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Effects of ICT on Teaching and Learning Process in the 21st Century

Effects of ICT on Teaching and Learning Process in the 21st Century

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Effects of ICT on Teaching and Learning Process in the 21st Century



This study focused on the influence of ICT on the teaching and learning process in the twenty-first century. Three objectives were set: to investigate the impact of ICT on the teaching and learning process in the twenty-first century, to identify the features of twenty-first-century teaching and learning, and to investigate the impact of ICT on student academic achievement. A total of 77 replies were collected and validated from enrolled participants, with all coming from chosen secondary schools in Uyo. The hypothesis was investigated using the Chi-Square statistical program (SPSS).

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Education is one of the most important needs for personal and societal success. Along these lines, education is an incredible weapon for political, social, and financial improvement, without which neither a person nor a society can accomplish professional development. Several authors have characterised ICT.

Oliver and Chapman, as well as Owolabi et al. (2013), defined it as an innovation that supports actions related to the creation, manipulation, storage, and transmission of information (primarily computing, electronic, and electronic communication) and their associated method management and applications.

The term ICT can be defined as the new media apparatuses used for information administration conveyance, which includes gathering, sorting, recovering, spreading, and safeguarding information.

It is widely accepted that information is the transfer of facts, ideas, traits, and customs. Along these lines, information and communication technology serves as a means of assisting social orders in achieving more prominent access to information and thoughts. It also enables new, faster, and better approaches for teaching and learning forms.

ICT is an essential component of the modern world. Indeed, society and tradition must be modified in order to handle the challenges of the digital era. ICT is a control that has altered many aspects of people’s lifestyles.

ICT has had a significant impact on industries such as teaching, learning, tourism, transportation, medicine, banking, business, law, architecture, and manufacturing in recent years.

The way these professions work now is vastly different from how they worked in the past. Overall, when looking at the education division, there appears to be little effect on ICT application and significantly less movement than has been documented in other disciplines.

Nevertheless, many people have attempted to investigate this lack of action and influence (Soloway & Pryor, cited in Collis, 2002). The undeniable impact of ICT has resulted in rapid innovative, social, political, and monetary transformation, preparing to organise society around ICT. The impact of ICT on the field of instruction has made it less authentic.

Nonetheless, ICT has significantly increased the value and volume of learning, teaching, and research at traditional and distance education universities.

ICT improves teaching and learning by making it more dynamic, intelligent, and connected to material, as well as providing genuine opportunities for study personalisation.

According to Kirschner and Weperies, as stated in Yusuf et al. (2013), ICT can increase the school’s effectiveness and profitability by organising a variety of tools to improve and promote instructors’ professional activities.

Yusuf and Onasanya (2004) explored how ICT enables students to communicate with one another via email, chat room conferencing, mailing lists, and other communication tools. The three most important explanations for ICT in education.

They propose that it is a device for dealing with obstacles in instructional contexts, a change agent, and a focal point in economic seriousness. As a tool for addressing issues in technology and learning processes, it has the potential to convey, support, and sustain sustainable learning and teaching.

As a change driver, it is appropriate for modifying the content, approaches, and varied values and amounts of learning and teaching, hence reducing instructors’ outstanding tasks and ensuring a constructivist request-based study room (Honey & Mandinach, 2003).

Furthermore, ICT is a driving force in monetary and social movements that require technology skills fundamental to the future job of current students.

Thierer, Yusuf et al. (2013) noted that the role of technology in learning and teaching is swiftly becoming one of the most critical and widely discussed concerns in contemporary education approaches.

Statement of the Problem

Specialists in education have agreed that, if used correctly, ICT has a tremendous potential to improve teaching and learning while also creating job opportunities. Along these lines, the purpose of this study was to critically analyse the role of ICT as a change-driver in Nigerian tertiary institutions.

Most students find ICT tools to be quite useful in motivating them to complete tasks; professors regard ICT as empowering students with specific needs or limitations. It also helps to decrease social inequalities among students as they work together to complete a given task.

Similarly, learners take responsibilities when utilising ICT to carry out their tasks through computerised portfolios or projects. Furthermore, studies have found that ICT has a substantial impact on educators and educational approaches. Based on this backdrop, the researcher intends to explore the impact of ICT on teaching and learning processes in the twenty-first century.

The objectives of the study

The study’s aims are:

To investigate the impact of ICT on the teaching and learning processes in the twenty-first century.

To identify the features of 21st century teaching and learning.

To determine the impact of ICT on the academic achievement of students

Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses are developed to lead the study:

H1: ICT has little effect on the teaching and learning processes in the twenty-first century.

H2: ICT has little effect on students’ academic achievement.

Significance of the Study

The report will be highly important for students, the Ministry of Education, and policymakers. The study will provide a thorough understanding of the effects of ICT on the teaching and learning processes in the twenty-first century.

They will give the necessary benefits of incorporating ICT into teaching and learning. The study will also act as a reference for other researchers who would engage on the similar issue.

Scope and limitations of the study

The study’s scope includes the influence of ICT on the teaching and learning processes in the twenty-first century. The study will be limited to secondary schools in Uyo.

Limitations and constraints are unavoidable when conducting this type of research. However, over the course of this investigation, the following limits were encountered.

Non-availability of sufficient resources (finance): A work of this sort is extremely financially demanding; money had to be spent at various phases of the research, and resources that could have aided the appropriate conduct of the study were not readily available.
Time factor:

The amount of time spent on research is insufficient to extract the most useful information. However, I am hopeful that the small amount of information presented in this study will help to solve many larger problems.

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