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This study was conducted to determine the efficiency of advertising in the marketing of consumer products utilising Nestle Food Nig Plc. The purpose of this study is to determine whether advertising has an effect on consumer choice for the firm’s product, as well as whether advertising has an impact on the business cycle.

Data were acquired from primary sources through the delivery of questionnaires. The data gathered were presented in tables and percentages. A sample size of 25 was chosen, and questionnaires were distributed; only 30 were returned.

The acquired data were analysed using the percentage method, and the hypotheses were evaluated using the chi-square method. The study demonstrates that profit maximisation is only possible if advertising is supported in small-scale firm management.

Based on my findings, the study suggests, among other things, that advertising be given high priority, particularly in the baby industry or firm, in order for it to survive in the market. It is concluded that good advertising will increase market share.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

The term “marketing” derives from the concept of market. To the average man on the street, a market is a set location where buyers and sellers congregate to transact business. According to economists, a market is made up of all consumers and sellers who exchange commodities or services.

A market, according to marketing professionals, is all actual and potential purchasers of a product or service (OSENI, 2010).

In marketing, the market is the customer; a study of the consumer’s demands and the process of meeting them are now referred to as marketing activities. Marketing encompasses more than just the sale and distribution of goods and services from manufacturers to end consumers.

It consists of several stages, beginning with concept generation, product creation and development, sales promotion, advertising, publicity, and distribution logics for the goods or services, which ultimately leads to sales.

One of these is advertising, and these stages are inextricably linked, so if one of them is wasteful and ineffective, the entire process can fail. As a result, advertising is critical because all of the other stages rely on one another for survival and success.

Advertising reflects the product or service, its brand name, package, and distribution, and has been identified as the cornerstone of an organisation. Without advertising, society would be unaware of the products and services produced by the concerned company.

Advertising has benefitted industrialised nations. It has enabled producers and distributors to offer their products in both domestic and international markets. It has provided purchasers the opportunity to learn about and recall items and services that will benefit them greatly (Momoh, 2003).

According to Igbafe and Aluyor (2012), advertising is the process of bringing consumer products to the attention of buyers. The purpose of making people aware of a product is to generate demand for the product.

People will not ask for a product they are unaware of; yet, they will ask or demand a product they are aware of. As a result, it is critical that consumer items be advertised or published to prospective purchasers via radio, television, newspapers, trade fairs, and other means.

The discussion on this project will centre on the effectiveness of advertising in the selling of consumer products. That is, does advertising have an impact on the marketing of consumer products?

In addition, it will focus on whether it is necessary to purchase a promoted goods. The products that will be concentrated on are mostly consumers’ products “of foods specially of Nigeria Plc”, with its headquarters at 22/24, Industrial Avenue, Ilupeju P.M.B 2114, Ikeja, Lagos.

Although advertising has greatly improved over the years, much remains to be done. These include the need to improve its effectiveness, excellent execution, and evaluation of its effectiveness.

Top executives want greater proof than they already have that advertising generates too many sales per naira spent on other activities.

Finally, in order for its industrial output to be profitable, advertising must be effective and ongoing. Mass marketing using mass media

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Advertising is critical to both profit and non-profit organisations, and they cannot function without it. As a result, in order to determine the effectiveness of advertising on consumer products, one must first measure the attitude of the target of Nestle Foods Nigeria Plc in question, followed by determining the effects of advertising on these attitudes, such as perception, beliefs, emotional feelings, and behavioural responses.


The research question on which the hypothesis will be founded is:

i. Does advertising encourage and persuade the target population to purchase consumer goods?

ii. What makes marketed products appealing to consumers for purchase?

iii. How can advertising endure and succeed in generating demand for the company’s products among its customers?

IV. What makes marketed products more appealing to consumers for purchase?

v. Do advertising messages influence buyers’ attitudes and perceptions of consumer goods?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The research is particularly concerned with determining the efficiency of advertising in the promotion of consumer items, specifically Nestle Food Nigeria Plc, which spends a significant amount of money on advertising each year. Specifically, the research attempts to achieve the following goals.

1. To offer strategies to improve advertising effectiveness through performance review at Nestle Foods Nigeria Plc.

2. To improve the effectiveness of advertising and develop a better technique to evaluate it.

3. To understand the elements that determine the choice of advertising medium by Nestle Foods Nigeria Plc.

4. To investigate the impact of advertising on the marketing of consumer products in our economy.

5. Determine how organisations may effectively and efficiently use advertisements to promote their products in various electronic and print media.

1.5 Research Hypothesis

The hypothesis in the study endeavour must be formulated under the “null and alternative” hypothesis, which is:

1. Ho: Advertising does not contribute to raising awareness of the


Hello: Advertising helps to raise awareness of the product.

2. Ho: Advertising does not create demand for a product.

HI: Advertising helps to generate demand for a product.

3. Ho: Advertising does not affect customer purchasing decisions.

Ho: Advertising influences customer purchase decisions.


This study is concerned with the effectiveness of advertising in the selling of consumer products. Nestle Food Nigeria Plc conducts research at Ilupeja, Lagos State.

1.7 Significance of the Study

This project would enable every advertiser of goods and services, particularly Nestle Foods Nigeria Plc, understand the characteristics of its target audience. In terms of media exposure, occupation, educational level, and socioeconomic situation.

This study will also assist advertisers in making informed decisions about the best medium to use for their product and service based on the characteristics of their target audience.

According to the findings of this study, the necessity to channel their advertisement through the most appropriate medium will serve as a motivation for future research by interested professionals.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

During the writing of this research, various things served as hurdles, such as:

1. Time factor: As the expression goes, “time is money,” and much time was spent on writing this project. This is plainly evident from the fact that the majority of the time spent by the researcher on this work of study was at the expense of other coursers, and the work of study had to be completed on time so that it could be submitted when due.

2. Finance: This aspect posed a significant threat to the smooth operation of the research in a number of ways.

3. Textbooks: During the course of this investigation, many textbooks were considered, as well as books published by specialists in these areas, which were never simple to find.

1.9 Definition of Operation Terms

Advertising: In 1960, the American Marketing Association (AMA) defined advertising as any paid type of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

Advertising Copy: According to NWOKOYE (1984), advertising copy refers to the words and illustrations that comprise the advertisement, as well as the manner in which they are placed together to produce a complete impression.

BOON, LOUIS, and David (1980) defined an advertising agency as an independent organisation of creative and business personnel that specialises in the development of promotional instruments and receives communication from the media.

Advertising Media: According to Momoh (2002), advertising messages can be carried to potential purchasers.

Motivation: ASORE (2001) defined motivation as the energising force that drives behaviour to meet needs.

Consumer: AROWOMOLE and ADEYEMI (2004) defined a consumer as a person who purchases and uses a product or service. They are folks who have a need and want to satisfy.

Product: According to AROWOMOLE and ADEYEMI (2004), it is an element of the marketing mix that reflects the basis of the offering presented to the consumer.

It is anything (both favourable and unfavourable) that one receives in exchange: it is a complex of concrete and intangible traits such as financial, social, psychological, or utility advantages.

Consumer product: According to MASOJE (2002), these are items that are already in their process form and are consumed to obtain enjoyment.

Consumer Behaviour: This is the behaviour that consumers exhibit when looking for, purchasing, using, assessing, and disposing of products, services, and ideas that they believe will meet their requirements.

Advertising Budget: This is a declaration of income and spending that a company is expected to utilise while advertising its products.

Marketing, according to KOTLER (2002), is a social and management process by which individuals and groups achieve what they require and desire by developing and exchanging products and values with others.

IDOGHO (2001) defines pull strategy as a seller’s promotional effort to meet the ultimate consumer’s demand, which then exerts pressure on the distribution channel to carry the product or service.

NWOKOYE (1984) defined target audience as the audience to which an advertising message is directed.

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