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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

The errors related to the current manual technique of processing students’

Most Nigerian universities, including the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, use computerised approaches to measure students’ academic progress, making it desirable and necessary. Manual approaches have numerous drawbacks.

They make the examination procedure time-consuming and error-prone, resulting in late dissemination of results. Incorrect grades are sometimes entered, resulting in inaccurate grade point averages.

As a result, errors accumulate and lead to incorrect degree classifications. Some students may receive undeserved high grades, while others may face unfair treatment, leading to frustration.

This could harm the reputation of both the department(s) and the university as a whole. The challenge is finding an accurate and timely way to process examination results.

Kanu Chukwuma C. – 20071570186 developed an enhanced online result processing system for the Information Management Technology Department at FUTO.


Result processing is a routine task. Each semester in a higher education institution, students’ performance is assessed. Assessments typically involve exams, quizzes, practicals, and labs. Assessment is essential for motivating kids to study more.

Assessment takes the form of a rewards system. Students prefer a competitive environment. In primary and secondary school, pupils are graded based on their performance, motivating them to strive for excellence.

The higher education system is no different. At the end of each semester, the academic activities are evaluated. The challenge lies in converting students’ degrees of participation and expertise into relative rankings.

FUTO has around 40 departments, each with an average of over 400 students. FUTO has more than 16,000 students, excluding postgraduate and pre-degree students. Results must be computed for all students, regardless of level. Course advisers are responsible for processing results and other academic duties.

An Enhanced Online Result Processing System for the Information Management Technology Department, FUTO

Kanu Chukwuma C. – 20071570186

The term “result” refers to the outcome of an action, problem, or experiment over time. At the end of each semester, grades are generated based on exam, test, practical, and lab results. Course coordinators are responsible for doing this.

The level course adviser handles the following step in the result processing process. Each department has a specialised course adviser. The course adviser reviews the results of all students in their level

as well as those who took borrowed or carry-over courses from other levels. The course adviser’s role is to transform supplied grades into equivalent grades.

The Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) comprises six faculties. The following table lists the faculties and their corresponding department numbers.

Kanu Chukwuma C. – 20071570186 developed an enhanced online result processing system for the Information Management Technology Department at FUTO.


Table 1.1: FUTO Faculties and the Number of Departments

Departments with no faculty.

Engineering and Engineering Technology (9), Sciences (11), Management Technology (6), Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (7), Health Technology (5), and Environmental Technology (6), for a total of 44.

Universities such as FUTO have recognised the necessity for automated data management. This project focuses on automating result processing for undergraduate students and other course adviser responsibilities, despite previous attempts to construct similar systems.

This work, using the Information Management Technology department as a case study, aims to address issues related to processing results, course registration, and timely computation.

Kanu Chukwuma C. – 20071570186 proposes an improved online result processing system for the Information Management Technology Department at FUTO. The system would manage student grades, course registrations, and address security concerns to prevent unauthorised access by students and lecturers.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Manual techniques of result processing cause huge problems. The scenario is similar at Federal University of Technology, Owerri and the Information Management Technology department.

Addressing these difficulties requires assertive action. Registration and exam results computation are time-consuming processes. The fact that these activities are repeated with each academic session creates a rigorous cycle for operators.

Computing examination results and registering pupils is an object-centered activity, with the student as the primary focus. To efficiently process registration and examination results, the University requires object-oriented software that captures all relevant objects and interactions.

An Enhanced Online Result Processing System for the Information Management Technology Department, FUTO
Kanu Chukwuma C. – 20071570186 6

To fulfil this noble objective, a result-processing application was designed and implemented for a course programme at Information Management Technology.

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