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Evaluating Teaching And Learning Of Guidance And Counseling In Colleges Of Education

Evaluating Teaching And Learning Of Guidance And Counseling In Colleges Of Education

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Evaluating Teaching And Learning Of Guidance And Counseling In Colleges Of Education


As a result, the purpose of this study was to assess guidance and counselling teaching and learning in education colleges. Four research questions and two hypotheses led the investigation.

The study was conducted using an evaluative research design. The study included twenty-nine (29) guidance and counselling instructors in colleges of education and three hundred forty-eight (348) 300 level students from colleges of education across Cross River State.

Data was collected using the researcher-developed Guidance and Counselling Evaluation Questionnaire (G&CEO) and Guidance and Counselling Evaluation Observation Schedule (G&CEOS). The instrument’s reliability coefficient was 0.74 based on correlation analysis, and our validation was carried out by four specialists.

The study was directed by four research questions and two research hypotheses that were tested at the 0.05 level of significance. The study questions were answered using frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations, and the hypothesis was tested using the chi-square statistic.

The findings, among other things, show that facilities and materials for counselling exercises are not available, for practical learning, the time allocated for guidance and counselling is insufficient.

Based on the findings, it was recommended that the government establish counselling laboratories in schools and equip them with facilities to meet counselling challenges.

A student counselling practicum and a functional library should be provided to allow students and lecturers to do research in guiding and counselling. Lecturers should provide instructional materials primarily for counselling exercises in order to advance their careers.

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