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This study focuses on the importance of packaging in the marketing of consumer goods in Nigeria. We strive to learn about packaging techniques, as well as the significance, potential, advantages, and effects of modern packaging structures in the Nigerian market.

This work covers five chapters. Chapter one deals with the introduction, background of the study, statement of problems, objective of the study, research questions, statement of hypothesis, etc.

Chapter two began with a literature review that talks about various approaches to the definition of packaging importance, strategy, social influence, etc.

Chapter three deals with the research methodology, research design, population of the study, etc. Chapter four explained the presentation and Chapter five focuses on the summary of findings, problem research, recommendations, study implications, and references.

Chapter one

Advertising is as diversified as less marking parent, and it holds a very high position in the marketing configuration. Advertising is one of the sub-elements of the promotion element of the marketing mix, which includes product, price, promotion, and please.

Advertisement, according to the Chambers English definition, is the act of giving notice of something or providing public information about the merit asserted. Additionally, the American Marketing Association defines advertising as any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas or services by an identified sponsor.

Advertising is primarily a marketing tactic used to communicate the feasibility of products as well as the availability of items and services to the general public. According to Dunn and Barban (1978:4),

practically everyone agrees that advertising is a powerful, frequently obstructive type of communication that influences us both directly and indirectly in defining advertising.

Durn and Barban (1978:4) suggest that advertising is compensated non-personal communication by corporate firms via multiple media channels. Non-profit organisations and individuals who are recognised in the advertising message and want to enlighten or persuade members of a specific audience.

In general, the ultimate goal of advertising is to announce the arrival available. Benefits and pricing of products or services for sale. There are two types of advertising: primary advertising and selective advertising.

Primary advertising tries to increase demand for genetic products or services across an industry or organisation. On the other hand, selective advertising encourages demand for a certain product offered by a corporation or firm.

Another distinguishing feature is that primary advertising is frequently utilised by organisations to generate patronage for their product range, as in the example of Unilever Nigeria Plc, which sponsors football tournaments or other sporting events. This is done in order to increase consumer demand for their products.

Selective advertising, also known as direct action advertising, can help to preserve an established brand. Selective advertising is often known as direct action advertising for short.

The Imo detergent action advertisement aired during Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) Network special programmes, such as supervision. In such cases, the advertised product or service’s price is always mentioned.

There is another sort of advertising known as institutional advertising. This type of advertising is designed to create a positive impression of an organisation in the minds of society or the business community rather than the products or services that an organisation produces. The advertising message here is centred on the organization’s name.

Advertising as an economic activity has been with us since ancient times. In ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, there were advertisement posters, paintings, signboards, and drawings on the walls of buildings for various items (Age et al 1982). During this time, vendors of various things carried their waves along, advertising the availability of such product, much like today’s hawkers.

This was advertising at its most basic and unrefined. Until the eighteenth century, advertising played an insignificant role in business. When Johnann Guttebery invented the printing press around 1440, business transactions were dependent on personal selection. Posters and newspapers were subsequently used to market goods and services.

Advertising was in its early stages until advertisements emerged in newspapers in America (sand ega and try Burger,1763), but this new development was limited due to the low level of trade. However, beginning in 1840, the volume of advertising increased in proportion to the level of trade.

When radio broadcasting established itself in the United States of America in the 1920s, broadcast advertising emerged, boosting trade. About two decades after radio’s invention, television appeared, increasing broadcast advertising and eventually taking the lead from radio.

Zingler and Howard (1984:10-11) emphasise America’s position, claiming that television’s gross advertising revenues accounted for approximately 75% of broadcasting’s total receipts, with the remaining 25% going to radio. Television has subsequently dominated broadcast advertising, which was formerly monopolised by radio.

The primary goal of advertising is to influence people’s psyches in order to entice them to a specific good or service. According to Ikechukwu Nwosu (1990), advertising is mass communication that aims to market commodities, services, ideas, people, institutions, or organisations.

Many modes are utilised in the advertising process, such as print advertising (newspapers, magazines, journals, billboards or outdoor, and mail order) and broadcast advertising (radio television advertising), which has influenced all other sorts of advertising. This is because television combines sound, colour, and action in a way that other media do not.

Modern advertising began in Nigeria in 1929 with the establishment of West African Publicity Limited (WAP) by the United African Company (U.A.C). West African Publicity focused on placing posters and other advertising products exported to West Africa by British publicity manufacturers on newspapers such as the Daily Times, which increased their readership.

In order to increase product advertising, radio broadcasting was introduced into the country in 1932. But the impact was not feit until 1959, when the Western regional government of Nigeria, under the premiership of the Late Chief Obafemi Awolowo, established the first television station in black African, thus television advertising was born.

The eastern and northern regional governments followed the western region in establishing television and radio stations in 1960 and 1962, respectively. The federal government of Nigeria established her own television station in April 1962. Since then, the number of television channels has steadily increased throughout the country.

According to Amechi (1991:5), as of 1991, there were about thirty-nine television stations, but in recent years, there has been an increase in the number, and Nigeria should have over 60tv stations like ATI,

Silverbird, have sprung and are now competing with consumer attention with the largely government-owned television stations that dominate the broadcast landscape in Nigeria. Audience size has also increased tremendously, and this in turn has increased the advertising.

Advertisers have learned that television is a versatile medium for advertising their goods, services, and ideas as Nigeria’s economy gets more industrialised and sophisticated. According to Seigler and Howard (1984:17), television is the fastest growing advertising medium in the world today.

The most important aspect is the visual components, which allow for the instant transmission of sight, motion, and colour. Through television, advertisers can demonstrate products by focusing attention on their most visually appealing features and emphasising packages and corporate logos through close-up cameras.

Television commercials can generate drama. Suspense and emotions. It is a potent behaviour shaping and changing force. Because it mixes visual and auditory cues with movement and drama. It has the ability to captivate attention, pique interest, instruct, and teach through illustration and example.

Television advertising has a dynamic vibrancy and a tremendous ability to attract and retain large audiences. Thus, television advertising must be effective and meet its objectives. There will be information. Values and emphasised stimuli.

This is because information is news while stimulus values provokes a customer to evaluate judge the reach a decision to single out a particular product from all other advertising messages surrounding them.

The ultimate purpose of television advertising is to affect the way television advertising viewers think and act their behavioural patterns with the ultimate goal of selling a product or service. Unilever Nigeria Plc, makers of blue Imo detergent, as one of the leading organisations

1.1 Historical Background of the Study

Unilever Nigeria Plc is a member of the Uniliever group, a multinational organisation. Unilever is one of the world’s leading consumer goods producers. It has about 500 affiliate companies in around 70 countries that carry out a variety of economic activities. Unilever Nigeria Plc was established in Nigeria in 1923 under the name west Africa soap company limited.

The name was changed to lever brothers Nigeria Limited thirty-two years later in compliance with the 1977 indigenization decree. Sixty percent of its equity shares are held by Nigerians, leaving forty percent to Unilever.

In July 1985, lever brothers Nigeria Limited merged with Lipton, a tea manufacturing company, making Lipton part of the food and drinks division of lever.

Lever Brothers Plc. The company is presently listed on the stock exchange under the name Unilever Nigeria Plc. The company’s headquarters, primary factory, and Lipton divisions are located in Apapa, Lagos, where soaps like as Asepso, Lux, and Astral are created.

The company creates Omo, Vim, food drinks such as Roy Co. tree top squash, tea, and coffee, as well as personal care products such as close-up tooth paste, Pepsodent toothpaste, and Astral lotion. The company’s second production is located in Abia. The commercial never centre of Abia State where soaps such as sunlight lifebury and key brands are manufactured Omo,

a non-soapy detergent is also manufactured Unilever Nigeria Plc has its third and ultra-modern factory situated at Agbara industrial estate Ogun State where edibles such as blue band and planta margarines,

as well as bread and marva which serve the bakery industry are produced in the main Unilever Nigeria Plc produces about twenty-four brands of consumer goods. The corporation has continuously won Nigeria’s standard organisation.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Television as a medium of communication gained importance on the marking of products, services, persons, ideas, and corporate entities. It has become a prime medium with its motive force of sight, sound, spectacle, colour, and motion. However, most television viewers do not know the extent of the influence television has on their purchase behaviour.

The study is therefore undertaken out of the concern that television viewers in Owerri L.G.A may not be adhere of the effects of television. It is not certain whether the television advertisement of Omo is responsible for this from available literature.

There has not been any attempt to find out or ascertain the effects or impact of television viewership and consumers on Owerri. There is also the problem of determining if the Omo detergent television advertisement has been able to title some potential consumers disposition towards Omo detergent. This is predicated on the factor that the news adjacency of Omo


The primary goal of this study is to determine the effects and impact of television advertisements on Omo detergent users in Owerri. Specifically, we will discover the following.

i) To what extent do television advertisements influence Owerri television viewers?

ii) Determine which component of Omo’s television advertisement influenced television viewers the most.

iii) Determine whether some features of the Omo television advertising are amiss.

iv) To investigate the effects of Omo television advertisements vs other Omo advertisements in various media on consumer behaviour in Owerri.

v) In light of the aforementioned, identify ways that Omo television advertisements should be improved in order to have a greater impact on consumers.


The answers to the previous question would lead to the situation of the problem.

1) To what extent has planning and control benefited the organisation.

2) What are the principals, producers, and steps on which planning and control should be founded in order to arrive at a cause of action that will result in a certain outcome?

3) What are the primary tools for planning and control?

4) What are the issues that affect company planning and control?

5) To what extent can adequate planning and control prevent business failure and distress?

1.5 Significance of the Study

Every business organization’s survival is mostly dependent on the goodwill of consumers who purchase its products. Consumer attitudes towards a product or service determine whether or not that product will remain in the market as a result of this.

The study will be very useful to Unilever Plc’s Omo detergent markets, particularly in Owerri, Imo State, and Nigeria in general, while advertising Omo detergent.

It is also expected to be of immense importance to markets of other brands of detergent on the country as it will help them determine the best way to advertise and oppose their own product.

The study will also be of help to research firms, advertising practitioners, and research students on advertising and marketing on the area of consumer behaviour. It will also be of help to marketing and media planners on corporate bodies involved in the manufacture of detergents.


During the process of carrying out the study product, the researcher faced some external variable that hampered the force hues of the work. Some of the reasons include information gathered from Pz Industries (Nig) Plc employees, books, and journals.

a) Time Constraint: Due to the nature of the study, the time assigned to it was insufficient, preventing the research from covering some organisations relevant to this study.

b) Finance: Inadequate financing was a major barrier to a faster recovery. This study endeavour was a result of the high transportation costs associated with the collecting of information required for the job.

c) Accessibility: During the course of this research study, the researcher found it difficult to gain access to the population of interest, and as a result, not all of the needed information was gathered because an extended visit was not conducted.

d) Fear of information distribution among respondents: The majority of respondents were unable and afraid to participate in information dissemination due to inaccurate information.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

During the course of conducting this study endeavour, the researcher came across an extraneous variable that disrupted the free flow of the work. The data were gathered from Pz Industries (Nig) Plc employees, books, and periodicals. Some of the factors include:

1) Finance: Inadequate financing was a significant impediment to rapid rehabilitation. This study endeavour was a result of the high transportation costs associated with the collecting of information required for the job.

2) Time Constraint: Due to the nature of the study, the time assigned to it was insufficient, preventing the researcher from covering some organisations relevant to this research.

3) Accessibility: During the course of this research project, the researcher found it difficult to gain access to the population of interest, and as a result, not all of the needed information was gathered because an extended visit was not conducted.

4) Fear of information distribution among respondents: The majority of respondents were unable and unwilling to participate in information dissemination due to inaccurate information.

1.8 Definition of Terms

1) A consumer is an individual who buys or has the ability to buy goods and services provided by marketing bodies or corporate entities in order to meet personal requirements, wants, and desires.

2) Advertisement: it is a communication that expresses the characteristics of a specific product to the intended audience.

3) Advertising: This is the process of preparing an advertisement’s message and presenting it to the media.

4) Consumer Behaviour: This is a component of human behaviour that deals with the acts involved in the purchase of products and services to satisfy human desires, wants, and needs.

5) News Adjacency: This is the time before, during, and shortly following news on the radio or television for advertising.

6) Institutional Advertising: This type of advertising is used to create a positive impression of an organisation or corporate body in the minds of society or the business community. Unlike marketing for products and services, institutional advertising is more about public relations.

7) Network Advertising: This sort of advertising spans the entire country.

8) Regional Advertising: This sort of advertising is limited to a specific region of the country.

9) Primary Advertising: This sort of advertising aims to increase demand for the entire corporation’s genetic products or services.

10) Selective Advertising: This style of advertising generates demand for a certain product inside an industry or organisation. It is also known as direct advertising.

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