Project Materials


Extent Of Use Of Instructional Materials In Teaching And Learning Of Integrated Science And Computer Science In Junior Secondary Schools

Extent Of Use Of Instructional Materials In Teaching And Learning Of Integrated Science And Computer Science In Junior Secondary Schools

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Extent Of Use Of Instructional Materials In Teaching And Learning Of Integrated Science And Computer Science In Junior Secondary Schools


The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which instructional materials were used in the teaching and learning of integrated science and computer in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu state. Three research questions and one hypothesis served as guidelines. The literature was reviewed under four subheadings, including:

1. The importance of instructional materials in the teaching and learning process.

2. The availability of educational materials

3. Factors influencing the use of accessible instructional resources.

4. Strategies for fully utilising educational resources.

This study used a descriptive survey design. It was carried out in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State. The study’s demographic included all junior high school pupils as well as teachers of integrated science and computer.

Six secondary schools in Enugu North Local Government Area were chosen at random, with 20 students and four instructors each, for a total of 120 students and 24 teachers.

A systematic questionnaire was utilised to collect data, which was designed in accordance with the research questions. The collected data was analysed using the mean and standard deviation. The data was interpreted using the real limit number of mean scores.

Based on the data analysed, the following key discoveries were made:

1. The necessary instructional materials for successful teaching and learning of integrated science and computer were not available.

2. Only the teacher-created instructional materials were used.

3. The available instructional resources were not fully utilised.

4. Insufficient supplies and equipment have a significant impact on instructional material utilisation.

5. Another issue influencing the use of instructional materials is a lack of funds to purchase them.

6. The government’s provision of cash for the buying of instructional materials can help enhance their utilisation.


Chapter one


Background of the Study.

As with any significant project, it is highly desirable to know exactly what one wants to achieve when instructing. According to Wiki (1998), instructional materials are items or equipment that can assist instructors in efficiently teaching theory in the classroom or in practical assessment.

They are also materials that facilitate the transmission of information from one person to another. Ilori (2000) further stated that instructional materials are tools used by teachers to pique students’ attention by allowing them to obtain firsthand experience.

Instructional materials are believed to be in place beginning with primary school, but if they are not used appropriately, learning is hampered. Teachers who fail to employ instructional resources have a detrimental impact on the teaching and learning process of integrated science and computer.

Merrrel (1993) (p.37) pointed out that schools are currently facing budgetary problems, which may increase the possibility that teachers will employ free or low-cost instructional materials to augment their own ageing resources.

As a result, instructors must remain watchful and use sound judgement when deciding what resources are available to assist them in teaching and their students in learning.

The availability of instructional materials impacts how much they are used in integrated science and computer education. According to Onwuka (1981), instructional materials assist teachers in efficiently and meaningfully conveying the intended information to students, allowing them to receive, understand, remember, and apply the experience learnt to achieve an educational goal.
Instructional resources are among the most significant tools that teachers and students can utilise to improve the quality of instruction.

They are effective sources of factual information and contribute to the long-term retention of knowledge. Man has five senses: smell, touch, sight, hearing, and taste. These senses facilitate learning and behavioural change. In consequence, these senses should be used to learn effectively. In the classroom, the teacher must sensitise the learner’s senses through the use of educational resources.

The numerous themes in junior secondary schools in integrated science and computer necessitate the use of instructional materials by the teacher during the planning and delivery of lessons to students. Instructional materials refer to any types of information carriers that can be utilised to promote and encourage effective teaching and learning activities.

They could take the shape of a textbook, reference books, journals, posters, charts, programmed text, or non-print materials such as films, cassettes, models, photographs, and recorders.

Furthermore, teaching materials are everything that the teacher uses to help him achieve his goals. Help can take the shape of information, ideas, formulas, generalisations, or experiences (Saylor and Alexander, 1966).

Science and technology have evolved dramatically. Therefore, the Enugu state ministry of education and school boards are expected to offer junior secondary school students with cash for the buying of instructional materials.

Similarly, the instructor should use available materials in his daily teaching learning process, keeping in mind that children’s attention will be piqued when they see things in their natural environment, and the educational purpose will be met as well.


The usage of instructional materials should not be limited in integrated science and computer education. They provide a concrete foundation for conceptual thinking, reducing meaningless word replies from children. Students’ results in integrated science and computer education at junior secondary school certificate examinations (JSSCE) have continuously been dismal.

Some of the reasons for this low performance are due to a lack of grasp of the principles. In addition, the number of pupils pursuing science disciplines in senior secondary schools has decreased significantly. One can wonder if there aren’t any knowledgeable teachers who can effectively influence students’ understanding of concepts.

To be effective in her work, a teacher must understand the principles of teaching, which include the utilisation of instructional materials. Teachers have forgotten to use instructional materials in the teaching and learning of integrated science and computer. They engage in the chalk and speak method, which leaves the pupil with little or no understanding.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which instructional materials are used in the teaching and learning of integrated science and computing in junior secondary schools in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State.


The primary goal of this study is to determine the extent to which instructional materials are used in the teaching and learning of instructional science and computer technology in junior secondary schools in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State. In the light of this, the specific objectives of the research include:.

1. Determine the extent to which these instructional materials are used in the teaching and learning of integrated science and computing in junior secondary schools in Enugu North LGA, Enugu state.

2. Determine the elements influencing the use of instructional materials in the teaching and learning of integrated science and computing

3. To identify potential solutions or techniques for increasing the usage of instructional materials in integrated science and computer education.

Significance of the Study

The conclusions of this study on students’ interest in using instructional materials are meant to benefit both students, teachers, schools, and the government.

1. It emphasises the value of instructional materials, which will help students better understand the teachings.

2. The knowledge from this research will assist teachers in carrying out their tasks with ease, as opposed to the chalk and talk method, in which the teacher spends the entire time attempting to get the students to understand what is being taught.

3. The information from this research will enable the school administrators to determine the availability of instructional materials for teaching integrated science and computer and the extent to which they are being utilised in promoting the new emphases on teaching integrated science and computer in junior secondary schools in Enugu North. L.G.A, Enugu State

4. The research findings will also assist the bodies tasked with developing educational policies and monitoring the progress of the planned educational evolution to ensure that instructional materials are supplied and bottlenecks are removed in time to facilitate the effective implementation of this National policy on education with regard to teaching integrated science and computer.


This study aims to provide answers to the following:

1. To what extent are these instructional materials fully utilised in teaching and learning integrated science and computer in junior secondary in Enugu North L.G.A.?

2. What factors influence the utilisation of instructional materials in teaching and learning integrated science and computer in junior secondary school in Enugu North L.G.A.?

3. What are the feasible solutions or tactics to fully expand the use of instructional materials?

There is no significant difference in mean achievement (p<0.05) between students who are taught with instructional materials and those who are not.

Because of the vast number of students in the junior secondary sector in Enugu state, the study is limited to the Enugu North Local Government Area.

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