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Effective management can be defined as the proper coordination and utilization of all available resources in order to achieve the best possible results within the system. As a result, the issues associated with effective management of public secondary schools in Edo state’s Esan West local government area are critical. This is due to the establishment of a public secondary school in the area.

According to philosophers, tomorrow’s success is determined by today’s performance, so a well-lived day makes every tomorrow a time of hope. Furthermore, a review of the government’s intention to establish public secondary schools reveals that it is the intention of federal state education to be a common social good received by Nigeria. In other words, public secondary schools exist to provide equal educational opportunity and to prevent poverty among the people.

Furthermore, if these human resources are well motivated, they will produce the necessary scientists and technologists to help this country in various fields such as banking, industries, agriculture, and so on. Because of the following effective management in public school, all of their aspirations fail. Particularly in Edo state’s Esan West local government area. The government’s objectives, as stated in the national education policy of 2004, are as follows.

1. Raising citizens’ national consciousness and unity.

2. To instill for the individual’s and society’s overall survival.

3. The acquisition of appropriate skills, abilities, and competence as material and physical equipment for the individual to live and contributes to the development of societies.

4. To train the mind to understand the world around it.

It is impossible to overstate the importance of a land fall of opportunities for its citizens capable of generating a great and dynamic economy and growing into a limited strong and self-sufficient nation. As a result of the study of the public secondary school in Esan West local government area of Edo state and the determination of the extent to which this is being achieved, all other agencies will work hand in hand with government secondary schools to fully realize the potentials of public secondary schools in achieving the objectives of the national policy on education.

According to Farrant (1980), management is concerned with the control of resources and processes in a manufacturing operation. Good management necessitates the most efficient use of resources while maintaining a high level of product quality.

According to Nwankwo (1987), management is the careful and systematic arrangement and use of resources, (human and material) situation, and opportunities for the achievement of a given organization’s specific goal, such as an educational organization. Whawo (1993) defined education management as the process of mobilizing human and material resources within a school for effective teaching and leaving in order to achieve the school’s goals.

In more specific terms, management or education management is the careful and systematic harnessing of educational resources such as human, materials, time, curriculum, and finance for the effective implementation of academic plans within a school system and the actualization of goals, such as classroom management, because the teacher is in a position to guide, direct, control, organism plan the students, and coordinate all activities in the classroom, including the human.

It demonstrates that the public secondary school in Esan West Local Government Area’s goals are not being met due to teachers’ failure to perform their duties as classroom managers. According to Farrant (1980), the teacher as manager should be able to identify areas where the process is inefficient or at risk of failing. He must be able to correct whatever is wrong without disturbing anyone other than the people directly involved.

With experience, he will be able to anticipate trouble and take appropriate action to prevent it. Effective management necessitates a variety of skills, some of which are technical in nature, while others are related to relationship prevention. Principals and teachers must train all of them and know when and how to apply them. These abilities are;

1. Developing a study-related learning and teaching program.

2. Making decisions about resources and teaching strategies

3. Coordination of classroom learning with learning from other sources.

4. Organizing routine matters and pupil students’ learning activities.

According to Olaitan (1985), any achievement that aspires to a national goal necessitates the presence of a teacher with the necessary skills. This is because teachers serve as the focal point for all educational activities.


The general public perceives public secondary schools as underfunded institutions. It is one of the major issues with public secondary schools. The financial state requirement for the educational system is to fulfill the goals for teaching. In most cases, funds are not forthcoming because financial resources in federal, state, and local government levels are limited.

Second, it is obvious that inadequate teaching facilities exist in public schools; this inadequacy frequently contributes to teachers’ and students’ poor academic performance at both the local and state levels. It is important to note that the same schools that have learning facilities also lack trained teaching personnel to guide the concert in their learning activities.

The consequences of staffing schools with inexperienced teachers have done more harm than good, particularly in public schools in Esan West LGA. This is also a determining factor in the success or failure of education to the needs of the country or society.

According to Toyin Akambi (1983), an examination body recognized inspector, the highest concentration is on ragout on the schools program under the program of studies, the inspector looked into the qualification, capabilities of teaching personnel scheme and record of work in each subject work coverage internal and external examination papers, other aspects looked into are physical facilities required for the various disciplines and textbooks in use. They discovered that the science subject suffered greatly as a result of a lack of teaching aids and teacher movement, and they sometimes bluntly referred to teaching and transfer to village schools.


The following research questions were posed to guide the study based on the statement of problems.

1. What are the factors working against the administration of a public secondary school in Esan West Local Government Area?

2. The staff of public schools in Esan West Local Government Area are insufficiently qualified to manage them effectively.

3. Are parents and communities generally barred from contributing their quota to the effective management of public secondary schools?

4. Is the school curriculum adequate for effective administration of public secondary schools?

5. What can be done to improve the effective management of public secondary schools in Edo State’s Esan West Local Government Area?


The study is being conducted to investigate the factors that work against effective management of public secondary schools in Edo State’s Esan West Local Government Area. The study will also make recommendations to help alleviate public school management issues in Esan West Local Government Area.


This research project will be extremely beneficial to people from all walks of life. It will go a long way toward assisting various organizations, both private and public, in the management of both their human and material resources. It will highlight the benefits of staffing a school with qualified teachers rather than simply hiring anyone as a teacher, particularly in public secondary schools.

The project work will also educate members of the public about the importance of their assistance or quota in standardizing public schools in Esan West. It reveals what needs to be done to improve or bring about effective school management. The project will reveal its school curriculum, which will be adequate for the effective administration of public secondary schools.



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