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Background of the study.
Social media is a phrase commonly used to describe new types of media that require direct engagement. The growth of media is frequently separated into two ages: the broadcast age and the interactive age.

During the broadcast age, media was nearly entirely centralised, with one institution, such as a radio or television station, newspaper corporation, or movie production studio, delivering messages to a large number of people.

Feedback from media outlets was frequently indirect, delayed, and impersonal. Individuals typically communicated by personal letters, phone conversations, or, on a somewhat larger scale, photocopied family newsletters.

With the emergence of digital and mobile technology, large-scale engagement became easier for individuals than ever before, ushering in a new media age in which interactivity was central to new media functions.

One person could now communicate with many others, and fast feedback was possible. Citizens and customers used to have restricted and rather subdued voices, but now they can share their ideas with a large number of people.

The low cost and accessibility of new technology also provided more options for media consumption than ever before, so instead of relying on a few news outlets, people can now seek information from multiple sources and discuss it with others via message boards.

The ongoing revolution revolves upon social media. The qualities, common forms, and common uses of social media are discussed here.

Core Characteristics

All social media use some form of digital platform, whether mobile or stationary. Not every digital content is necessarily social media. Two shared traits serve to define social media. First, social media provides some type of participation.

Social media is never totally passive, even if some social networking platforms, such as Facebook, do allow passive reading of what others publish.

Typically, at the very least, a profile must be developed to allow for the possibility of interaction. That attribute alone distinguishes social media from traditional media, which does not feature personal accounts. Second,

Social media encourage engagement, which is consistent with their participatory nature. This engagement can take place with long-term friends, relatives, or acquaintances, as well as with new people who share common interests or a common acquaintance group.

Although many social media were or are initially regarded as unique, as they are increasingly integrated into personal and professional lives, they become less noticeable and more anticipated.

Common Forms

As this overview of common types of social media shows, some are used primarily for enjoyment or personal relationships, while others are used for work or professional purposes, although most allow for both.


training. Those who work for public organisations (such as politicians, professors at state universities, and administrators and assistants in government offices) are frequently subject to open records laws, which allow interested parties or organisations to request any emails sent or received to a government-funded email account or an email account used for government business.

p. 1159 Email existed before the internet, with certain organisations able to send messages electronically within a local computing network. As the Internet gained popularity, transmitting communications across multiple servers became a viable option. Emails serve as

A rapid and extremely dependable way to communicate documents or photographs, updates or crucial details at any time, or to share a single piece of information with a big number of people. Many people have problems with spam, or unsolicited email, which is typically from commercial sources.

Spam is frequently compounded by computer viruses that exploit email programmes to collect all of the email addresses in a user’s address book. An address book is a list of email addresses that a person stores so that they may easily send an email to a specific person or group of people.

People frequently categorise their address books into different types of friends, colleagues, or family members in order to send correspondence to the most appropriate recipients.


A texter, like email, is a two-way communication channel that allows people to quickly communicate messages to one another or a group of people. Despite media

Texting is generally portrayed as a particularly youthful behaviour, yet people of all ages have adapted to it. Still, younger people tend to text more frequently and at a faster rate. Texting technology has evolved, making it easier to text photographs or copy and paste links into texters to share with others.

Texters frequently utilise emoticons, which are images created with keyboard characters such as a smiling face (e.g.,:-P), a technique that is also widespread in email.

Texters are derived from chatters, which are computer programmes that use the internet to allow individuals to swiftly communicate using text characters.

Although texting is often quite convenient and provides numerous benefits, special emphasis has been given to two texting behaviours that have resulted in problems: texting while driving and sexting. Texting while driving is projected to increase the likelihood of a car crash by about 23%.

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