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Evaluation Of The Chemical Component Of Dogoyaro Liquid (Azadirachta Indica) For Anti-Malaria

Evaluation Of The Chemical Component Of Dogoyaro Liquid (Azadirachta Indica) For Anti-Malaria

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Evaluation Of The Chemical Component Of Dogoyaro Liquid (Azadirachta Indica) For Anti-Malaria


The worldwide scenario increasingly favours the development of malaria drugs derived from less toxic plant materials with established therapeutic characteristics. Each portion of the neem plant (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) is said to have different medical characteristics and has been used for ages across many continents.

This experiment provided a water extract from Neem leaves (Azadirachta indica A Juss) measured using a sophisticated atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The chemical characteristics of a water extract from Neem leaf were investigated.

The results revealed that the neem leaf provides some critical elements required for malaria. It is clear that the aqueous extract of Azadirachta indica contains very high quantities of sodium ions (Na+) and potassium ions (K+)

which are responsible for impulse conduction along the central nervous system’s axons. Iron is another element that has been determined. This element is significantly low in the sample’s water extract (neem leaf).

Chapter one


Malaria infections are distinguished by inadequate immune responses with low efficiency against infection and, in certain cases, immunopathology. Severe malaria is a complicated multisystem illness.

Severe malaria can lead to complications like cerebral malaria, anaemia, acidosis, jaundice, respiratory distress, renal insufficiency, coagulation abnormalities, and hyperparasitemia[2].

Every year, malaria causes around 300-500 million clinical cases and 1.2-2.8 million deaths[3,4]. The growing problem of resistance to traditional medications (chloroquine and sulphadoxine pyrimethamine)[5-7] and the recurrence of malaria following artemisinin treatment highlight the need for novel antimalarial agents[8].

The malaria medications quinine and artemisinin are both plant derivatives derived from Cinchona species[9,10] and Artemisia annua[11,12], respectively, implying that further effective malaria drugs could also be plant-derived.

Azadirachta indica plants from the Meliaceae family are often used as traditional malaria treatments in the tropics[9,13,14]. Several investigations found that A.

indica leaf, seed, and stem bark extracts have in vitro inhibitory effect against Plasmodium falciparum asexual stages[15-17]. In vitro testing of pure limonoids from Neem indicated that gedunin and nimbolide are the most effective against P. falciparum.

MacKinnon et al. investigated 60 extracts from 22 Meliaceae species, determining their in vitro antiplasmodial activity against chloroquine-sensitive (D6) and chloroquine-resistant (W2) malaria clones (Dd2, Indochina)[15,19].

Twelve extracts were found to be active against P. falciparum, particularly extracts from Cedrela odorata wood and Azadirachta indica leaves, which both contain the limonoid gedunin[20].

Gedunin has been isolated as an active antimalarial principle several times, most recently from Khaya grandifoliola[21]. Several plant extracts have been examined for their antimalarial effects in mice[22].

As a result, we aimed to investigate the anti-plasmodial effectiveness of Azadirachta indica, also known as Neem, a plant used as a folk medicine in Sudan, India, and other countries, in a human malaria study using Plasmodium berghei ANKA infected mice.

To investigate the effects of an antimalarial medication, we assessed physiological and morphological responses. We also investigated cerebral malaria. Malaria-induced neuronal ischaemia and inflammation can cause cellular necrosis or apoptosis, depending on the severity of the symptoms [23].

Caspases perform critical functions in the commitment and execution phases of apoptosis[24]. Importantly, caspase-3 is a significant downstream effector of neuronal death. We investigated protection against caspase-dependent apoptosis as a mechanism of malaria therapy efficacy.

1.1 Aim of the Project

Many studies have been conducted on the neem plant (Azadirachta indica), and the findings indicate that it has both medical and pharmacological benefits against malaria.

However, there is no reported information about the mineral characteristics of the plant’s leaf. As a result, the purpose of this study was to determine a chemical component present in a water extract of neem leaf utilising current atomic absorption spectroscopy.

1.2 Scope of the Study

Ancient medicinal books frequently prescribe extracts from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss), also known as “dogonyaro” in Nigeria, for gastrointestinal upsets, diarrhoea and intestinal infections, skin ulcers and infections, and malaria (Schmutterer, 1995).

India encouraged scientific investigations into the neem tree as part of his program to revitalise Indian tradition while also increasing commercial interest in neem (Stix, 1992), and some authors now believe that no other plant or tree in the world has been so extensively researched or used in all possible capacities. In Africa, Neem leaf extracts have been used in a variety of therapeutic formulations (Ekanem, 1971; Udeinya, 1993).

Significance of the Study

The development of new non-toxic pharmaceuticals from neem has previously been proposed (Biswas et al., 2002), and IRAB reflects such a dream.

This fractionated acetone/water neem leaf extract is the only medication known to have antimalarial properties. Recent in-vivo research have supported previous in-vitro reports of pharmacological activities.


Main Objective

The chemical components of dogoyaro liquid (azadirachta indica) were evaluated for their anti-malaria properties.

To investigate the chemical component of the dogoyaro leaf, which serves as a medication for numerous illnesses, particularly malaria.

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