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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Television advertising is one of the messages that viewers see every day.

The goal of advertising is to deliver the most persuasive marketing message for the product or services. At the lowest feasible cost. It also captures and maintains the attention of their viewers and consumers through commercial messages and advertisements that are specifically geared to sell a product and persuade prospects to purchase the thing being advertised.

The purpose of advertising research is to understand the market in order to avoid costly mistakes, predict the relative strength of various techniques, and improve the overall efficiency of advertising.

Omo Blue detergent advertisements on television entice her large audience to buy the offered detergent by portraying the individuals and families who use the marketed detergent as distinguished and significant people.

People who are satisfied and have gotten their money’s worth. A common example of this type of sales promotion includes television advertisements for soaps, creams, toothpastes, Quash beverages, edible oil and fats, tea and coffee, and detergent, in which the models promoting the detergent are portrayed as happy, satisfied, and distinguished individuals.

Since television advertising has become a regular television broadcast, viewer perception of these advertising messages may influence their buying or purchasing behaviour of specific products

which, if favourable, may lead to a rise in sales of such product and vice versa. Based on this information, a scientific analysis will be conducted to determine the impact of television advertising on customer behaviour.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Advertising has been an unavoidable marketing strategy for firms. The purpose of this study is to determine whether television advertisements for Omo blue detergent have an effect on customer purchasing behaviour for the product, as well as to examine the elements that influence their behaviour and the strength of such activity.

The main topic of interest in this study is the Omo blue detergent advertisement and consumer response to it.

The problem is to investigate the impact of television advertising on consumer purchasing behaviour. With special reference to Unilever Nigerian Plc.


a. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of Omo detergent’s television advertisement on consumer purchasing decisions.

b. To identify and explain concepts that will assist us in understanding what and how an individual obtains consuming satisfaction through his or her behaviour patterns.

c. Determine the effectiveness of detergent advertisements on television.

d. Investigate consumer buy behaviour, the fundamental causes of consumer behaviour, and consumer purchasing decisions.

d. The amount to which economics influences consumer behaviour.

f. Determine whether television advertising is worth the large expenditure it attracts in terms of its influence on Omo detergent size and consumer detergent choice.


1. Does a television advertising for Omo blue detergents influence customer purchasing behaviour?

2. Do television advertisements alter customer preferences for Purpose?

3. What aspects of Omo detergent advertisements influence consumer purchasing decisions?

4. To what extent did a product’s close television advertisement educate the buyer on his or her purchasing decision?

5. Do television advertisements for a product promote sales of that product?

6. Does television advertising influence a consumer’s purchase decision?

1.5 Statement of the Hypothesis

The theories formulated are as follows:

Ho: denote the null hypotheses.

Hi: Denote the alternative hypothesis.

Ho: Users of Omo blue detergent are not immediately affected by the marketing.

Hi: Users of Omo blue detergent are directly impacted by the commercial.

Ho: Consumer purchasing activity is not required for an organization’s longevity.

Hi: An organization’s survival depends on consumer purchasing behaviour.

Ho: Consumer purchasing behaviour is not a useful management tool for making better decisions.

Hi: Consumer purchasing behaviour is not a fact-finding procedure required for successful marketing.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The decision to conduct this study was based on common misconceptions about advertising and its value to society as a whole.

Second, advertisers (Unilever Nigeria Plc) and agencies want to know how users respond to their advertised products.

1.7 Significance of the Study

I. PRODUCER: The research is most relevant to the television medium, advertising agents, and society as a whole since it sheds additional light on the impact of television advertising on Omo detergent purchases. This study will establish facts, identify problems, and give recommendations.

This is pertinent to the management of Unilever Nigeria Plc, the manufacturer of Omo detergent. It will assist them in determining whether the advertisement produced for them has any affect on the customers of their product or brand.

This study also emphasises the importance for advertisers to understand a variety of elements. What motivates consumers to buy a product, how consumers buy the product, how the consumer approaches the buying problem, the most information he needs before making a specific buying decision, why a consumer prefers one brand of a product over another, and why a consumer completely reverses his decision later.


It enables advertising practitioners or agencies to determine whether the advertisements they create are congruent with consumer wants and desires.

It will provide the organisation with valuable insight into the need to discover and capitalise on specific marketing possibilities.
It could also show the marketing mix.

The results of the study may allow the organisation to make quantitative marketing decisions.

III. RELEVANCE TO FUTURE RESEARCHER: This research work may be of great benefit to future researchers in terms of the topic that will act as a source of knowledge for them.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

The biggest obstacle that impacts the quality of this research work was a lack of relevant books and journals from which to use secondary data in this study.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms

a. ADVERTISING: It is defined as any paid type of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, and services by an identifiable sponsor. It can be defined as all of the activities associated with presenting to a group a non-personal, oral or visual, openly sponsored message about a product, service, or idea.

This message is disseminated through one or more media, and there is a set of operations required to produce and deliver it to the internal market.

b. ADVERTISEMENT: This refers to the message used by people, groups, or corporations to create/know a product and persuade the general public that it is available for purchase, such as super blue Omo detergent.

c. ADVERTISEMENT INFLUENCE: It refers to the motivation to buy a product as a result of the effect of external stimuli, specifically advertising.

d. EFFECTIVENESS: The capacity to elicit the intended response or impression. The ability to have an impact, fulfil a task, or achieve an objective.

e. BRAND: This refers to a specific name, design, package, word, symbol, or a combination of these that distinguishes a product from its competitors, such as ultra blue Omo.

f. PREFERENCE: This can be defined as the consumer’s based choice of purchasing behaviour in relation to a specific brand when competitors or other brands are available for sale.

g. Consumer Behaviour: The study of human behaviour focusses on particular types of human actions that have a direct impact on the purchase of goods and services from marketing organisations.

It is the process by which individuals determine whether, what, when, where, how, and from whom they will purchase products and services. It comprises both the mental and physical work required to make marketplace decisions.

h. PROMOTION: For this study, the working definition may be sale.

i. PERSONAL INTERVIEW: This is a face-to-face talk involving representatives from the research organisation, the interviewer, and the respondents or interviewed.

J. QUESTIONNAIRE: This is a formal collection of questions intended to elicit replies from customers on a specific issue. They are the primary instrument used to collect data from respondents using the survey approach.

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