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This project investigates the efficiency of marketing promotions in the sale of textile products, using the Onitsha Textile Mill as a case study. This project consists of chapters one through five. Chapter one includes the study’s background, statement, objectives, scope, limitations, and definition of terms.

Chapter two looks at the Literature Review and other aspects of the issue, such as Advertising and the benefits and drawbacks of various advertising platforms. Assessing the efficacy of advertising media selection.

Chapter three covers consumer-oriented sales promotion, including research design and methodology, data collection sources/methods, population and sample size, sample technique, measurement instrument validity and reliability, and data analysis methods.

The fifth chapter provided the study’s summary, conclusion, and recommendations. Boons and Kurtz (2004:284) define marketing promotion as the process of informing, persuading, and influencing a consumer’s purchasing choice.

The dynamic nature of also makes it the most difficult and interesting area of marketing decision making. To facilitate communication between consumers and organisations,

organisations might utilise one or more of four primary instruments. Advertising personal selling, sales promotion, and publicity For ease of understanding, the project is separated into five chapters.

Sales are bound to increase as a result of marketing promotions, and in order to improve sales, build product awareness, and attract customers, information on the modifications must also be provided. At this point, it is best to conclude that the organisation should sustain strong marketing promotion for Onitsha textile mills.

Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

The goal of any organisation is to create customers and satisfy them at a profit, which entails producing goods and services that meet the needs and wants of the customers while making a profit that will allow the company to survive.

The purpose of any business must be rooted in society, as a business enterprise is an organ of society. Any firm must determine what its effective marketing is: who the consumer is, where he is, what he thinks valuable, what his unsatisfied wants, how he buys, and how he can be reached. It is a company’s responsibility to deliver what the customer requires.

1.1 Background of the Study

Onitsha Textile Mills was founded in 1964 by an American, and production began in 1965. The initial general manager was an American named Mr. W J Wayne. By 1965, only the general manager and the personal manager were in charge of the organization’s administration, among other tasks.

Mr. Ezuma, the personnel manager, was from Nigeria, and the Onitsha textile mills were producing their products under the administration and supervision of Americans until the Nigerian Civil War, when the Americans left the company and returned to their own country.

On that note, the Americans lost the textile mills, and the personnel manager notified the general manager that the textile mill was completely destroyed during the Civil War as a result of the personnel manager’s misleading information. Mr. W.J Wayne, the general manager, was discouraged from returning to the textile mills following the civil war.

Following the civil war, the Chinese took over the textile mills in 1974, and they continued to produce and run them until 1990. On the second of October 1990, the Chinese fled the Onitsha textile factory.

Chuche-Gate. The textile mills were taken over by the Indians, who now oversee and control them. The personnel management is a Nigerian, while the general manager is an Indian. The organisation has departments such as marketing, accounting administration, and personnel, which allow them to carry out their responsibilities properly.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The term promotion could be defined as the direct attempt on the part of the marketing specialist to inform and persuade potential customers in order to achieve the sale of their product, service, or ideas through communications.

In marketing, promotion is one of the components of what is generally known as the four ps (4ps) of the marketing mix product, price, place, and promotion. To this end, the topic of the research has on the effectiveness of the marketing pr

(2) How does promotion affect the organization’s product sales.

(3) How efficient is marketing promotion in selling textile products?

(4) Has the organisation encountered any problems in promoting its products?

(5) How do organisations deal with challenges that arise during the advertising of products, particularly textile products?


(1) The study’s particular aims are to examine the influence of marketing promotions on product sales.

2) Determine which promotional tools are effective.

(3) Determine the challenges of marketing promotion in the selling of organisational items.

(4) Examine the impact of marketing promotions on product sales.


The researcher develops various questions that will improve the research work on the efficacy of marketing promotion in the sale of textile items, which are as follows.

(1) Does marketing promotion affect the sales of textile products?

(2) What are the most successful marketing strategies for promoting textile products?

(3) Is there any unusual challenge encountered by the organisation during marketing promotion.

(4) What are the necessary answers to the problems encountered while promoting textile products?

(5) Is there a strong relationship between marketing promotion and textile product sales?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study is aimed at reducing organisations’ misunderstanding about marketing promotion, which will increase sales of organisational products. The significance of the study points to two major categories, which are:

(a) The Organisation

This research will help the organisation enhance its use of marketing promotion for the efficacy of sales of organisational products, with Onitsha textile mills being the primary beneficiary.

(b) The public.
The public here includes organisational customers and prospective consumers; the research effort will assist them in determining where the items can be acquired and, if possible, the price of such products.

(c) To the researcher and the future researcher.
After completing this task, the researcher will receive a National Diploma, and it will act as a reference material for future researchers.


The research focuses on the impact of promotion on the sales of textile products. In addition to being of relevance to Onitsha textile mills, the research work can also be resorted to by other organisations in need of marketing promotion solutions.

Furthermore, it focuses on the effectiveness of promotional strategies in their marketing, as well as analysing the effect of promotion or consumer behaviour.

The study will also cover how to apply promotion to the various stages of the process for improved effectiveness on the sales strategy for Onitsha textile products.

Finally, attempts will be made to determine how promotion, a critical component of the marketing mix, affects product satisfaction and, as a result, repeat purchases.


This study paper, which attempts to investigate the efficiency of promotion in the marketing of textile products in Anambra State, will be limited to Onitsha Textile Mill Plc due to time and financial constraints.

Due to the time limit by which this research work must be completed and handed over to the department, some material facts relevant to the research work could not be collected, as well as the attitude of the companies being investigated,

who provided a time period from when certain data for the research could be collected, which is quite different from the time of submission of the research work.

Bureaucracy and red tape hampered the collecting of crucial data for research from the organisation under investigation. The challenges encountered caused the researcher to rely heavily on organised questionnaire responses.

1.8 Definition of Terms:


The consequence of an activity is the impression created, reality products appropriately used, and devices that contribute to the representation of the location and conditions in which the action takes place.


The organisation and performance of their business activities, including direct sales and the exchange of goods between producers and customers.


is a form of communication between sellers and buyers. It consists of four key tools: advertising, personal selling, the exchange of anything for money, the ability to sell on demand, and the public offer of anything for sale.

A good service or idea that meets the customer’s needs.

Textiles are woven fabrics.

A kind of textile or woven fabric
Textiles, sometimes known as fabric, are flexible woven materials made from natural or synthetic fibres.

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