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Factors Associated With Mass Failure Of Student In English Language In Secondary Schools

Factors Associated With Mass Failure Of Student In English Language In Secondary Schools

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Factors Associated With Mass Failure Of Student In English Language In Secondary Schools


This study focused on the factors that contribute to widespread English language failure among secondary school pupils in Nsukka L.G.A, Enugu State. Using basic random selection procedures, the researchers selected 128 pupils and 50 teachers from nine state-owned secondary schools in Enugu State.

Questionnaires were utilised to gather information from respondents–teachers and students–about the issues connected with the widespread failure of secondary school pupils in English language in WAEC examinations.

The questionnaire items included the English teachers’ qualifications and experience, the techniques they employ to teach the subject, the materials accessible to them for use in teaching the subject, the impact of the vernacular language on student acquisition of the subject, and the home environment.
Mean scores were utilised to answer study questions when analysing acquired data.

The results showed, among other things, that the teachers’ knowledge of teaching the topic is not frequently updated, and that there is an absence of teaching facilities in majority of the schools, while vernacular language and home environment have negative impacts on the children.

The findings, recommendations, and implications were discussed. This was followed by suggestions for further research, a summary of the findings, and a conclusion.

Chapter one

1.1 Statement of Problem

In recent years, students’ performance in junior secondary school topics may have received insufficient attention. This neglect has undoubtedly consigned these junior courses to the background of our junior secondary certificate test.

A detailed examination of the 2004/2008 JSSCE result records reveals that students’ overall performance has been quite bad, and the increased number of school dropouts in the area of study is a clear indication of the theme.

Poor performance is caused by a variety of factors, including students’ ineffective study techniques, teacher quality and teaching methods, parents’ inability to provide useful materials such as textbooks, exercise books, and school fees, and a lack of instructional materials for teaching and learning English in schools.

In light of these philosophical causes, this study is primarily meant to analyse the factors associated with widespread English language failure in junior secondary school certificate examinations in Enugu State’s Igbo-Etiti Local Government Area.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The primary goal of this research is to identify the factors related with widespread failure of English language in junior secondary school certificate examinations.

The researchers aimed to identify factors contributing to English language failure in junior secondary school certificate exams. Specifically, the study investigated whether there are enough qualified English language teachers and instructional materials for teaching English.

2. The kids’ socioeconomic background influences their ability to study English.

3. Students’ attitudes and interests in the nature of the English language contribute significantly to their widespread failure in the JSSCE, particularly in English.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The student will understand the value of effective domains such as interest and motivation in boosting their performance. With this awareness, the student may have a positive attitude towards the English language, so improving their performance and achieving higher scores in the junior secondary school certificate test.

Teachers will also be able to adapt their teaching approaches and provide remedial assistance if they notice students displaying a negative attitude.

The state government will also recognise the need for advice and counselling in all schools, as well as the ministry of education and curriculum designers, in order to better organise junior subjects in education.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The purpose of this study was to identify the elements that contribute to widespread failure of English in junior secondary school certificate examinations in Enugu State’s Igbo-Etiti Local Government Area.

Due to military constraints such as time and resources, as well as the trouble of dealing with a vast scope, the researchers concentrated solely on junior English language.

1.5 Research for the Study

To conduct a thorough investigation of the research, the following research question will drive the study:

1. Are there enough trained English language teachers and instructional materials to teach the English language?

2. How does the pupils’ socioeconomic background affect their ability to study English?

3. Does students’ poor attitude and lack of interest in the essence of the English language contribute significantly to their widespread failure in JSSCE, particularly in English language?

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