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Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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This study is focused with the impact of material coding and classification on store management, with a focus on the pz industry Aba. The introductory section provides a quick overview of the meaning of coding and categorisation in the organisation, as well as how the organisation came to be and what products it deals with. Also included is a basic review of the study’s problem objectives, significance, research question, study limitations, and operational definitions of words. The second chapter reviews related literature and its importance in the organisation. The third chapter is devoted to methods, and the fourth chapter discusses the research findings. The discussion of findings aimed to provide a solid foundation for some potential solutions. Chapter five was the culmination of the research, summarising and concluding all of the discoveries uncovered during the examination. She concluded by making some recommendations that she had in mind.


Chapter one


Any organisation, private or public, need effective management to ensure its survival and success. As a result, efficient management is critical, particularly as technology evolves and population growth is inevitable.

All of these parameters are expanding geometrically when compared to the primary resources. For effective management, all functional units of any organisation must work together to achieve its goals, hence purchasing and supply are included.

To have an efficient purchasing process, the buyer must purchase the appropriate quality and quantity of raw materials, supplies, parts, tooling equipment, and so on at the right time, from the right source, to the right place, and at the right price.

This can be accomplished when the appropriate person has gone through the necessary processes to gain the recognition, and the store manager has seen the requirement for the use of store jargon or catalogues.

As a result, the effectiveness of any material control or interest management system is heavily reliant on the technology used to effectively code and classify materials.

With this understanding of the consequences of material coding and categorisation in the manufacturing business, the store manager has organised these materials into logical lines for simple identification.

1.1 Background of the Study

Peterson Zochoias Plc, formally known as Peterson Zochoias Industries Limited, was incorporated on December 4, 1965 under the name P.B Nicholas Company Limited to stake out Mr. P.B Nicholas’ soap making activities, which he had established a factory for some years prior to that date.

In 1951, Mr. P.B Nicholas sold his stake in the company to PZ. Two years later, in 1990, the company changed its name to Algbon Industries Limited. Following the 1976 merger of PZ and Company Nigeria Limited, related Industries Limited.

The company’s name was changed to Peterson Zochoias Nig Plc. It is patient to the role that following incorporation in 1948, new factory buildings were developed and modern soap producing equipment were installed by ABA, creating one of the first significant industries manufacturing facilities.


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