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Effects Of Qualification Of English Teachers On The Performance Of Secondary School Students In External Examinations

Effects Of Qualification Of English Teachers On The Performance Of Secondary School Students In External Examinations

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Effects Of Qualification Of English Teachers On The Performance Of Secondary School Students In External Examinations


The study was meant to determine whether the qualifications of English teachers have a direct or indirect impact on student performance in English language.

The theme was based on the idea, which appears to be accepted by the majority of people, including our educational policymakers, that any proficient or native English speaker is automatically a competent English teacher.

Three secondary schools in Nsukka were chosen for the study. Questionnaires were sent to students, teachers, and principals at the selected schools.

The responses were analysed using basic statistical techniques. The study discovered that teachers’ qualifications influence pupils’ performance. Recommendations were made on how to increase the quality of instructors currently in the classroom.


Chapter one

1.1 Background of the Study

English, as a language, plays an important part in Nigeria’s socioeconomic, political, and cultural growth.

The ongoing decline in students’ English language proficiency in external tests is cause for alarm not only among instructors, but also among all stakeholders in the education industry.

This is especially concerning given that English serves as both a medium of instruction in Nigerian schools and our national language. As a result, English cannot be denied its central importance.

However, the failure rate appears to be higher in some schools than in others. A variety of elements have been associated to the courses, the most important of which is instructor qualification. This is especially significant because, in the business of teaching and learning, teachers can only offer what they have; you cannot offer what you do not have.

The qualification of teachers participating in teaching and learning has a significant impact on student performance, and this study is designed to investigate these consequences.

Chomsky (1972), for instance, “states that one can not really teach a language but can only present the conditions in which it will develop spontaneously in the mind in its own ways”

Language is something that is internalised in the mind of an individual. The subject of who should teach English effectively in a second language setting requires special thought.

The hunt for a worthwhile solution serves as the foundation for the topic of this endeavour.

“The effects of the qualification of English teachers on the performance of secondary school students in external examinations, in selected secondary schools, A case study of the selected schools” .


1.2 Statement of Problems

It is assumed that only people with professional expertise in English education should teach the language. The English instructor should have adequate knowledge and competency in all language skills.

However, particularly in written and conversational English, is not inadequate. The English instructor should have a solid understanding of both contemporary usage and theoretical components of English.

In Nigeria today, most secondary school students, and even those in universities, lack the ability to communicate effectively in English, both orally and in writing.

Adekunle (1969), for example, “maintains that it is in putting down their ideas on paper in grammatical English that most secondary school and university students have greatest difficulty” .

This scenario has remained unchanged over the years. This is still the most serious issue faced by English students today. It is therefore vital to determine whether the qualification of English teachers has any effect on the performance of pupils in written and spoken English.



1.3 Significance of the Study

This study will help the Ministry of Education determine whether teacher qualifications have an effect on student performance in the senior secondary school certificate examination (SSCE). The findings will also be useful as a reference for those who wish to do similar study.



1.4 Hypothesis.

i. The teacher’s qualification influences the student’s performance in the (SSCE) examination.

ii. Untrained teachers’ instruction does not provide adequate learning opportunities for students.

iii. Native speakers and fluent second language speakers are not necessarily effective English teachers.

iv. Professional training is required to be an effective teacher.

v. In Nigeria, untrained teachers can be connected to our students’ overall low performance in the SSCE English language exams due to inadequate teaching.



1.5 Objectives of the Study

The goal of this study is to determine the impact of instructors’ qualifications on students’ performance in the senior secondary school certificate examination (SSCE).

The study also attempts to evaluate the validity of the premise that any proficient English speaker can teach the topic and to investigate methods of English. English learning can be improved, as can the quality of English teachers now in the classroom.

The study also seeks to analyse;

a. How does the teacher’s qualification affect the student’s practical demonstration of a language skill, given that the language cannot be taught?

b. How crucial are teachers to language development?

c. Is the general low performance of students related to the teacher’s qualifications?



d. Do unskilled teachers face more move problems than trained teachers in language teaching situations?

The researcher’s goal is to find answers to the questions listed above.



1.6 Operating Definitions

The terminologies used in this topic are defined as follows:

Teacher qualification, including academic and professional qualifications in English. The degree of mastery of English language abilities, the teaching strategies and procedures employed, the teacher’s attitude towards learners, and the capacity to detect students’ requirements at each stage of language growth, as well as the level of preparation of English language teachers.

The student’s performance is a practical demonstration of understanding language skills as stipulated by the English syllabus.


1.7 Scope and Limitation.

The study is limited to three schools in the Nsukka Metropolitan Council: St. Theresa’s College Nsukka, Urban Secondary School Nsukka, and Queen’s Secondary School Nsukka.

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