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Effects of Visual Therapy on Expressive Art Performance of Autistic Children In Yaba Local Council Development Area in Lagos State

Effects of Visual Therapy on Expressive Art Performance of Autistic Children In Yaba Local Council Development Area in Lagos State

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Effects of Visual Therapy on Expressive Art Performance of Autistic Children In Yaba Local Council Development Area in Lagos State


Chapter one


Background of the Study

According to Weintraub (2013), autism is defined as delays or abnormal functioning in one or more of the following categories before the age of three years: (1) social interaction, (2) communication, and (3) restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behaviour, interests, and activities.

According to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders [5th edition], Autism Spectrum Disorders, also known as the Autistic Spectrum, are a group of neuro-developmental disorders characterised by social deficits and communication difficulties, stereotyped or repetitive behaviours and interests, and, in some cases, cognitive delay.

Autism spectrum includes prior classifications such as Asperger’s Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Autistic Disorder, Rett Syndrome, and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder.

According to the Centre for Disease Control in 2009, Autism Spectrum Disorders affect approximately 1% of the global population. It is regarded as the fastest rising developmental impairment, with a prevalence in the United States.

Autism has an effect on how the brain processes information. It affects the connectivity and organisation of nerve cells and synapses. It is highly heritable, although the causes involve both environmental and genetic sensitivity. However, the specific mechanism is not well understood.

According to Popova (1995), autism and its associated problems are among the least known mental health issues of our day. In recent years, there has been a movement in perception of autistic individuals as “differently abled,”

rather than as disabled. Extraordinary people such as mathematical genius Daniel Tammet and architectural savant Gilles Trehin are examples of this disparity.

According to Gillan (2006), some autistic children may be mute or exhibit outstanding speech and language talents. Many children are hypersensitive to sensory stimuli like sound, vision, and touch. According to him, all youngsters have the ability to produce art and engage important areas of the developing brain.

According to Clara Clairborne Park’s book “Exiting Nirvana” (2001), some autistic youngsters have advanced visuospatial and visual memory abilities when creating art. They may create intricate spontaneous drawings of favourite subjects, such as buildings or animals, from numerous perspectives.

Children with autism frequently demonstrate repetitive behaviours, such as creating many, identical drawings. This should be promoted because these children find the activity enjoyable and engaging.

Gillian (2006) also believes that a child with autism can express his or her wants through nonverbal communication, such as holding the art teacher’s hand to request something.

An art teacher might encourage a vocal child to discuss his or her creative process. An art teacher can enquire, “What colour is the crayon?” If the youngster responds correctly, he or she should receive praise.

If not, the teacher may say, ”Say ˜red crayon” to elicit a proper response and praise. Furthermore, many children may appreciate a drawing project on paper with crayons or pencils because this medium has a low threshold for processing sensory information.

Barnes (1937) defines Visual Arts as creative genres that produce predominantly visual works, such as pottery, drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, printmaking, modern visual arts (photography, video, and filmmaking), designs, and crafts. Ifeagu (2002) defines Visual Arts as a discipline of art that relies only on the sense of sight for experience and appreciation.

In general, arts can be divided into two categories: visual arts and non-visual arts. The visual aspect is further divided into Fine and Applied Arts. Fine art is divided into three branches: drawing, painting, and sculpture. For the purposes of this study, drawing will be employed as a therapeutic tool.

According to Banjoko (2000), drawing is the act of graphically representing, defining, and describing objects. It is also regarded as an essential means of strengthening students’ knowledge through observation.

This study focusses on the use of visual art, primarily drawings, to help students diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders improve their communication and social abilities.

They would be able to express themselves through drawings, which would always stimulate their sense of logic and expression.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

According to studies, a huge majority of parents do not understand Autism Spectrum Disorders well. As a result, they struggle to recognise that their children’s defects require quick intervention. Furthermore, most teachers lack knowledge of the diseases, making it difficult for them to teach diagnosed students.

Most would ignore their requirements, dismissing them as non-conformists or derailed. Some are even rejected and isolated, rendering them useless to themselves, let alone their families or society as a whole.

Instead of being ignored, such children may be enrolled in special treatment schools where they could express their true feelings, engage with other exceptional children without fear of rejection, and maximise their potential.

This study looked at how visual therapy could help diagnosed youngsters learn to be more imaginative and expressive. It emphasises learning by doing. The practical element of this study would make learning more meaningful, authentic, enjoyable, and exciting.

1.3 Research Questions.

To address the study’s difficulty, the following questions were raised:

Is there a major impact of visual therapy on learning disabilities?

Is there a significant benefit of visual therapy on anxiety?

Is there a substantial gender difference in the effects of Visual Therapy?

1.4 Research Hypotheses.

Visual Therapy has no substantial effect on learning disorders.

Visual Therapy has no meaningful effect on anxiety disorders.

The effect of Visual Therapy does not differ significantly by gender.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Knowledge of the disorder’s various causes, types, symptoms, treatments, and therapies would help parents, teachers, diagnosed children, and other interested parties identify and manage it correctly.

This would help us gain a better knowledge of how to engage with youngsters diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. Furthermore, attention would be put on their strengths, and they would be given the opportunity to express their deepest ideas and emotions through painting.

Visual Therapy would be utilised as a therapeutic method to manage youngsters with the illness. It is an important therapy that would be used to help children with Autism Spectrum Disorders learn and communicate more effectively, both verbally and nonverbally.

Visual therapy will assist children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in developing a strong visual or mental recall, making learning more genuine and lasting. They would be able to study, interpret, and communicate their ideas through sketching.

This therapy intervention would allow diagnosed youngsters to better their self-expression, abilities, and communication skills. They create their own art pieces that reflect their thoughts and feelings; they are self-expressive.

The photographs delve into and elevate their sense of creativity and feeling. As a result, they are self-aware, productive, and open to self-exploration.

Furthermore, researchers interested in studying children with Autism Spectrum Disorders will benefit greatly from this study. Furthermore, the study would serve as a source of information, or possibly knowledge, for everybody, allowing them to gain a basic understanding of the condition and aid in its right management.

1.6 Operational Definition of Terms


It is an acronym for Autism Spectrum Disorders, often known as Autistic Spectrum Disorder. It is a developmental disorder in which children exhibit some level of mental impairment, learning disability, behavioural issues, and anxiety disorder.

ASDs are developmental impairments that result from a brain malfunction. A person diagnosed with it has social and communication difficulties.

The Nervous System

According to the Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, the Nervous System is the collection of all the nerves in the body. It is the part of an animal’s body that coordinates deliberate and involuntary behaviours and sends messages to other areas of the body.


It simply means the treatment of a medical condition or illness. It is the attempted treatment of a health issue, usually after a diagnosis.


This refers to the existence of one or more extra disorders or diseases that coexist with a primary disease or condition, as well as the effects of such additional disorders. It could also be defined as the occurrence of two or more medical problems occurring concurrently, regardless of their causative relationship.


It is an ailment that causes a section of the body to stop operating properly and precisely, resulting in a loss of order or organisation. It could also be described as a functional anomaly or disruption.


This comprises seeking for and diagnosing the origin or nature of a disease, ailment, or condition based on its symptoms. It is also the determination of the nature and causation of a certain phenomena.

Learning Disability

The failure to accomplish at a level consistent with one’s age or ability when given reasonable learning opportunities, while having average intelligence, no emotional disorders, and no gross physical flaws.

People with learning disabilities have difficulty executing specific sorts of skills or completing projects whether left to figure things out on their own or taught in traditional ways. Individuals with learning disabilities may confront particular obstacles that are often ongoing throughout their lives.

Visual Art

Visual Arts include ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, design, crafts, photography, video, printmaking, filmmaking, architecture, industrial design, graphic design, interior design, fashion design, and decorative art.

It is a type of art that aims to express different and complex feelings as documented by the artist. This is then communicated to the audience using representational medium.

According to Quadri (2012), Visual Art refers to any work of art that appeals to our sense of vision, such as drawing, painting, sculpture, textile design, graphic design, industrial design, or ceramics.

Visual Art Therapy

According to the British Association of Art Therapists, art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that communicates primarily via art mediums. It is practiced by qualified, registered art therapists who work with children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly.

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