years, psychologists have conducted a large number of studies on stress and its effects on mental and physical health. According to Lazarus (1966), stress is a condition of psychological arousal that arises when an individual’s adaptive capacities are strained or exceeded by external pressures. This demonstrates that pupils’ academic performance is significantly impacted by stress.

Over time, Nigeria’s educational system has undergone a number of adjustments. The number of years spent at the basic level was lowered from 10 to nine years with the implementation of the reform initiatives that the government announced in 1987.

The Federal College of Education is a three-year program that is part of the reforms. The Federal College of Education’s duration was extended by the government to four years in 2007 and then again to three years in 2009. Higher academic attainment was the goal of all these improvements.

Although the curriculum has been enlarged and enhanced to guarantee high-quality performance, Nigeria’s educational system is still struggling with low academic achievement.

It is crucial to take into account the academic performance and felt stress of nursing school students in light of these and other issues.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem 

Stress has an impact on nursing students’ academic performance, but it can also lead to a number of mental health issues like anxiety or depression, as well as other related issues like sleep disturbances, alcoholism, and the use of psychoactive drugs, all of which can have an immediate or long-term impact on patient care.

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

Considering the nature of the issue, the project aims to determine:

1. The profile of perceived stress among nursing students.

2. The Nursing Students’ Academic Achievement

3. The Connection between Academic Achievement and Perceived Stress

1.4 Research Hypothesis 

The study below evaluated the following hypothesis:

H0: Perceived stress and academic performance among nursing students do not significantly correlate.

H1: Academic performance and nursing students’ perceived stress are significantly correlated.

1.5 Research Questions

The following questions are the focus of the study:

1. What is the Perceived Stress Profile of Nursing Students?

2. What impact does stress have on nursing students’ academic performance?

3. How well do nursing students perform academically in the field of study?

The study’s conclusions will give parents, tutors, students, and other researchers vital information about stress and academic performance. They will also assist students in identifying their strengths and weaknesses and coping with stress in order to succeed academically.

The study will also assist curriculum designers in creating beneficial initiatives to raise student achievement. Additionally, it will assist experts such as school counsellors in creating stress-reduction plans and assisting children in understanding who they are.

It will give the government information on how to improve rural schools so they can achieve academic success. Lastly, students and other researchers who could do related research might use the study as a source of reference information.

1.5 The significance of the Research

For educators, policymakers, professional learners, and decision-makers who sought to reduce the elements that have a major impact on students’ academic achievement, the study was important.

This study may also help the nursing school’s administration develop strategies to improve academic performance and the value of education by changing students’ attitudes towards learning through seminars, workshops, conferences, parent meetings, and financial supporter NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation) discussions about removing influencing factors.

Once more, research aims to advance our understanding of how stress affects nursing students’ academic performance. It will assist parents and teachers understand how stressed out students are, which will help them avoid issues in nursing schools.

Additionally, this study will educate parents about the issue of excessive stress, which their kids occasionally engage in.

The researchers’ suggestions might also aid in the endeavours to address the stress issues that nursing school students face.

Nursing students and other library patrons will also benefit from the effort. This is because a copy will be brought to the library for public use after the research is finished. Students will gain from this study’s conclusions.

1.6 The Scope and Delimitations

The study’s scope was particularly concentrated on how stress affected nursing students’ academic performance.

A restricted number of nursing schools will be covered by the study’s delimitation. Conceptually, the study will employ terms and ideas from educational psychology, guidance and counselling, and curriculum-based moral education.

1.7 The limitations

It was quite challenging to obtain respondents to participate in the survey because of their hectic work schedules. Consequently, it was extremely difficult to obtain copies of the questionnaire in a timely manner.

Additionally, because she is a student, the researcher has limited time and resources to review the vast amount of material available for this topic. Information provided by the researcher is limited to the chosen organisation utilised as a study in this research, particularly in the location where this study is being done, and may not be applicable to other businesses or organisations.

Lastly, because the researcher may only use the evidence that the research participants have provided, they are unable to assess the correctness and dependability of the data.

Financial constraint: A lack of funds often makes it more difficult for the researcher to find pertinent literature, resources, or information and to gather data (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

Time constraint: The researcher will work on this study and other academic projects at the same time. As a result, less time will be spent on the research project.


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