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Factors Contributing To Adherence To Treatment Regimen Among Older Residents

Factors Contributing To Adherence To Treatment Regimen Among Older Residents

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Factors Contributing To Adherence To Treatment Regimen Among Older Residents

Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of Study

Medication adherence has long been an issue for elderly individuals. Because the elderly are more likely to have several comorbidities, they are at a higher risk of polypharmacy and, as a result, may have a larger risk of drug nonadherence than the younger population.

Nonadherence to medication reduces treatment effectiveness and increases medical costs. Medication adherence can be assessed using a variety of methods, including patient surveys, self-reports, pill counts, clinical response assessments, physiological marker measurements, and patient diaries.

prescription adherence refers to how well a person’s behaviour matches the agreed-upon prescription schedule from a health care practitioner. Ramanath KV, Balaji. (2003). An elderly patient is described as someone who is 65 years or older. Adherence is a complex phenomenon that differs from population to population.

Age, gender, socioeconomic status and disease severity, complexity of prescribed medications, social acceptance, poor patient-related relationships, cost, forgetfulness, and the presence of psychological problems have all been shown to influence adherence in various populations.

Saleem F, Hassali M. (2002). Medication non-adherence is a complicated problem that contributes to critical medical and public health issues such as poor therapeutic outcomes, higher hospitalisation rates, and higher health care costs.

Ramanath KV, Balaji. (2003). It is usual for older patients to be treated for multiple health issues at the same time, which can lead to a complex pharmaceutical regimen.

Polypharmacy, defined as the simultaneous and continuous use of many medications, not only carries pharmacological hazards, but also predisposes people who engage in it to low adherence.

Many variables can influence medication adherence in the elderly, including confusing instructions, insufficient patient education, a lack of patient involvement in the treatment plan, pharmaceutical expense, side effects, and the complexity of the dose schedule.

Many studies have found that the majority of the elderly do not take their medications on time or in the correct amount due to complicating factors such as the number of medications prescribed and the number of providers seen for multiple health problems

as well as other physical and cognitive challenges that the elderly face. A lack of understanding of their conditions and the role medicines play in their long-term care can lead to purposeful drug noncompliance.

Strong data suggests that older adults with chronic illnesses have difficulties sticking to their prescribed medication regimen. To enhance medicine adherence, the multifactorial causes of poor adherence must be identified.

The multifaceted nature of poor medication adherence indicates that only a persistent, coordinated effort will assure excellent medication adherence and the full advantages of current treatments. The goal of our study is to determine the characteristics that influence treatment adherence among older patients in Ughelli.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In medication, adherence to treatment regimen matters a lot, most especially with the older residents, but most of the time it is challenging to observe that most older residents do not adhere to the treatment, which might be as a result of the cost of continuing the treatment, and sometimes they don’t adhere because the severity of the sickness has been reduced

and some could be that they cannot follow the instructions (might have forgotten or illiterate ones that cannot read or write Finally, while various studies have been conducted on the impact of non-adherence to medication, none have been conducted on the factors influencing the treatment regimen among elderly inhabitants in Ughelli.

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study

The primary goal of the study is to identify the characteristics that influence adherence to treatment regimens among elderly people. Other specific objectives of the study include:

1. To identify the characteristics that influence treatment adherence among senior residents of Ughelli.

2. Determine the effect of treatment adherence among senior residents of Ughelli.

3. Determine the extent to which non-adherence to treatment regimens affects senior residents of Ughelli.

4. To suggest viable remedies to the challenges.


1. What factors influence treatment adherence among Ughelli’s senior residents?

2 What is the impact of treatment adherence among Ughelli’s elderly residents?

3 How much does non-adherence to treatment regimen effect senior residents in Ughelli?

4 What are some feasible solutions to the problems?

1.5 Statement of Research Hypothesis

H0: Adherence to the treatment regimen has no meaningful impact on senior residents.

H1: Adherence to the treatment regimen has a substantial impact on elderly people.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study on the factors that influence adherence to treatment regimen among senior people will be extremely beneficial to the entire elderly population in Ughelli since it will educate them on the consequences of not following the treatment recommendations.

To avoid misunderstandings, the study will allow carers or medical experts to interpret in a language that elder residents understand. Finally, the study will add to the corpus of existing literature and expertise in this field of study, establishing a foundation for future research.


The study on the characteristics that influence adherence to treatment regimens among senior people is limited to Ughelli.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

Financial constraints- Insufficient funds tend to restrict the researcher’s efficiency in accessing relevant resources, literature, or information, as well as in data collecting (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

Time constraints: The researcher will conduct this investigation while also working on other academic projects. This will reduce the amount of time spent on research.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Adherence The act of performing anything in accordance with a specific regulation, norm, agreement, etc.

Regimen A medical treatment, diet, or exercise regimen advised to maintain or improve health.

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