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Factors That Are Militating Against Effective Teaching And Learning Of Subjects In Secondary School Students

Factors That Are Militating Against Effective Teaching And Learning Of Subjects In Secondary School Students

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Factors That Are Militating Against Effective Teaching And Learning Of Subjects In Secondary School Students


Teaching is a series of events that occur outside of the learners and are intended to help the internal process of learning or the process by which knowledge, frequently education training, is transmitted. Learning is about transformation, such as developing a new skill, grasping a scientific law, or altering one’s mindset.

Education is an essential instrument for empowerment and long-term development for both individuals and governments. This is one of the key philosophical goals that education aims to attain, as stated in national education policy (FRN 2004).

Education is seen as a vital instrument for freeing a man from the clutches of ignorance. UBE (2002) identifies several poverty indicators that education addresses, including ignorance, hunger, need, complicated and social fragility.

Education should ensure the development of sterling characteristics and talents that will enable one to embrace the challenge of leadership and practical statesmanship in the affairs of Nigeria.

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