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This study focused on “The Effectiveness of Consumer Service Delivery in the Fast Food Industry: A Case Study of Mr. Biggs in Enugu Metropolis.”

To carry out the job, some of the following objectives were stated:

– Determine the relationship between service quality delivery and customer satisfaction.

– To determine how responsive Mr. Biggs’ service is to consumer demand.

– To assess the service provider’s (Mr. Biggs Enugu) competence in customer service delivery.

– Determine the favourable impact on Mr. Biggs’ profitability caused by its level of service delivery.

Four hypotheses were developed in accordance with the mentioned aims.

Extensive literature reviews of textbooks, newspapers, magazines, business journals, and some past projects of graduated students who studied related topics to the study were conducted as secondary sources of data,

while primary data were sourced from respondents comprising consumers, management, and relevant staff of Mr. Biggs in Enugu metropolis.

The sample size was chosen using Topman’s formular for Mr. Biggs consumers, as well as Beurley’s formular for Mr. Bigg’s management and relevant workers in Enugu.

The researcher employed the chi-square (X2) statistical approach to test the study’s previously defined hypotheses. The obtained data was presented in statistical tables with frequencies and percentages for analysis.

The following discoveries emerged during the course of this study.

– There is a favourable association between the quality of Mr. Biggs’ service performance and customer happiness.

– There is a positive association between Mr. Biggs’ attentiveness to service delivery and consumer patronage.

– The majority of Mr. Biggs’ customers in Enugu metropolis were businessmen/women, civil servants, children, and students.

– It was also observed that the bulk of consumers spent 15 to 20 minutes receiving services and items from Mr. Biggs Enugu.

Following the illuminating findings, recommendations on how to increase the effectiveness of customer service delivery in Mr. Biggs’ Enugu metropolis were made.

Finally, the ultimate goal of marketing (service provision) is to maximise client happiness while making a profit for the organisation.


1.1 Background of the Study

The importance of consumer service delivery in achieving company goals and aspirations in terms of customer acquisition, satisfaction, value, profitability, and retention cannot be overstated.

Consumer Service, as a selling activity, gives assistance and advise to prospective purchasers on topics such as product installation, operation, maintenance, and repair, as well as product availability.

Modern marketing recognises the necessity of providing effective consumer service. It is a key activity that, when combined with personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, and packaging, will assist the company in meeting its organisational goals and objectives in an effective and efficient manner.

The adequacy of the activity influences the decision among competing sellers and marketers. Even in the face of fierce competition, the service provider may be able to gain the patronage of a specific consumer by offering greater consumer service.

As consumers’ requirements and desires become more complex, products are enhanced with additional technical features. As it becomes more difficult to meet these demands, as well as to install, operate, and maintain items, consumer service becomes an increasingly important competitive tool.

The researcher, who is extremely interested in the fast food market, noticed that a key challenge facing the industry is the effectiveness of consumer service delivery, which leads to the abandonment and collapse of many enterprises.

The level of market share of some market leaders in the fast food business, such as McDonald’s, Bubbles, Tantalizers, Burger King, and U.A Foods, may be linked back to the entirety of their relationship with their customers,

which is consumer service delivery. Unprecedented recognition and emphasis should be placed on the activity for any form striving to leadership position among these leaders.

Mr. Biggs is one of the largest fast food service organisations and convenience product retailers. The organisation is a subsidiary of UAC Foods and has branches in all three geographical zones of the country, with its headquarters in Lagos.

The Enugu branch was opened on February 2, 2001. The organisational structure features a chief executive officer and four department heads that report to the director of operations, who is directly responsible to the C.E.O.

The departments include:-

a. Operations.

B. Administration

C. Marketing

d. Bakery (production).

A. Operations Department, led by a manager, oversees the activities of the other departments, including internal inspection and quality control, supply, and so on.

B. Address the company’s administrative requirements as well as all pertinent corporate difficulties. The Administration Manager collaborates with the Director of Operations.

C. The marketing department manager oversees all marketing operations, including services, after-sales service, and delivery.

D. The bakery (production) department, led by the manager, supervises all activities.

Mr. Biggs produces convenience items, which are described as low-cost, often acquired goods and services that consumers desire to buy with the least amount of effort. They buy it frequently and plan to buy it when they are about to go shopping.

Their products include ice cream, egg rolls, meat pie, hot dogs, spaghetti, and rice. They package their product for takeaway, but it can also be served and eaten on-site.

This study is concerned with the ways and means by which Mr. Biggs delivers their consumer service.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Mr. Biggs is a leading fast food marketer in the Enugu city. The company, which has been performing well, is facing significant threats from Appetiser, Bubbles, and others. This competition has an impact on both the company’s and its sales profit position. Some more issues affecting Mr. Biggs are:

– Significant communication barriers between buyers and sellers.

– Delays in the delivery of goods and services.

– Inadequate parking space for autos.

– High cost of commodities

– Delayed service delivery to customers

– An irregular supply of products

To address the aforementioned issues, Mr Biggs’ Fast Food Industry must improve the effectiveness of its Consumer Service delivery in order to raise the bar.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

This study focuses on the effectiveness of consumer service delivery in Mr. Biggs Enugu. The study specifically focuses on the following:

1. Determine the relationship between service quality delivery and customer satisfaction.

2. To determine how responsive Mr. Biggs’ service is to consumer demand.

3. Determine the creditability of Mr. Biggs’ service provider in terms of customer service delivery.

4. To assess Mr. Biggs’ service provider’s ability in providing consumer services.

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