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This study focused on the impact of the internet on community knowledge of COVID-19 in Nigeria. The study’s entire population consists of 200 residents from Oyo state. The researcher employed questionnaires to collect data.

Descriptive A survey research design was used for this investigation. The survey used 133 respondents, including civil servants, students, married males, and married women. The acquired data were displayed in tables and analysed with simple percentages and frequencies.

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction

Background of the study.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the present worldwide pandemic is the first known to be caused by a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.

This respiratory disease spreads easily from person to person, primarily by droplets produced when an infected individual coughs or sneezes. It can also be transmitted by contact with contaminated objects or surfaces.

COVID-19 symptoms have ranged from extremely mild (including some cases with no recorded symptoms) to severe or lethal. The fatality rate is still unknown as the epidemic progresses, and there are some differences among geographic locations and age groups.

The Internet has long served as a non-physical link. In the midst of pandemic-induced social separation, it is now the sole way for people to see distant loved ones and accomplish remote assignments with coworkers.

Social media network sites are online platforms where people, groups, and organisations may establish a presence and share information via text, images, music videos, and so on.

The most concerning element of social media is its ability to be exploited to spread fake news, which has huge detrimental consequences on society and people’s decisions and behaviours.

false news can take many forms, including comedy for fun; nevertheless, a type of false news that successfully convinces people of an inaccurate message is obviously quite concerning.

The ability of libraries and its associates to acquire, evaluate, package, store, and disseminate information, particularly to an information-poor population, has created a high demand for them to intervene in crucial situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic era. The Internet has long been recognised as a major influence altering how we perceive the world and ourselves.

This recognition is accompanied by an increasing volume of research that closely follows in the footsteps of technological transformations (e.g., radio, movies, television, the internet, mobiles) and the zeitgeist (e.g., cold war, 9/11, climate change) in an attempt to map the internet’s major impacts on how we perceive ourselves, both as individuals and citizens.

The sensitization and awareness campaign aimed to educate the community about the causes of COVID-19, its symptoms, repercussions, and prevention techniques.

The internet, particularly social media, is used as a valuable tool for raising awareness and providing COVID-19 health education. Although other experts have suggested that social media is only for the educated.

To raise awareness of COVID-19 in rural communities, the Nigerian government used online institutions in addition to traditional mass mobilisation methods.

Statement of the Study

Is the internet still capable of conveying a feeling of togetherness to vast audiences, or are messages lost in the noise of mass self-communication? Is the internet a source of comfort or one of ignorance, (de)humanization, and discrimination?

Can we use the flexibility and ubiquity of media technologies to promote public adherence to the safety measures recommended by global health organisations to combat the spread of COVID-19?

How may internet-based mass communication channels encourage adaptive reactions that promote positive health attitudes and adherence to preventive measures? The internet’s impact on community knowledge of COVID-19.

The objectives of the study

The study’s aims are:

To determine the function of the internet in preventing the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in the Nigerian population.

To determine whether the online campaign established a reasonable degree of knowledge of the COVID-19 epidemic, causes, effects, and prevention in the Nigerian population.

To determine the association between the internet and COVID-19 sensitization awareness.

Research Hypotheses

The following have been proposed for testing.

H0: The internet has no effect in preventing the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in the Nigerian population.

H1: The internet has a role in preventing the spread of the coronavirus epidemic in Nigerian communities.

H0: There is no association between the internet and COVID-19 sensitization awareness.

H1: There is a relationship between the internet and COVID-19 sensitization awareness.



Significance of the Study

This study will have a tremendous impact on students and the wider public. The student will provide a clear understanding into the impact of the internet on community awareness of COVID-19 in Nigeria. The study will also act as a reference for other researchers who would engage on the similar issue.

Scope and limitations of the study

The study’s scope includes the impact of the internet on community knowledge of COVID-19 in Nigeria. The researcher faces various constraints that limit the scope of the investigation;

a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The researcher has insufficient research material, which limits the investigation.

b) TIME: The study’s time frame does not allow for broader coverage because the researcher must balance other academic activities and examinations with the study.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Epidemic: the widespread presence of an infectious disease in a community at a certain time.

Disease is a structural or functional condition in a human, animal, or plant, particularly one that causes specific symptoms or affects a specific place and is not just the result of physical injury.

Infectious: (of a disease or disease-causing organism) capable of spreading to humans, other creatures, and so on via the environment.
The Internet is a global wide area network that connects computers all over the world.

It includes many high-bandwidth data connections that make up the Internet’s “backbone.” These lines connect to key Internet hubs, which distribute data to various places, such as web servers and ISPs.

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