Project Materials





Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Leadership style is a crucial consideration in every organisation. This is because it has a significant impact on work productivity, job happiness, a positive work environment, and healthy working relationships between employees and employers.

For my research study, I will focus on healthy work relationships between employees and employers, specifically the Secretary-Boss interaction. I will examine how leadership style affects the interaction between Secretary and Boss and productivity.

According to the Advanced Learners Dictionary of Contemporary English, leadership involves passing commands, organising subordinates, and assigning duties to achieve established objectives.

Industrial psychology provides three basic types of leadership styles, which include authoritarian, democratic, and Industrial psychology distinguishes three styles of leadership: autocratic, democratic, and laze-affair. It went on to say that, in addition to the three major styles, there is one known as a transformative leadership style.

All of these leadership styles have implications and impacts on the relationship between the boss and his subordinates. These implications affect the secretary-boss interaction. A boss’s leadership style will have a significant impact on the relationship between that boss and his or her secretary.

A boss may select a leadership style based on what the organisation intends to achieve, such as organisational goals, or on previous experience with members of his staff or subordinates. Whatever the rationale or leadership style, the impact on the secretary-boss relationship should be carefully considered.

This will help to check loss of job satisfaction on the part of the secretary and poor productivity on the side of loss. What is the result of a lack of job dedication, fulfilment, and motivation?

Managers’ and leadership styles frequently impact the success or failure of a commercial organisation. The productivity of any organisation can be increased by the leadership and management styles.

The productivity of any organisation can be improved. This leadership style has an impact on the secretary, as well as the overall organisation system, to the point where it affects her direct work with the boss.

A leader may also be defined as someone who holds the highest position in an organisation and influences his subordinates to achieve collective goals for which the leader is accountable.

Nwosu (1996) defines leadership as a managerial skill to achieve group goals and is sometimes referred to as a partner to the boss. Leadership style represents the many approaches used to achieve leadership goals and objectives.

The situational leadership style requires that the style be determined by the current scenario or circumstances. Bekwe (1981) believed that an employee’s motivation was heavily influenced by their leadership style. A good leadership style increases secretaries’ commitment to work and motivates excellent behaviours, resulting in higher productivity.

In contrast, a poor leadership style creates an unhealthy working atmosphere and a strained connection between the secretary and the boss, resulting in poor performance and low productivity.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

It is not uncommon to walk into an office and encounter a secretary who appears exhausted and dejected. A deeper look at her will reveal that he or she enjoys the company of his or her employer.

This is not due to the numerous responsibilities the secretary must complete at the workplace, but rather the result of a strained relationship between her and the boss.

In this type of situation, the secretary will be unable to concentrate on her work. She makes numerous mistakes, and her supervisor does not take kindly to these mistakes. Sometimes she makes costly mistakes that jeopardise her job.

The boss, who has a difficult relationship with her due to his leadership style, will demonstrate his dictatorial attitude by taking disciplinary action against the secretary. This type of situation is not beneficial to the organisation because it may result in low production and significant employee turnover.


This study aims to examine how leadership style affects the connection between secretary and boss. The study examines the leadership styles of selected bosses in order to identify the most desired and least desired styles, as well as their impact on secretary-boss relationships and productivity.

At the conclusion of this research study, company executives will have a better understanding of the ideal leadership style to use in order to establish a positive rapport with their secretary.

This study will examine the impact of various leadership styles on the interaction between secretaries and bosses, with the goal of finding the best solution for both.


1.4 Significance of the Study

At the conclusion of this study, we should be able to determine which leadership style is ideal for specific situations. The impact of some employers’ leadership styles on secretary-boss relationships and productivity.

This research study will also provide solutions to the impact of these leadership styles on good working relationships and productivity.


Because secretaries operate in a wide range of organisations, this study will only focus on a few.


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