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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

The impact of unemployment on youngsters cannot be overstated. According to (2009), “Nigeria as a country is often described as a rich country with a majority of poor citizens, with half of the citizens living below the poverty line.”

Unemployment has been a problem in Nigeria, especially since the 1980s, when the nation’s economy took a turn for the worse as a world petroleum price tumbled, the Nigeria currency became devalued, corruption became rampant, and the population of Nigeria ballooned at a breathtaking rate.

The resultant poverty has posed questions about the wisdom of conventional strategies for nation development. Both the government and the private sector have discussed this issues at forums and conferences. Its ongoing existence was attributed to Nigeria’s lack of power supply and financial empowerment.

According to Aganga (2010), unemployment in Nigeria has resulted in a variety of crimes and social vices such as prostitution, internet scams, political violence, kidnapping, militancy (in the Niger Delta), drug trafficking, armed robbery, and so on. The persistence of these vices has been linked to Nigeria’s job scarcity.

According to Aganga (2010), prostitution soared in the mid-1990s, with female Nigerian youth being transported to Italy. Internet scanning has also increased in recent years, as has political violence, kidnapping, and other vices.

However, concerns have been raised about the socioeconomic situation of young people and the prospects for creating additional livelihood opportunities for them.

This is because youths make up a significant portion of the labour force and have innovative ideals, which, among other things, are important in the country’s development process.

According to Gullins et al. (2008), unemployment is a circumstance in which a person who is able and willing to work ordinarily relies on his earnings to provide for himself and his family but is unable to find work.

According to Karl Pribram (2008), unemployment is a labour market condition in which the supply of labour power exceeds the number of vacant positions.

Ebere Nwero (2010) posited that most people blame the government for unemployment, failing to see that in its quest to alleviate the problem of unemployment in the country, the federal government initiated a variety of programmes to create jobs for youths and other unemployed people, though the Nigeria government has tried a number of different measures to get as many youths as possible in to work through the N.Y.S.C.

orientation programme that runs for the duration of “Ebere” goes on to claim that the problem of unemployment can be solved if young people abandon their outdated and incorrect beliefs.

Dependence belief? That once you graduate or leave school, the government will provide you with a job. People who believe this are frustrated and disappointed and should abandon such thoughts.

This study was designed to address the growing social and economic issues linked with youth unemployment in Odeda metropolitan.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The consequences of unemployment in Nigeria have resulted in a variety of crimes and social vices, including prostitution, online scams, political violence, abduction, and armed robbery, among others; nevertheless, the persistence of these vices has been related to Nigeria’s job shortage. As a result, unemployment has been a source of frustration for Odeda Local Government’s young.

Against this context, the research aims to critically investigate the impact of unemployment on youths in the Nigerian society of Odeda Local Government Abeokuta, Ogun State.


The study aims to

(a) Investigate the sources of unemployment in the country and devise appropriate solutions to the problem.

(a) Determine the source or cause of unemployment.

(c) Identify the agents who contribute to the eradication of unemployment in the country.

(d) To understand the role of scholars in the eradication of unemployment.

(e) To understand the elements that contribute to unemployment in society.


Some concerns can be summarised by the following research question, which has been converted into the study work’s purpose.

(1) What types of unemployment influence youths?

(2) What is the rate of unemployment in the research area?

(3) What are the elements contributing to unemployment?

(4) How does unemployment influence the young of society?

(5) How does unemployment affect youth in the study area?

1.5 Scope of the Study

The purpose of this research is to look into the impact of unemployment on young people in Nigeria’s Odeda Local Government Area, Ogun State.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study’s major value is from its potential to address research questions about the impact of unemployment on young in Nigerian society. The outcomes of this research will help unemployed youth in Odeda Local Government understand why unemployment should be eliminated in Odeda Local Government Area, Ogun State.

The study will provide materials on young unemployment in Nigeria, as well as other information required for Nigeria’s socioeconomic development.

The findings of this study may be beneficial to other academics in the future who may wish to further investigate on this similar

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