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Effect of Visual Therapy on Expressive Art Performance of Autistic Children in Yaba Local Council Development Area in Lagos State

Effect of Visual Therapy on Expressive Art Performance of Autistic Children in Yaba Local Council Development Area in Lagos State

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Effect of Visual Therapy on Expressive Art Performance of Autistic Children in Yaba Local Council Development Area in Lagos State



Autism is a complex neurobehavioral and developmental condition characterised by difficulties in social interaction, language, and communication abilities, as well as rigid, repetitive behaviours.

Autism is a collection of closely linked illnesses with a common set of symptoms. The study’s major goal was to investigate autism and the impact of visual therapy on the expressive art performance of autistic youngsters.

The study area is the Yaba Local Council Development Area in Lagos. The study focused on the visual artworks of autistic children picked from three classes over the course of one month. Twenty schools.

Children diagnosed with autism were discovered and chosen as the study group to create art works with the assistance of six teachers who used various art therapy interventions to determine which strategies improved self-expression as well as communication skills and capacities.

A random continuous sampling procedure was used to pick the participants. This study’s instruments were a practical performance test for visual arts. The research instrument was given to a research professional to ensure content validity and reliability.

The findings show that art therapy promotes a more flexible and relaxed attitude, a better self-image, and enhanced communicative and learning skills in children with autism. Art therapy may be able to help with two major problem areas: social communication issues and confined and repetitive behaviour patterns.

Art therapy, including sensory experiences, can improve social behaviour, flexibility, and attention in autistic children. Given the scant data discovered, which mostly consists of extended clinical case descriptions, more empirical study into the process and consequences of art therapy with autistic children is strongly advised.

Chapter Five

Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

5.1 Findings.

Because of the numerous inherent communication hurdles that children and adolescents with autism face, it is critical that they develop positive and trustworthy forms of self expression.

The inability to interact with people or convey what they want to say is a recurring problem for this demographic, with little or no new developments in sight.

Given the prevalence of autism diagnoses in today’s culture, these extra communication modalities must be further developed to aid the growing number of newly diagnosed youngsters.

The art interventions done in this study revealed indications of self-expression, communication, and greater socialisation as a result of the art tasks in which the clients took part. In many of the art intervention examples

the students demonstrated a grasp of their emotions and communicated using colours associated with those emotions. Others displayed inventive thinking by drawing an animal they wanted to be or building it out of various things.

It was determined that the most effective art therapy interventions are the simplest, with step-by-step instructions to follow. When students were given written and posted directions, they responded positively. Making the directions simple and not abstract proved to ease the procedure and so interest the students even more.

Paper weaving, okro printing, colouring, and drawing perception were all effective interventions. All of these treatments provided specific instructions for students to follow while fostering abstract and creative thinking.

The lizard image sculpture was an example of an overly abstract notion that did not appear to work well due to a lack of grasp of anatomical structure. These conclusions were reached after cross-examining and assessing each artwork, as well as general observations and remarks from the class teacher.

5.2 Conclusion.

My dissemination of this chapter began with a summary of my important findings, which were thoroughly discussed in Chapter 4. I then discussed the implications of my study for the larger educational community, emphasising that art therapy should be respected and recognised not only for its diversity, but also for the hopeful outcomes it gives for students, particularly those diagnosed with autism.

I then presented implications for the parenting community, stating that if these art-based efforts have been proved to be good in the classroom, they should be used at home to extend the advantages. Later, I developed specific activities or recommendations for the school community, teacher community, and parent community.

In essence, these communities would benefit from networking with professionals in the field of art therapy to give effective training, school support, and home activities that may be implemented to improve the lives of all adolescents.

Finally, I identified areas for future research as gaps and more questions arose during the course of this study. Overall, I am convinced that this study has sparked a movement in the educational world to use visual art-based learning experiences to help children, particularly those identified with autism.

5.3 Recommended

Overall, this study was successful since numerous art therapy methods were recognised as useful in aiding children with autism to communicate through artwork. Further research on this topic is needed so that more interventions can be found and implemented to help this demographic.

Perhaps early intervention programs that treat children with autism might incorporate art therapy into their curricula, so improving effective communication.

The findings are relevant since several of the art interventions from this study have demonstrated to be successful in improving.

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