Project Materials


Effectiveness Of Family Planning On The Population

Effectiveness Of Family Planning On The Population

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Effectiveness Of Family Planning On The Population

Chapter One: Introduction.

One of the world’s ten largest countries is in Africa (Nigeria), five are in Asia (Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan), two are in Latin America (Brazil and Mexico), one in North America (United States of America), and one in Europe (Russian Federation).

Nigeria has the world’s sixth biggest population, with over 180 million people (Wordlometers, 2016), and is increasing at the fastest rate. Nigeria’s population is expected to surpass that of the United States by 2050, making it the world’s third largest country (UN, 2015).

Family planning, according to the United Nations Population Funds Activities (UNPFA 2001), is a recognised basic human right that allows people and couples to choose the number and spacing of their children.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO, 2013), family planning enables people and couples to plan for and achieve the number of children they want, as well as the spacing and timing of deliveries.

Chapter 2: Literature Review.

This chapter analyses the literature on population growth, family planning, and population growth mitigation techniques in Nigeria. Family planning, according to United Nations Population Funds Activities (UNPFA 2001), is a recognised basic human right that allows people and couples to choose the number and spacing of their children.

There is hardly no commonly agreed theory on which family planning research might be based. Nonetheless, people have explored the problem through the Health Belief Model by Rosen Stock et al. and the Theory of Reasoned Action by Fishbein and Ajzen.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology.

This chapter discusses the approach and research instrument to be utilised in collecting data for the study. This study used a descriptive survey method. In Imo State’s Isiala Mbano Local Government Area, the population consisted of all families.

This study employed a sample size of 240 families. 30 families were picked at random from each community using standard random sampling techniques. A questionnaire was utilised to collect data. The study’s hypotheses were tested using the t-test statistic.

Chapter Four: Data Analysis.

In this chapter, the researcher will evaluate and interpret the data acquired for the study task in accordance with the research hypotheses developed in Chapter One.

Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

The research literature, research findings, and data analysis will be used to develop a summary and conclusions. The final chapter included recommendations for tying family planning to national development.

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