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Effects Of Drug Abuse On Youth

Effects Of Drug Abuse On Youth

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Effects Of Drug Abuse On Youth

Chapter one

1.1 Background of the Study

According to Akinyili (2012), a drug is any substance that alters a person’s normal bodily processes or functions as a result of drug usage. A medicine can be used to help someone heal while they are sick, or it can be used to meet a specific demand. They can modify personal behaviour by influencing consciousness or emotions.

Drug abuse has been defined as a periodic or chronic intoxication that is harmful to both the individual and society as a result of the excessive ingestion of drugs (natural or synthetic). It is distinguished by the following behaviours.


a. An overwhelming urge or need (compulsory) to continue taking the drug and obtain it at any cost.

b. A tendency to raise the dose.

c. A psychological (or sometimes physical) assessment of the drug’s effect.

Drug abusers are those who see the effects of drugs as a solution to their issues. In the case of marijuana (India hemp), the drug has become so important to the user that they cannot face reality without it. (Rikiji 200)

Drug misuse is defined as an individual’s response to a notion that he perceives as issue fixing. The use of drugs is socially acceptable, hence the majority of individuals take and approve of them. Individuals who use or abuse drugs may be viewed negatively at times.

However, he is frequently viewed with tolerance and amusement, and his instincts usually drive him to become an outsider among his circle of friends and acquaintances. In any civilisation, at any time, the rest of the society will regard those who use drugs in ways that depart from social norms as deviants.

They will be treated differently because the drug addict believes he is different. He will then seek the company of others who are similar to him and with whom he can identify, thereby forming a subculture that is distinct from society as a whole.

The rise in drug misuse in the Kaduna local government region, particularly among young, is reason for great concern because drug addiction is spreading widely and rapidly, and its impacts on others pose significant psychological and economic risks.

The society is largely unaware of the growing number of criminals dealing in dangerous drugs and the associated dangers or disastrous repercussions.

In view of the adverse effects of this indiserminate and drug intake, this study is being conducted to assess the general effect of drug abuse among young in Kaduna local government area, Kaduna state.

1.2 Significance of the Study

One of the most important social problems now in Nigeria is the engagement of youngsters in drug misuse, which has become a widespread theme for dissuasion throughout the country.

The purpose of this study is to determine the major effects of drug misuse among young in Kaduna local government area, Kaduna state, which are summarised as follows:

· To address the rise in psychological issues related to drug usage.

• To lower high rates of criminality among teenagers.

· To deter high-volume drug trafficking.

To raise awareness among youth about the harmful effects of heavy drugs.

· Enable state and local authorities to educate youths about drug usage.

· Treat them as beneficial to society.

Another goal of this research is to lower the high rate of broken homes since drug usage is related with an attempt to disown the value and attitudes of elders in general, as well as a desire to become independent.

It will also educate those who are vulnerable to this habit; as a result, it will serve as a contribution to social disciplines and costly sources of information from which policies will be developed to address drug abuse problems and issues throughout the country, as well as a reference material for those who wish to conduct additional research on this topic in the future.

1.3 Statement of the Problems

Drug misuse is defined as the use of a substance, either orally or in the body, to offer relief or affect the composition of the body’s chemistry. Drugs are typically abused in one region or the other.

Drug misuse causes significant negative consequences for both kids and abusers, including psychosis, sadness, disease, and other negative effects. Drug misuse also causes economic and societal concerns.

It ruins homes and can lead to poverty. For this reason, it is necessary to investigate the psychological and economic consequences of drug misuse in Kaduna state’s local government region.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The goal of this study is to, among other things,

· Drug abuse in Kaduna South Local Government Area, Kaduna State.

· Individuals abusing drugs in the local government area.

· Substances abused

· Psychological, economic, and societal impacts of drug usage in Kaduana South Local Government, Kaduna State.

· Provide advise on ways to minimise drug misuse in the local government area.


To drive the investigation, the following research question will be formulated:

· Why do youngsters consume drugs in Kaduna South Local Government Area, Kaduna State?

· What substances are misused in Kaduna South Local Government Area?

· Does drug abuse harm youth in Kaduna South Local Government Area?

· Is it possible to limit drug misuse to a minimum in local government areas?

1.6 Scope of the Study

This research study is limited to the youth population of the Kaduna Local Government Area. Its purpose is to raise awareness among the public and local government authorities about the misuse of drugs that has damaged the lives of individuals who have fallen victim to drug usage among adolescents.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

When undertaking a research project of this sort, one cannot avoid several issues such as information gathering, time constraints, and project financing.

Some of the problems encountered by the researcher include communication issues, such as when people do not understand or write English or Haus language, such as students and the working class, who appear to not understand what the purpose is all about and refuse to fill out the questionnaire or answer the interview. To get a reaction from them.

During the study, the researcher also faced financial difficulties, including expenses for travelling from one location to another to distribute questionnaires, collect them, and pay for writing materials.

Despite this, I received amazing cooperation from the respondents in providing me with the essential data and information. Of course, our library is ill-equipped to satisfy unique needs of this sort, and time is another limitation;

the period allotted for submission is insufficient. Furthermore, composing the assignment coincides with other academic work, which must be completed.

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