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There is no doubt that organisations all around the world are striving for success and outperforming their competitors. To do so, organisations must efficiently acquire and deploy human resources. Organisations must be more realistic about the challenges they confront in keeping their human resources up to date.

In doing so, managers must pay special attention to all core functions of human resource management, as these play an important role in various organisational, social, and economic related areas, among others, that are influential to the achievement of organisational goals and thus the organization’s successful market continuation.

As a result, this study goes on to address one of the main roles of human resources, training, and how the former influences the latter. This chapter is structured into four sections to provide the reader with a thorough summary of the research.

The first section introduces the topic by providing background information about the study. This will be followed by a statement of the research problem and the study’s objective. Finally, the final section provides an overview of the rest of the study’s progress.

1.1 Background Of The Study

Organisations are facing increased competition as a result of globalisation, changes in technology, political and economic environments (Evans, Pucik, & Barsoux 2002, 32), prompting these organisations to train their employees as one of the ways to prepare them to adjust to the aforementioned increases and thus improve their performance. It is critical not to dismiss the overwhelming evidence of knowledge expansion in the business corporate world during the last decade.

This expansion has been fueled not just by technological advancements and a mix of production elements, but also by increased attempts to enhance organisational human resources.

As a result, it is every organization’s responsibility to improve employee work performance, and undoubtedly, implementing training and development is one of the primary measures that most companies must take to accomplish this.

As it is obvious that employees are a valuable resource, it is critical to maximise employees’ contributions to the company’s purposes and goals in order to maintain effective performance.

As a result, managers must assure an appropriate supply of people who are technically and socially competent, as well as capable of progressing into specialist departments or management positions (Afshan, Sobia, Kamran, & Nasir 2012, 646).

In many cases, the question of why human resources are vital may emerge. Given that human resources represent the firm’s intellectual property, employees are a valuable source of getting a competitive advantage (Houger 2006), and training is the only way of creating organisational intellectual property through employee capabilities. In order to be successful. Human resources must be obtained and utilised efficiently by organisations.

Organisations must therefore design their human resource management in ways that fit into the organization’s structure in order to achieve their goals and objectives. Furthermore, it is critical for organisations to assist their personnel in acquiring the appropriate skills and increasing dedication.Human resource management is tough in Africa in general, and in Uganda in particular, because most organisations have difficulty hiring qualified employees.

This may be due in part to the various types of challenges that exist in the African business context, such as political instability, corruption, bureaucracy, poor infrastructure, low levels of education and purchasing power, diseases, and starvation (Kamoche 2002, 994 – 995).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Despite the increasing effects of organisations on training of organisational employees, there is still a lack of literature on human resource development issues in developing countries (Debrah & Ofori 2006, 440) and growing concerns from organisational customers about low quality services in the telecommunications sector.

It is also worth emphasising that, while much is known about the economics of training in the industrialised world, research on concerns 12 related to training in less-developed countries is scarce.

Existing research in this area (Harvey 2002; Harvey, Matt, and Milord 2002; Jackson 2002; Kamoche 2002; Kamoche, Debrah, Hortwiz, and Muuka 2004; Kraak 2005) has adopted a generic human resource management (HRM) approach, leaving a void on problems such as the effect of training on employee performance.

This study will help to close a gap in the literature and provide a foundation for understanding of some aspects of human resource management in general, and training in particular, in Uganda.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

In light of the foregoing, the study’s goal is to investigate the effects of training on employee performance in Uganda’s telecommunications business. What training programmes are available in the telecommunications sector?

What are the training objectives? What methods are employed, and do these approaches meet the training objectives? What effect does training have on employee performance?

The outcomes of this study are expected to assist highlight the ways in which human resource training may benefit not only organisations but also the career development of their personnel.

Overall, the findings open the way for organisations operating in the same industry as the sample companies in Uganda and Africa in general to improve human resources needed for competitive performance.

1.4 Definition of Key concept

Human resource management is the process by which organisations manage and develop their employees in order to successfully carry out their objectives and goals (McCourt & Eldridge 2003, 2). Human resource development is the integration of individual, career, and organisational development roles in order to maximise organisational members’ productivity, 13 quality,

opportunity, and fulfilment as they work to achieve the organization’s goals (Pace, Smith, & Mills 1991, 6). Gordon (1992) defines training as a planned, systematic activity that results in increased levels of skill, knowledge, and competency required to execute work effectively.

Development is a comprehensive, continuing, multi-faceted set of actions (including training activities) intended at raising someone or an organisation to a higher level of performance, generally in preparation for a new career or function in the future (McNamara 2008).

Employee performance is described as the outcome or contribution of employees to achieving goals (Herbert, John, and Lee 2000), whereas performance can be used to indicate what an organisation has accomplished in terms of process, results, relevance, and success.

National Development Programme of Uganda (1995). According to Afshan et al. (2012), performance is defined as the completion of certain activities to preset or identified requirements of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed. Employee performance can be seen in increased output, ease of use of new technologies, and highly motivated employees.

1.5 Organisation Of the Study

This study is divided into six chapters, the first of which provides a brief introduction to the subject of the study. It begins by outlining the study’s context. It then provides a summary of the study’s problem, highlights the study’s goals,

and provides a brief definition of the essential terminology. The structure of the study is detailed at the end of the chapter. The theoretical stance of the study is discussed in Chapters 2 and 3.

The emphasis is mostly on HRM practises, such as literature on human resource needs, training methods, employee 14 performance, the impacts of training on performance, and other factors influencing employee performance.

Chapter Four describes the study methodology and addresses the processes utilised to collect data, the purpose for using this method, as well as the study’s reliability and validity.

Finally, the limitations of this study will be explored. The fifth chapter presents the study results and their analysis. The sixth and last chapter of the investigation. It analyses managerial ramifications and presents the study’s result. Future study will be proposed near the end of the chapter.

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