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1.0 Background of The Study

It is increasingly typical in many Nigerian organisations to find staff sleeping on their tables or gossiping in their desks while there is a mountain of work to be done. Furthermore, it is a frequent saying among workers in most Nigerian businesses nowadays that ”government work is not anybody’s work,” implying that no one should take government employment seriously.

Most Nigerian personnel in most Federal Government establishments have a negative attitude towards their jobs. Nigerian Telecommunications, the Nigerian Airports Authority, and the now-defunct Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) are examples of Federal Government parastatals.

Most Nigerian workers’ devotion to their jobs has deteriorated in recent years as compared to their performance in previous years. People nowadays refuse to work for pay, preferring to delay work in order to complete it on time in order to work overtime and earn more money.

Even when they labour, they do it with little regard for the quality of their output or the profitability of the business in question. Some of these workers go so far as to collect earnings and salary for which they do not work. This is referred to as “paying ghost workers.”

Workers’ poor performance led to them setting their own goals that contradicted the cooperative’s objectives. Some PHCN employees, for example, go so far as to unlawfully connect and disconnect people’s electrical supplies in order to collect money from the affected consumers,

which they then put into their own wallets rather than paying such money into their establishment’s account. Some people sell company equipment to individuals in order to generate extra money. Some do issue fake electricity bills to their customers in order to collect payment when it is made.

Statement of the Problem

It is clear that a satisfactory ultimate production of workers will be represented in the establishment’s strength results. As a result, poor workers invariably provide low work output. Nigerians’ attitudes about their work have a significant impact on the quality of their work.

As a result, one could ponder what could be causing this work mindset. This research is thus intended to provide answers to this question and, as a result,

to provide explanations for facts concerning the poor performance of government-owned parastatals/establishments in Nigeria. It will offer information on the following topics as they relate to the performance of the government parastatal under consideration:

(i) Organisational behaviour is influenced by elements such as people structure, technology, and work environment.

(ii).A maintenance culture that ensures the continuing usage of resources and equipment such as plants and power supplies.

(iii) A scarcity of spare components.

(iv).Inadequate funding.

(v)Inadequately trained personnel.

1.2 Objectives of The Study

The goal of this study is to delve deeply into the causes or factors affecting government-owned parastatals and their consequences, utilising Power Holding Company of Nigeria as a case study. The following are the study’s specific objectives:

(i) To identify elements that have a detrimental impact on PHCN performance.

(ii).To expose workers’ poor behaviour that has an impact on PHCN

(iii).Evaluate issues that have a negative impact on worker performance.

(iv).Determine the employer’s motivations.

(v)Recommend relevant measures to improve the performance of government-owned parastatals.1.3Research Issues

The research will aim to answer the following questions.

1.Does vandalism of PHCN equipment and installation have an impact on its efficiency?

2.Did the expense of maintenance have an impact on PHCN’s efficiency?

3.Did the corporation’s efficiency suffer as a result of bad financing?

4.Was the PHCN’s staffing adequate to offer efficient service?

5.What are the main issues with PHCN?

6.What are the factors of poor workplace performance?

7.Are the various categories of PHCN staff carrying out their responsibilities effectively?

8.Does motivation have any bearing on success at PHCN?

1.4 Significance of the Research

The research would benefit all service businesses, particularly Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), and their employees because it emphasises the need for and encourages the adoption of policy guidelines on efficient and successful workplace performance.

It will assist managers of various organisations in generating ideas and problem solutions based on the best technique to ensure quality performance at work in order to reach desired goals and objectives.

It will also benefit small enterprises, huge corporations, universities, community colleges, and the government. It will also assist researchers in learning more about the reasons of bad performance and remedies to poor performance at work.

Finally, it will be very useful to students as a reference and will also serve as the foundation for additional research inquiry.

1.5 Scope and Limitations of The Study

The study will be limited to appraising the causes of poor performance at work using (PHCN) as a case study for the purposes of this research endeavour. This research will be limited to determining the causes of poor corporate performance and the significance of motivation for work performance.

Additionally, personnel selection and placement practices will be evaluated, as will solutions to recognised bad performance and suggestions for ways to improve performance at Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN). Another significant limitation in carrying out this investigation successfully and efficiently.

Among these are the non-disclosure of information and the uncooperative attitude of the majority of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria staff in responding to some of the queries. As a parastatal, there is always a concern of disclosing information to the public; as a result, critical information was not easily available.

Another issue was one of financing. As a student, the researcher was severely constrained in his or her ability to move from place to place and to the organisation under study in order to gather the necessary information.

This was difficult and time-consuming due to the high cost of transportation and the risk involved in attempting to contact the crew on the road. The personnel appeared to disregard appointment times at times. However, a reasonable amount of money was invested in order to achieve the study objectives.

1.6 Definition of Terms

According to Charles Ray and Charles Elson (1984), motivation is an internal energise capable of driving one’s actions in a specific direction that the person believes will lead to. Motivation can also be described as the stimulus that causes a person to conduct in a certain way.

Leadership is the managerial ability to achieve collective goals by collaborating with others.

Hydroelectric power: Electricity generated by generators powered by hydraulic turbines. The turbines are situated in dams that impound the stream flow, generating reservoirs that can be utilised for recreation of water supply power.

Thermal electricity power: Electricity generated by the combustion of any available fuel or by nuclear energy.

Productivity is a term used in economics to describe how well or efficiently an economy’s resources are employed in the manufacturing process. The amount to which a given economy has reached its full potential and the extent to which it is expanding that potential is determined by the productivity component.

Current: Electricity flowing through and along a wire or cable.

A transformer is a device that increases or decreases the voltage of an electrical circuit.

electrical power supply.

Fluctuation: Unusual movement, up and down.

Fluorescent: absorbs radiation and emits it in the form of light.

Sinecure: A position that provides credit or remuneration but does not require work or responsibility.

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