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This study looked at the impact of television advertisements on purchasing behaviour for household necessities, using a case study of women in Benin City. The overall goal of this study was to investigate the influence of television advertisements.

The study also conducts literature evaluations on topics such as the meaning of advertising, related concepts, advertising features, and advertising disadvantages, among others.

The data collected for this study came from a combination of sources. The primary source data collection methods were the distribution of surveys and the performance of television interviews.

Secondary data was obtained from a textbook, and several hypotheses were examined using the chi-square method to determine their validity. Based on the findings, it was revealed that there is a substantial association between television advertisements and an increase in adverts.

It was also decided that the promotion of television advertisements will be boosted as long as they are adequately created for potential women, and that the use of television advertisements will go a long way towards patronising women in Benin City.

Chapter one


The effect of television advertisements on women’s purchasing behaviour for household necessities is an intriguing topic. The researchers picked this topic to investigate how advertising promotes consumer purchasing behaviour and raises consumer awareness of products and services.

It will benefit women and customers who rely on advertising for information to help them make informed decisions about products or services, particularly when the products are new to the market.

1.1 Background for the Study

The proliferation of items as a result of outputs from different manufacturing enterprises has increased competitiveness throughout time. As a result, in order for manufacturers’ products to reach customers, competitive methods such as advertising must be implemented.

Advertising as a competitive strategy aims to raise awareness of a product’s existence, quality, and availability when needed, and it does so through communication mediums.

In the product category, the product competes with other brands and their advertisements for the attention of the same people in society as a whole. For example, toilet soap brands include Lux, Joy,

Imperial Leather, Hodents, Crest, Sensodyne, Close-up, and Hammer toothpaste, so there is a tremendous need to examine and analyse consumer preferences.

Any organisation must communicate and tell its customers about the availability of its goods and services in order to create and maintain a sufficient market share. As a result, advertising aids in reaching a large number of potential clients and generating the necessary turnover.

Advertising serves as a catalyst for the speedy sale of a product, which in turn motivates customers to buy it. It serves as a vehicle for conveying marketing information about goods and services to customers.

Its function is empowered to achieve a faster turnover by producing the required level or volume of sales. It has an impact on potential consumers. With this in mind, it is critical to conduct this study to determine the potential effect of advertising on buyer purchasing behaviours.

The acceptance of television advertisements is not due to its ability to reach a large number of people at once, particularly in metropolitan and semi-urban areas such as Benin’s capital, but rather to the quantity of presentations and frequency of viewing,

which results in message repetition of marketed products. It helps to have a significant impact on the consumer, changing their attitude and purchasing patterns.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The issue of competition among businesses is becoming increasingly intense, particularly among companies producing comparable items. Many organisations produce comparable items and compete for clients. Business organisations are constantly fighting to eradicate poor demand for items.

Many of them participate in a variety of trades to boost their market share. There is a requirement to inform and notify consumers about the presence of their goods and services. As a result, advertising assists in reaching out to a wide range of potential clients.

1.3 Research Questions.

The research effort raises the following questions:

1. To what extent do television advertisements influence the purchasing habits of women in Benin City?

2. Does television advertising raise the demand for the product?

3. How does television advertising catch customers’ attention?

1.4 Research Hypotheses.

Hypothesis One.

HI: Television advertisements have a substantial association with the purchasing habits of women in Benin City.

Hypothesis Two

Hello: There is a favourable association between the major effect on purchasing and the increase in demand for the goods.

Hypothesis Three

Hello: There is a good association between attracting consumer attention and a few seconds.

1.5 The purpose of the study

The primary goal of this research is to explore the effects of television advertisements on the purchasing habits of women in Benin’s city. Based on this, the researcher must analyse the following measures:

1. Determine the extent to which television advertisements influence the purchasing behaviour of women in Benin City.

2. To investigate the extent to which purchases grow in response to increased product demand.

3. To determine the effectiveness of attracting consumers’ attention in a few seconds.

1.6 The scope of the study.

The study focuses on women and is limited to those living in Benin City.

The study provides a comprehensive look at a product or service brand, such as toilet soap (lux, joy, etc.). In addition, toothpaste comes in a variety of brands such as close-up, holding, crest, and sensory. This type of market will be discussed in terms of how to bring it closer to the people.

1.7 Significance of the Study

This study will help producers design better products and choose the best distribution channels. It will assist them in determining whether the advertisement created for them has any affect on consumers of their product or brand.

Finally, marketing students will find this project work useful as a source of reference when conducting research.

1.8 Limitations of the study

It is important to note that the researcher was faced with a number of constraints, among them are:

1. Financial constraint: In the hunt for suitable materials for the research, as well as the monetary period provided throughout this period, a number of challenges or constraints were encountered.

2. Time: There was limited time to settle down and do proper and neat work.

3. The attitude of the respondents: The attitude of the respondents provided a significant challenge for the research since they questioned the true goal of the information sought. Some of my respondents were relevant and too busy to complete the entire questionnaire.

Secondary materials required for this study were not available in the school library or cyber café for reference purposes when writing, and finding someone with relevant material was tough because they made you talk and talk. It was also difficult to collect completed questionnaires.

1.9 Operational Definitions of Terms

1. Consumers: These are people who buy goods and services for personal use rather than for manufacturing or resale. Consumers are the ultimate users of a product; they may also be referred to as the consumer.

2. Consumer Behaviour: Walters and Paul define consumer behaviour as the process by which individuals determine what, when, where, how, and from whom to buy products and services.

Consumer behaviour refers to the actions that consumers take when searching for, purchasing, consuming, reviewing, and disposing of things or services and ideas that they believe will meet their requirements (Walters & Paul 2009).

3. Advertising: Mann et al. (2009) state that the American Marketing Association defines advertising as any paid type of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, commodities, and services by an identified sponsor.

Advertising, on the other hand, is a type of communication that aims to persuade an audience (viewers, readers, and listeners) to buy products or services (Mann et al, 2009, p. 9).

4. Television Advertising: Because television is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images that can be multicoloured, as well as the most powerful medium of mass communication seen on a regular basis by the majority of people, television advertising can be defined as the use of commercial advertisements to promote a company’s products or services via television.

5. Marketing: Kotler defines marketing as a social process in which individuals and groups receive what they need and provide value to one another.

According to the American Marketing Association (AMA) board of directors, marketing is the activity, collection of institutions, and process of generating, conveying, delivering, and exchanging offerings that are valuable to customers,

clients, partners, and society as a whole. As a result, marketing is merely the process of communicating value to a client in order to achieve satisfaction.

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