English language is a major core subject of study in the Nigerian education system from primary, secondary schools to tertiary institutions. Because of the significance attached to English Language as the primary language of formal education in Nigeria, official language of government and private administrations, communication, business transactions and that of written textbooks in all subjects taught in primary, secondary schools and tertiary institutions, the teaching and learning of the language is given prominence in terms of period allocation daily.
Choice of teaching on career among English education students is considered as one of the major areas of concern for young people (Alberts, Mbalo, & Ackermann, 2012). Because it is a challenge to make a choice of their career, it is important for both parents and their children.
As English education plays vital role in preparing student teachers towards their teaching career, it is essential to employ qualified and dedicated teachers in the profession. Hence, choosing English language teaching as a career becomes more crucial. Many other factors within and outside the family have also been linked with career choices in English teaching profession as well as other professions.
It is claimed that the profession fails to attract bright young people when teacher recruitment is concerned (Murnane, Singer, Willett, Kemple, & Olsen, 2011; Kyriacou & Coulthard, 2014). It has some structural, social and psychological reasons (Ingersoll, 2010; Lai, Mok, Ko, & Li, 2014; Menter, Hutchings, & Ross, 2015; Coulthard & Kyriacou, 2015).
According to one view, English language student teachers choose this profession with altruistic-intrinsic reasons or extrinsic reasons. In a different view, they choose it under the influence of others such as their teachers, parents or peers.
English Education places emphasis on both oral and written mediums as a way of encouraging the students to internalize the rules in order to be competent in general communication. National Policy on Education in Nigeria (2009) stipulates that primary education is to inculcate permanent literacy and ability to communicate effectively in English, while the policy on secondary education states that secondary education shall prepare the individuals for useful living within the society and higher education as well as inspire the students for self improvement and achievement of excellence.
It also provides the opportunity to raise a generation of people who can think for themselves, respect the views and feelings of others, respect the dignity of labor and foster national unit with emphasis on the common ties that unite us in our diversity (2009). Prominence is given to English language by National policy on education in Nigeria as the basic language that all the objectives of the various levels of education can be achieved.
This accounts for why a credit pass in English language is made compulsory at the school certificate level for those aspiring to gain admission into tertiary institutions in Nigeria. It has been discovered recently that the teaching of English Language in schools is deficient in terms of methodologies adopted during the lessons by the teachers; as a result many pupils and students perform poorly in external examinations and communication in general.
In order to ascertain the trend especially at the junior secondary school level where the subject has changed over the years, because of the exclusion of five years straight secondary education and the introduction of six-three-three-four system of education, literature aspect of English has not been given effective teaching and proper attention it deserves, by teachers teaching English studies.
The high demand for English language in education and research over the last decades is usually known to be an unavoidable process leading to improved international academic communication worldwide”. (Balan, 2011) Due to the importance of English as an international language whereby education and cultures are exchanged at all levels. It comprises a major tool for obtaining academic degrees programs.
Coupled with the role of multimedia and internet in global communication, English becomes nowadays popular, widely used as a means of instruction in a large number of educational institutions, language centers and universities, a pathway to accessing all fields of knowledge and academic research sources across the world and a best tool for foreign language learning/teaching.
It is against this backdrop that the study English education as a determinant of choice of teaching on career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University is examined.
English became the official language of Nigeria when all its regions were amalgamated as one political entity at the beginning of the 20th Century. The quality of English teaching and learning from this time till about the 2012s was remarkably characterized by adequate competence on the part of teachers and learners alike.
This is partly because of the high premium placed on the language as a result of its utility value, as well as the opportunities it provided as a window to the world and to white collar jobs. It also served as a vehicle of inter-ethnic and cross-cultural communication in a multilingual setting in Nigeria.
The proficiency level by students at the end of secondary school, as well as the high quality of their spoken and written English, reflected a positive disposition to the teaching and learning of English. Akeredolu-Ale (2007) noted the significant decline in the quality of English that is being taught and learned in Nigeria in the following areas:
i. the level of competence that Nigerians display with regard to both spoken and written English ii. performance of Nigerian students in English language examinations and iii. the importance which Nigerians attach to „Good English” and to the acquisition of adequate competence in the use of English. Therefore this study tends to examine English education as a determinant of choice of teaching on career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University.
The major aim of the study is to examine English education as a determinant of choice of teaching on career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University. Other specific objectives of the study include;
- To examine the English education as a tool for obtaining global education.
- To examine the teaching as a career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University.
- To examine the impact of English education on choice of teaching career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University.
- To examine English education as a determinant of choice of teaching as a career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University
- To examine the relationship between English education and choice of teaching career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University.
- To examine the modern technology and English language teaching & learning.
- What is English education as a tool for obtaining global education?
- What is teaching as a career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University?
- What is the impact of English education on choice of teaching career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University?
- What is English education as a determinant of choice of teaching as a career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University?
- What is the relationship between English education and choice of teaching career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University?
- What are the modern technology and English language teaching & learning?
Hypothesis 1
H01: There are is no significant impact of English education on choice of teaching career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University.
H02: There is a significant impact of English education on choice of teaching career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University
Hypothesis 2
H0: There is no significant relationship between English education and choice of teaching career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University.
H1: There is a significant relationship between English education and choice of teaching career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University
The study would be of immense help to stakeholders of career guidance in the country. The stakeholders include university students, educational institutions, and counsellors. The study would help the students because they would come to know the importance of career choice. This study would also be of immense benefit to students and scholars who are interested in developing further studies on the subject matter.
The study is restricted to English education as a determinant of choice of teaching on career among English education students in Benson Idahosa University.
Financial constraint: Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview)
Time constraint: The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
Teaching: is an instruction or delivering a particular skill or subject or something that someone tells you to do. For Teaching in this case may refer to showing or explaining to a student how to do something.
Education: is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.
Career: an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress.
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